slate#PathRef TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use slate#PathRef. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: with-angular.ts    From slate-angular with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
withAngular = <T extends Editor>(editor: T, clipboardFormatKey = 'x-slate-fragment') => {
  const e = editor as T & AngularEditor;
  const { apply, onChange, deleteBackward } = e;

  e.deleteBackward = unit => {
    if (unit !== 'line') {
      return deleteBackward(unit);

    if (editor.selection && Range.isCollapsed(editor.selection)) {
      const parentBlockEntry = Editor.above(editor, {
        match: n => Editor.isBlock(editor, n),
        at: editor.selection,

      if (parentBlockEntry) {
        const [, parentBlockPath] = parentBlockEntry;
        const parentElementRange = Editor.range(

        const currentLineRange = findCurrentLineRange(e, parentElementRange);

        if (!Range.isCollapsed(currentLineRange)) {
          Transforms.delete(editor, { at: currentLineRange });

  e.apply = (op: Operation) => {
    const matches: [Path | PathRef, Key][] = [];

    switch (op.type) {
      case 'insert_text':
      case 'remove_text':
      case 'set_node': {
        for (const [node, path] of Editor.levels(e, { at: op.path })) {
          const key = AngularEditor.findKey(e, node);
          matches.push([path, key]);


      case 'insert_node':
      case 'remove_node':
      case 'merge_node':
      case 'split_node': {
        for (const [node, path] of Editor.levels(e, {
          at: Path.parent(op.path),
        })) {
          const key = AngularEditor.findKey(e, node);
          matches.push([path, key]);


      case 'move_node': {
        const commonPath = Path.common(Path.parent(op.path), Path.parent(op.newPath));
        for (const [node, path] of Editor.levels(e, { at: Path.parent(op.path) })) {
          const key = AngularEditor.findKey(e, node);
          matches.push([Editor.pathRef(editor, path), key]);
        for (const [node, path] of Editor.levels(e, { at: Path.parent(op.newPath) })) {
          if(path.length > commonPath.length){
            const key = AngularEditor.findKey(e, node);
            matches.push([Editor.pathRef(editor, path), key]);


    for (const [source, key] of matches) {
      const [node] = Editor.node(e, Path.isPath(source) ? source: source.current);
      NODE_TO_KEY.set(node, key);

  e.onChange = () => {
    const onContextChange = EDITOR_TO_ON_CHANGE.get(e);

    if (onContextChange) {


  e.setFragmentData = (data: Pick<DataTransfer, 'getData' | 'setData'>) => {
    const { selection } = e;

    if (!selection) {

    const [start, end] = Range.edges(selection);
    const startVoid = Editor.void(e, { at: start.path });
    const endVoid = Editor.void(e, { at: end.path });

    if (Range.isCollapsed(selection) && !startVoid) {

    // Create a fake selection so that we can add a Base64-encoded copy of the
    // fragment to the HTML, to decode on future pastes.
    const domRange = AngularEditor.toDOMRange(e, selection);
    let contents = domRange.cloneContents();
    let attach = contents.childNodes[0] as HTMLElement;

    // Make sure attach is non-empty, since empty nodes will not get copied.
    const contentsArray = Array.from(contents.children);
    contentsArray.forEach(node => {
      if (node.textContent && node.textContent.trim() !== '') {
        attach = node as HTMLElement;

    // COMPAT: If the end node is a void node, we need to move the end of the
    // range from the void node's spacer span, to the end of the void node's
    // content, since the spacer is before void's content in the DOM.
    if (endVoid) {
      const [voidNode] = endVoid;
      const r = domRange.cloneRange();
      const domNode = AngularEditor.toDOMNode(e, voidNode);
      contents = r.cloneContents();

    // COMPAT: If the start node is a void node, we need to attach the encoded
    // fragment to the void node's content node instead of the spacer, because
    // attaching it to empty `<div>/<span>` nodes will end up having it erased by
    // most browsers. (2018/04/27)
    if (startVoid) {
      attach = contents.querySelector('[data-slate-spacer]')! as HTMLElement;

    // Remove any zero-width space spans from the cloned DOM so that they don't
    // show up elsewhere when pasted.
      zw => {
        const isNewline = zw.getAttribute('data-slate-zero-width') === 'n';
        zw.textContent = isNewline ? '\n' : '';

    // Set a `data-slate-fragment` attribute on a non-empty node, so it shows up
    // in the HTML, and can be used for intra-Slate pasting. If it's a text
    // node, wrap it in a `<span>` so we have something to set an attribute on.
    if (isDOMText(attach)) {
      const span = attach.ownerDocument.createElement('span');
      // COMPAT: In Chrome and Safari, if we don't add the `white-space` style
      // then leading and trailing spaces will be ignored. (2017/09/21) = 'pre';
      attach = span;

    const fragment = e.getFragment();
    const stringObj = JSON.stringify(fragment);
    const encoded = window.btoa(encodeURIComponent(stringObj));
    attach.setAttribute('data-slate-fragment', encoded);
    data.setData(`application/${clipboardFormatKey}`, encoded);

    // Add the content to a <div> so that we can get its inner HTML.
    const div = contents.ownerDocument.createElement('div');
    div.setAttribute('hidden', 'true');
    data.setData('text/html', div.innerHTML);
    data.setData('text/plain', getPlainText(div));
    return data;

  e.deleteCutData = () => {
    const { selection } = editor;
    if (selection) {
      if (Range.isExpanded(selection)) {
      } else {
        const node = Node.parent(editor, selection.anchor.path);
        if (Editor.isVoid(editor, node)) {

  e.insertData = (data: DataTransfer) => {
    if (!e.insertFragmentData(data)) {

  e.insertFragmentData = (data: DataTransfer): boolean => {
     * Checking copied fragment from application/x-slate-fragment or data-slate-fragment
    const fragment =
      data.getData(`application/${clipboardFormatKey}`) ||

    if (fragment) {
      const decoded = decodeURIComponent(window.atob(fragment));
      const parsed = JSON.parse(decoded) as Node[];
      return true;
    return false;

  e.insertTextData = (data: DataTransfer): boolean => {
    const text = data.getData('text/plain');

    if (text) {
      const lines = text.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/);
      let split = false;

      for (const line of lines) {
        if (split) {
          Transforms.splitNodes(e, { always: true });

        split = true;
      return true;
    return false;

  e.onKeydown = () => { };

  e.onClick = () => { };

  e.isBlockCard = (element) => false;

  e.onError = (errorData: SlateError) => {
    if (errorData.nativeError) {
    } else {

  return e;