Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From Camera2 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static String imageFormatToString(int imageFormat)
    switch (imageFormat)
        case ImageFormat.JPEG:
            return "JPEG";
        case ImageFormat.NV16:
            return "NV16";
        case ImageFormat.NV21:
            return "NV21";
        case ImageFormat.RAW10:
            return "RAW10";
        case ImageFormat.RAW_SENSOR:
            return "RAW_SENSOR";
        case ImageFormat.RGB_565:
            return "RGB_565";
        case ImageFormat.UNKNOWN:
            return "UNKNOWN";
        case ImageFormat.YUV_420_888:
            return "YUV_420_888";
        case ImageFormat.YUY2:
            return "YUY2";
        case ImageFormat.YV12:
            return "YV12";
    return Integer.toString(imageFormat);
Example 2
Source File:    From libcommon with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * 対応する映像フォーマットをlogCatへ出力する
 * @param params
public static void dumpSupportedPictureFormats(@NonNull final Camera.Parameters params) {
	final List<Integer> formats = params.getSupportedPictureFormats();
	for (final int format: formats) {
		switch (format) {
		case ImageFormat.DEPTH16:			Log.i(TAG, "supported: DEPTH16"); break;
		case ImageFormat.DEPTH_POINT_CLOUD:	Log.i(TAG, "supported: DEPTH_POINT_CLOUD"); break;
		case ImageFormat.FLEX_RGBA_8888:	Log.i(TAG, "supported: FLEX_RGBA_8888"); break;
		case ImageFormat.FLEX_RGB_888:		Log.i(TAG, "supported: FLEX_RGB_888"); break;
		case ImageFormat.JPEG:				Log.i(TAG, "supported: JPEG"); break;
		case ImageFormat.NV16:				Log.i(TAG, "supported: NV16"); break;
		case ImageFormat.NV21:				Log.i(TAG, "supported: NV21"); break;
		case ImageFormat.PRIVATE:			Log.i(TAG, "supported: PRIVATE"); break;
		case ImageFormat.RAW10:				Log.i(TAG, "supported: RAW10"); break;
		case ImageFormat.RAW12:				Log.i(TAG, "supported: RAW12"); break;
		case ImageFormat.RAW_PRIVATE:		Log.i(TAG, "supported: RAW_PRIVATE"); break;
		case ImageFormat.RAW_SENSOR:		Log.i(TAG, "supported: RAW_SENSOR"); break;
		case ImageFormat.RGB_565:			Log.i(TAG, "supported: RGB_565"); break;
		case ImageFormat.UNKNOWN:			Log.i(TAG, "supported: UNKNOWN"); break;
		case ImageFormat.YUV_420_888:		Log.i(TAG, "supported: YUV_420_888"); break;
		case ImageFormat.YUV_422_888:		Log.i(TAG, "supported: YUV_422_888"); break;
		case ImageFormat.YUV_444_888:		Log.i(TAG, "supported: YUV_444_888"); break;
		case ImageFormat.YUY2:				Log.i(TAG, "supported: YUY2"); break;
		case ImageFormat.YV12:				Log.i(TAG, "supported: YV12"); break;
			Log.i(TAG, String.format("supported: unknown, %08x", format));
Example 3
Source File:    From android_9.0.0_r45 with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private String formatToString(int format) {
    switch (format) {
        case ImageFormat.YV12:
            return "YV12";
        case ImageFormat.YUV_420_888:
            return "YUV_420_888";
        case ImageFormat.NV21:
            return "NV21";
        case ImageFormat.NV16:
            return "NV16";
        case PixelFormat.RGB_565:
            return "RGB_565";
        case PixelFormat.RGBA_8888:
            return "RGBA_8888";
        case PixelFormat.RGBX_8888:
            return "RGBX_8888";
        case PixelFormat.RGB_888:
            return "RGB_888";
        case ImageFormat.JPEG:
            return "JPEG";
        case ImageFormat.YUY2:
            return "YUY2";
        case ImageFormat.Y8:
            return "Y8";
        case ImageFormat.Y16:
            return "Y16";
        case ImageFormat.RAW_SENSOR:
            return "RAW_SENSOR";
        case ImageFormat.RAW_PRIVATE:
            return "RAW_PRIVATE";
        case ImageFormat.RAW10:
            return "RAW10";
        case ImageFormat.DEPTH16:
            return "DEPTH16";
        case ImageFormat.DEPTH_POINT_CLOUD:
            return "DEPTH_POINT_CLOUD";
        case ImageFormat.RAW_DEPTH:
            return "RAW_DEPTH";
        case ImageFormat.PRIVATE:
            return "PRIVATE";
            return "UNKNOWN";
Example 4
Source File:    From libsoftwaresync with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void processStill(final Frame frame, String basename) {
  File captureDir = new File(context.getExternalFilesDir(null), basename);
  if (!captureDir.exists() && !captureDir.mkdirs()) {
    throw new IllegalStateException("Could not create dir " + captureDir);
  // Timestamp in local domain ie. time since boot in nanoseconds.
  long localSensorTimestampNs = frame.result.get(CaptureResult.SENSOR_TIMESTAMP);
  // Timestamp in leader domain ie. synchronized time on leader device in nanoseconds.
  long syncedSensorTimestampNs =
  // Use syncedSensorTimestamp in milliseconds for filenames.
  long syncedSensorTimestampMs = (long) TimeUtils.nanosToMillis(syncedSensorTimestampNs);
  String filenameTimeString = getTimeStr(syncedSensorTimestampMs);

  // Save timing metadata.
    String metaFilename = "sync_metadata_" + filenameTimeString + ".txt";
    File metaFile = new File(captureDir, metaFilename);
    saveTimingMetadata(syncedSensorTimestampNs, localSensorTimestampNs, metaFile);

  for (int i = 0; i < frame.output.images.size(); ++i) {
    Image image = frame.output.images.get(i);
    int format = image.getFormat();
    if (format == ImageFormat.RAW_SENSOR) {
      // Note: while using DngCreator works, streaming RAW_SENSOR is too slow.
      Log.e(TAG, "RAW_SENSOR saving not implemented!");
    } else if (format == ImageFormat.JPEG) {
      Log.e(TAG, "JPEG saving not implemented!");
    } else if (format == ImageFormat.RAW10) {
      Log.e(TAG, "RAW10 saving not implemented!");
    } else if (format == ImageFormat.YUV_420_888) {
      // TODO(jiawen): We know that on Pixel devices, the YUV format is NV21, consisting of a luma
      // plane and separate interleaved chroma planes.
      //     <--w-->
      // ^   YYYYYYYZZZ
      // |   YYYYYYYZZZ
      // h   ...
      // |   ...
      // v   YYYYYYYZZZ
      //     <--w-->
      // ^   VUVUVUVZZZZZ
      // |   VUVUVUVZZZZZ
      // h/2 ...
      // |   ...
      // v   VUVUVUVZZZZZ
      // where Z is padding bytes.
      // TODO(jiawen): To determine if it's NV12 vs NV21, we need JNI to compare the buffer start
      // addresses.

      context.notifyCapturing("img_" + filenameTimeString);

      // Save NV21 raw + metadata.
        File nv21File = new File(captureDir, "img_" + filenameTimeString + ".nv21");
        File nv21MetadataFile =
            new File(captureDir, "nv21_metadata_" + filenameTimeString + ".txt");
        saveNv21(image, nv21File, nv21MetadataFile);

      // TODO(samansari): Make save JPEG a checkbox in the UI.
      if (saveJpgFromNv21) {
        YuvImage yuvImage = yuvImageFromNv21Image(image);
        File jpgFile = new File(captureDir, "img_" + filenameTimeString + ".jpg");

        // Push saving JPEG onto queue to let the frame close faster, necessary for some devices. -> saveJpg(yuvImage, jpgFile));
    } else {
      Log.e(TAG, String.format("Cannot save unsupported image format: %d", image.getFormat()));

Example 5
Source File:    From MobileInfo with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static String getFormat(int format) {
    switch (format) {
        case ImageFormat.DEPTH16:
            return "DEPTH16";
        case ImageFormat.DEPTH_POINT_CLOUD:
            return "DEPTH_POINT_CLOUD";
        case ImageFormat.FLEX_RGBA_8888:
            return "FLEX_RGBA_8888";
        case ImageFormat.FLEX_RGB_888:
            return "FLEX_RGB_888";
        case ImageFormat.JPEG:
            return "JPEG";
        case ImageFormat.NV16:
            return "NV16";
        case ImageFormat.NV21:
            return "NV21";
        case ImageFormat.PRIVATE:
            return "PRIVATE";
        case ImageFormat.RAW10:
            return "RAW10";
        case ImageFormat.RAW12:
            return "RAW12";
        case ImageFormat.RAW_PRIVATE:
            return "RAW_PRIVATE";
        case ImageFormat.RAW_SENSOR:
            return "RAW_SENSOR";
        case ImageFormat.RGB_565:
            return "RGB_565";
        case ImageFormat.YUV_420_888:
            return "YUV_420_888";
        case ImageFormat.YUV_422_888:
            return "YUV_422_888";
        case ImageFormat.YUV_444_888:
            return "YUV_444_888";
        case ImageFormat.YUY2:
            return "YUY2";
        case ImageFormat.YV12:
            return "YV12";
            return UNKNOWN + "-" + format;
Example 6
Source File:    From FastBarcodeScanner with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private String formatFormat(int imageFormat)
    switch (imageFormat)
        case ImageFormat.UNKNOWN:
            return "UNKNOWN";
        case ImageFormat.NV21:
            return "NV21";
        case ImageFormat.NV16:
            return "NV16";
        case ImageFormat.YV12:
            return "YV12";
        case ImageFormat.YUY2:
            return "YUY2";
        case ImageFormat.YUV_420_888:
            return "YUV_420_888";
        case ImageFormat.YUV_422_888:
            return "YUV_422_888";
        case ImageFormat.YUV_444_888:
            return "YUV_444_888";
        case ImageFormat.FLEX_RGB_888:
            return "FLEX_RGB_888";
        case ImageFormat.FLEX_RGBA_8888:
            return "FLEX_RGBA_8888";
        case ImageFormat.JPEG:
            return "JPEG";
        case ImageFormat.RGB_565:
            return "RGB_565";
        case ImageFormat.RAW_SENSOR:
            return "RAW_SENSOR";
        case ImageFormat.RAW10:
            return "RAW10";
        case ImageFormat.RAW12:
            return "RAW12";
        case ImageFormat.DEPTH16:
            return "DEPTH16";
        case ImageFormat.DEPTH_POINT_CLOUD:
            return "DEPTH_POINT_CLOUD";
        //case ImageFormat.Y8:
        //case ImageFormat.Y16:


    return "" + imageFormat;
Example 7
Source File:    From FastBarcodeScanner with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static double getFormatCost(int format) {
    switch (format) {
        case ImageFormat.UNKNOWN:
            return 1.0;
        case ImageFormat.NV21:
            return 0.8;
        case ImageFormat.NV16:
            // This format has never been seen in the wild, but is compatible as we only care
            // about the Y channel, so allow it.
            return 0.8;
        case ImageFormat.YV12:
        case ImageFormat.YUY2:
        case ImageFormat.YUV_420_888:
            return 0.5; // pure guesswork - but it IS faster than JPEG
        case ImageFormat.YUV_422_888:
            // only varies from yuv_420_888 in chroma-subsampling, which I'm guessing
            // doesn't affect the luminance much
            // (see
            return 0.5;
        case ImageFormat.YUV_444_888:
            // only varies from yuv_420_888 in chroma-subsampling, which I'm guessing
            // doesn't affect the luminance much
            // (see
            return 0.5;
        case ImageFormat.FLEX_RGB_888:
        case ImageFormat.FLEX_RGBA_8888:
        case ImageFormat.RGB_565:
            return 0.8; // pure guesswork
        case ImageFormat.JPEG:
            return 1.0; // duh...?
        case ImageFormat.RAW_SENSOR:
        case ImageFormat.RAW10:
        case ImageFormat.RAW12:
            return 0.4; // pure guesswork - but any RAW format must be optimal (wrt capture speed)?
        case ImageFormat.DEPTH16:
        case ImageFormat.DEPTH_POINT_CLOUD:
            return 1.5; // sound terribly complicated - but I'm just guessing....

    return 1.0;
Example 8
Source File:    From FastBarcodeScanner with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static byte[] ToJpeg(byte[] imageData, int imageFormat, int width, int height)
    if (imageData == null)
        return null;

    switch (imageFormat)
        case ImageFormat.NV21:
        case ImageFormat.YUY2:
            YuvImage img = new YuvImage(imageData, imageFormat, width, height, null);
            ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            int quality = 20; //set quality
            img.compressToJpeg(new Rect(0, 0, width, height), quality, baos);//this line decreases the image quality
            return baos.toByteArray();
        case ImageFormat.YUV_420_888:
            return JpegFromYuv420888(imageData, imageFormat, width, height);

        case ImageFormat.UNKNOWN:
            return null;
        case ImageFormat.NV16:
            // Source:
            // This format has never been seen in the wild, but is compatible as we only care
            // about the Y channel, so allow it.
        case ImageFormat.YV12:
            // source:
        case ImageFormat.YUV_422_888:
            // only varies from yuv_420_888 in chroma-subsampling, which I'm guessing
            // doesn't affect the luminance much
            // (see
        case ImageFormat.YUV_444_888:
            // only varies from yuv_420_888 in chroma-subsampling, which I'm guessing
            // doesn't affect the luminance much
            // (see
            return null;//new PlanarYUVLuminanceSource(data, width, height, 0, 0, width, height, false);
        case ImageFormat.FLEX_RGB_888:
        case ImageFormat.FLEX_RGBA_8888:
            return null;//new RGBLuminanceSource(width, height, uncompress(data, width, height));// PlanarYUVLuminanceSource(bytes, width, height, 0, 0, width, height, false);
        case ImageFormat.JPEG:
            // Tried and tested myself
            return null;//new RGBLuminanceSource(width, height, uncompress(data, width, height));// PlanarYUVLuminanceSource(bytes, width, height, 0, 0, width, height, false);
        case ImageFormat.RGB_565:
            return null;//new RGB565(width, height, uncompress(data, width, height));// PlanarYUVLuminanceSource(bytes, width, height, 0, 0, width, height, false);
        case ImageFormat.RAW_SENSOR:
        case ImageFormat.RAW10:
        case ImageFormat.RAW12:
        case ImageFormat.DEPTH16:
        case ImageFormat.DEPTH_POINT_CLOUD:
            return null;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No support for image format " + imageFormat);