typescript#Program TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use typescript#Program. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: api-extractor.ts    From backstage with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
ApiReportGenerator.generateReviewFileContent =
  function decoratedGenerateReviewFileContent(collector, ...moreArgs) {
    const program = collector.program as Program;

    // The purpose of this override is to allow the @ignore tag to be used to ignore warnings
    // of the form "Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "FooBar" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts"
      (messages: ExtractorMessage[]) => {
        return messages.filter(message => {
          if (message.messageId !== 'ae-forgotten-export') {
            return true;

          // Symbol name has to be extracted from the message :(
          // There's frequently no AST for these exports because type literals
          // aren't traversed by the generator.
          const symbolMatch = message.text.match(/The symbol "([^"]+)"/);
          if (!symbolMatch) {
            throw new Error(
              `Failed to extract symbol name from message "${message.text}"`,
          const [, symbolName] = symbolMatch;

          const sourceFile = program.getSourceFile(message.sourceFilePath);
          if (!sourceFile) {
            throw new Error(
              `Failed to find source file in program at path "${message.sourceFilePath}"`,

          // The local name of the symbol within the file, rather than the exported name
          const localName = (sourceFile as any).identifiers?.get(symbolName);
          if (!localName) {
            throw new Error(
              `Unable to find local name of "${symbolName}" in ${sourceFile.fileName}`,

          // The local AST node of the export that we're missing
          const local = (sourceFile as any).locals?.get(localName);
          if (!local) {
            return true;

          // Use the type checker to look up the actual declaration(s) rather than the one in the local file
          const type = program.getTypeChecker().getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(local);
          if (!type) {
            throw new Error(
              `Unable to find type declaration of "${symbolName}" in ${sourceFile.fileName}`,
          const declarations = type.aliasSymbol?.declarations;
          if (!declarations || declarations.length === 0) {
            return true;

          // If any of the TSDoc comments contain a @ignore tag, we ignore this message
          const isIgnored = declarations.some(declaration => {
            const tags = [(declaration as any).jsDoc]
              .flatMap((tagNode: any) => tagNode.tags);

            return tags.some(tag => tag?.tagName.text === 'ignore');

          return !isIgnored;

    const content = originalGenerateReviewFileContent.call(
    return prettier.format(content, {
      parser: 'markdown',