fs-extra#writeJSONSync TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use fs-extra#writeJSONSync. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: dotFolder.ts    From cli with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private ensureFileExists(orgId?: string) {
    const path = join(this.ownerFolder.path, DotFolderConfig.configName);
    if (!existsSync(path)) {
      const config = orgId
        ? {...this.defaultConfig, organization: orgId}
        : this.defaultConfig;
      writeJSONSync(path, config);
Example #2
Source File: project.ts    From cli with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private formatResourceFiles(dirPath = this.resourcePath) {
    const files = readdirSync(dirPath, {withFileTypes: true});
    files.forEach((file) => {
      const filePath = join(dirPath, file.name);
      if (file.isDirectory()) {
      if (file.isFile() && extname(filePath) === '.json') {
        const content = readJsonSync(filePath);
        writeJsonSync(filePath, content, Project.jsonFormat);
Example #3
Source File: project.ts    From cli with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public async compressResources() {
    let cachedManifest;
    try {
      cachedManifest = readJsonSync(this.resourceManifestPath, {
        throws: false,
      rmSync(this.resourceManifestPath, {force: true});
      await new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
        const outputStream = createWriteStream(this.temporaryZipPath);
        const archive = archiver('zip');

        outputStream.on('close', () => resolve());
        archive.on('error', (err) => reject(err));

        archive.directory(this.resourcePath, false);
      if (cachedManifest) {
        writeJsonSync(this.resourceManifestPath, cachedManifest);
      return this.temporaryZipPath;
    } catch (error) {
      if (cachedManifest) {
        writeJsonSync(this.resourceManifestPath, cachedManifest);
      CliUx.ux.error(error as string | Error);
Example #4
Source File: project.ts    From cli with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public writeResourcesManifest(orgId: string) {
    try {
      const manifestJson =
        readJsonSync(this.resourceManifestPath, {throws: false}) ?? {};
      writeJsonSync(this.resourceManifestPath, {...manifestJson, orgId});
    } catch (e: unknown) {
      // noop
Example #5
Source File: filesDiffProcessor.ts    From cli with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
export function recursiveDirectoryDiff(
  currentDir: string,
  nextDir: string,
  deleteMissingResources: boolean
) {
  const currentFilePaths = getAllFilesPath(currentDir);
  const nextFilePaths = getAllFilesPath(nextDir);

  nextFilePaths.forEach((filePath) => {
    const nextFileJson = readJsonSync(join(nextDir, filePath));
    let dataToWrite = nextFileJson;
    if (currentFilePaths.has(filePath)) {
      const currentFileJSON = readJsonSync(join(currentDir, filePath));
      dataToWrite = buildDiffedJson(
    writeJsonSync(join(currentDir, filePath), dataToWrite, defaultWriteOptions);

  if (deleteMissingResources) {
    currentFilePaths.forEach((filePath) => rmSync(join(currentDir, filePath)));
Example #6
Source File: snapshot.ts    From cli with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public saveDetailedReport(projectPath: string) {
    const pathToReport = join(
    writeJsonSync(pathToReport, this.latestReport, {spaces: 2});
    return pathToReport;
Example #7
Source File: config.spec.ts    From cli with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
mockedWriteJSON = jest.mocked(writeJSONSync)
Example #8
Source File: config.ts    From cli with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public replace(config: Configuration) {
    return writeJSONSync(this.configPath, config);
Example #9
Source File: config.ts    From cli with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private ensureExists() {
    const exists = pathExistsSync(this.configPath);
    if (!exists) {
      writeJSONSync(this.configPath, DefaultConfig);
Example #10
Source File: project.spec.ts    From cli with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
mockedWriteJSONSync = jest.mocked(writeJSONSync)
Example #11
Source File: filesDiffProcessor.spec.ts    From cli with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
mockedWriteJSON = jest.mocked(writeJSONSync)
Example #12
Source File: snapshot.spec.ts    From cli with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
mockedWriteJsonSync = jest.mocked(writeJSONSync)
Example #13
Source File: vaultHandler.spec.ts    From cli with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
mockedWriteJsonSync = jest.mocked(writeJsonSync)
Example #14
Source File: vaultHandler.ts    From cli with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private prepareFile(entries: VaultEntryAttributes[]) {
    const data: Record<string, unknown> = {};
    for (const {vaultEntryId} of entries) {
      data[vaultEntryId] = VaultHandler.defaultEntryValue;

    writeJsonSync(this.vaultEntryFilePath, data, {spaces: 4});
Example #15
Source File: pack-external-module.ts    From malagu with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * We need a performant algorithm to install the packages for each single
 * function (in case we package individually).
 * (1) We fetch ALL packages needed by ALL functions in a first step
 * and use this as a base npm checkout. The checkout will be done to a
 * separate temporary directory with a package.json that contains everything.
 * (2) For each single compile we copy the whole node_modules to the compile
 * directory and create a (function) compile specific package.json and store
 * it in the compile directory. Now we start npm again there, and npm will just
 * remove the superfluous packages and optimize the remaining dependencies.
 * This will utilize the npm cache at its best and give us the needed results
 * and performance.
export async function packExternalModules(context: ConfigurationContext, stats: Stats | undefined): Promise<void> {
    const verbose = false;
    const { cfg, pkg, runtime } = context;
    const config = ConfigUtil.getMalaguConfig(cfg, BACKEND_TARGET);
    const configuration = ConfigurationContext.getConfiguration(BACKEND_TARGET, context.configurations);
    const includes = config.includeModules;
    const packagerOptions = { nonInteractive: true, ignoreOptional: true, ...config.packagerOptions };
    const scripts: any[] = packagerOptions.scripts || [];

    if (isEmpty(includes) && includes !== true || !configuration) {

    const outputPath = configuration.output.get('path');

    // Read plugin configuration
    const packageForceIncludes = includes.forceInclude || [];
    const packageForceExcludes = includes.forceExclude || [];
    const packageForceIncludeAll = includes.forceIncludeAll;
    const packagePath = includes.packagePath && join(process.cwd(), includes.packagePath) || join(process.cwd(), 'package.json');
    const packageScripts = scripts.reduce((accumulator, script, index) => {
        accumulator[`script${index}`] = script;
        return accumulator;

    const packager = getPackager(context.cfg.rootConfig.packager, process.cwd());

    const sectionNames = packager.copyPackageSectionNames;
    const packageJson = await readJSON(packagePath);
    if (packageForceIncludeAll) {
        for (const d of Object.keys(packageJson.dependencies)) {
            if (!packageForceIncludes.includes(d)) {
    const packageSections = pick(packageJson, sectionNames);
    if (!isEmpty(packageSections)) {
        console.log(`Using package.json sections ${Object.keys(packageSections).join(', ')}`);

    const dependencyGraph = await packager.getProdDependencies(1);

    const problems = dependencyGraph.problems || [];
    if (verbose && !isEmpty(problems)) {
        console.log(`Ignoring ${problems.length} NPM errors:`);
        problems.forEach((problem: any) => {
            console.log(`=> ${problem}`);

    // (1) Generate dependency composition
    const externalModules = getExternalModules(stats).concat(packageForceIncludes.map((whitelistedPackage: string) => ({
        external: whitelistedPackage
    const compositeModules = uniq(getProdModules(uniq(externalModules), packagePath, dependencyGraph, packageForceExcludes, runtime));
    removeExcludedModules(compositeModules, packageForceExcludes, true);

    if (isEmpty(compositeModules)) {
        // The compiled code does not reference any external modules at all
        console.log('No external modules needed');

    // (1.a) Install all needed modules
    const compositeModulePath = outputPath;
    const compositePackageJson = join(compositeModulePath, 'package.json');

    // (1.a.1) Create a package.json
    const compositePackage = defaults(
            name: pkg.pkg.name,
            version: pkg.pkg.version,
            description: `Packaged externals for ${pkg.pkg.name}`,
            private: true,
            scripts: packageScripts
    const relPath = relative(compositeModulePath, dirname(packagePath));
    addModulesToPackageJson(compositeModules, compositePackage, relPath);
    writeJSONSync(compositePackageJson, compositePackage, { spaces: 2 });

    // (1.a.2) Copy package-lock.json if it exists, to prevent unwanted upgrades
    const packageLockPath = join(dirname(packagePath), packager.lockfileName);
    const hasPackageLock = await pathExists(packageLockPath);
    if (hasPackageLock) {
        console.log('?  malagu package lock found - Using locked versions');
        try {
            let packageLockFile = await packager.readLockfile(packageLockPath);
            packageLockFile = packager.rebaseLockfile(relPath, packageLockFile);
            packager.writeLockfile(join(compositeModulePath, packager.lockfileName), packageLockFile);
        } catch (err) {
            console.warn(`Warning: Could not read lock file: ${err.message}`);

    const start = now();
    for (const compositeModule of compositeModules) {
        console.log(`?  malagu external modules - ${compositeModule}`);
    await packager.install(packagerOptions, compositeModulePath);
    if (verbose) {
        console.log(`Package took [${now() - start} ms]`);

    // Prune extraneous packages - removes not needed ones
    const startPrune = now();
    await packager.prune(packagerOptions, compositeModulePath);
    if (verbose) {
        console.log(`Prune: ${compositeModulePath} [${now() - startPrune} ms]`);

    // Prune extraneous packages - removes not needed ones
    const startRunScripts = now();
    await packager.runScripts(Object.keys(packageScripts), compositeModulePath);
    if (verbose) {
        console.log(`Run scripts: ${compositeModulePath} [${now() - startRunScripts} ms]`);
Example #16
Source File: orgResources.specs.ts    From cli with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
describe('org:resources', () => {
  let testOrgId = '';
  const {accessToken} = getConfig();
  const snapshotProjectPath = join(getUIProjectPath(), 'snapshot-project');
  const defaultTimeout = 10 * 60e3;
  let processManager: ProcessManager;
  let platformClient: PlatformClient;
  const pathToStub = join(cwd(), '__stub__');

  const createNewTerminal = (
    args: string[],
    procManager: ProcessManager,
    cwd: string,
    debugName: string
  ) => {
    return new Terminal('node', args, {cwd}, procManager, debugName);

  const createFieldWithoutUsingSnapshot = async (client: PlatformClient) => {
    await client.field.create({
      description: '',
      facet: false,
      includeInQuery: true,
      includeInResults: true,
      mergeWithLexicon: false,
      multiValueFacet: false,
      multiValueFacetTokenizers: ';',
      name: 'firstfield',
      ranking: false,
      sort: false,
      stemming: false,
      system: false,
      type: FieldTypes.STRING,
      useCacheForComputedFacet: false,
      useCacheForNestedQuery: false,
      useCacheForNumericQuery: false,
      useCacheForSort: false,

  const previewChange = (
    targetOrg: string,
    procManager: ProcessManager,
    debugName = 'org-config-preview'
  ) => {
    const args: string[] = [

    return createNewTerminal(args, procManager, snapshotProjectPath, debugName);

  const pushToOrg = async (
    targetOrg: string,
    procManager: ProcessManager,
    debugName = 'org-config-push'
  ) => {
    const args: string[] = [
    const pushTerminal = createNewTerminal(

    await pushTerminal.when('exit').on('process').do().once();

  const addOrgIdToModel = (
    fromModelPath: string,
    destinationModelPath: string,
    orgId: string
  ) => {
    const model = readJsonSync(fromModelPath);
    writeJsonSync(destinationModelPath, {...model, orgId});

  const pullFromOrg = async (
    procManager: ProcessManager,
    destinationPath: string,
    additionalFlags: string[] = [],
    debugName: string
  ) => {
    const args: string[] = [

    const pullTerminal = createNewTerminal(

    const pullTerminalExitPromise = pullTerminal
      // TODO: CDX-744: understand why cannot use process.on('exit')
      .when(/Project updated/)

    await pullTerminal

  beforeAll(async () => {
    testOrgId = await getTestOrg();
    copySync('snapshot-project', snapshotProjectPath);
    platformClient = getPlatformClient(testOrgId, accessToken);
    processManager = new ProcessManager();
  }, 5 * 60e3);

  afterAll(async () => {
    await processManager.killAllProcesses();

  describe('org:resources:preview', () => {
    describe('when resources are synchronized', () => {
      let stdout = '';
      const stdoutListener = (chunk: string) => {
        stdout += chunk;

        'should preview the snapshot',
        async () => {
          const previewTerminal = previewChange(

          const expectedOutput = [
            '\\+   1 to create',
            '\\+   2 to create',
          const regex = new RegExp(expectedOutput, 'gm');


          const previewTerminalExitPromise = previewTerminal
            .do((proc) => {
              proc.stdout.off('data', stdoutListener);

          await previewTerminalExitPromise;

    // TODO CDX-753: Create new unsynchronized state for E2E tests.
    describe.skip('when resources are not synchronized', () => {
      let stdout: string;
      let stderr: string;

      const stdoutListener = (chunk: string) => {
        stdout += chunk;
      const stderrListener = (chunk: string) => {
        stderr += chunk;

      beforeAll(async () => {
        stdout = stderr = '';
        await createFieldWithoutUsingSnapshot(platformClient);

        'should throw a synchronization warning on a field',
        async () => {
          const previewTerminal = previewChange(

          const process = previewTerminal.orchestrator.process;
          process.stdout.on('data', stdoutListener);
          process.stderr.on('data', stderrListener);

          const previewTerminalExitPromise = previewTerminal
            .do((proc) => {
              proc.stdout.off('data', stdoutListener);
              proc.stderr.off('data', stderrListener);

          await previewTerminalExitPromise;
          expect(stdout).toMatch(/Previewing snapshot changes/);
          expect(stderr).toMatch(/Checking for automatic synchronization/);

  describe('org:resources:push', () => {
    beforeAll(async () => {
      await pushToOrg(testOrgId, processManager);
    }, defaultTimeout);

    it('should have pushed fields', async () => {
      const fields = (await platformClient.field.list()).items;
          expect.objectContaining({name: 'firstfield'}),
          expect.objectContaining({name: 'whereisbrian'}),

    it('should have pushed extensions', async () => {
      const extensions = await platformClient.extension.list();
        expect.arrayContaining([expect.objectContaining({name: 'palpatine'})])

  describe('org:resources:pull', () => {
    const destinationPath = getProjectPath('new-snapshot-project');
    const getResourceFolderContent = (projectPath: string) =>
      readdirSync(join(projectPath, 'resources'));

    beforeEach(() => {
      rmSync(destinationPath, {recursive: true, force: true});

      "should pull the org's content",
      async () => {
        await pullFromOrg(
          ['-o', testOrgId],
        const snapshotFiles = readdirSync(snapshotProjectPath);
        const destinationFiles = readdirSync(destinationPath);


      'directory should only contain pulled resources and manifest',
      async () => {
        await pullFromOrg(
          ['-o', testOrgId, '-r', 'FIELD'],
        const originalResources = getResourceFolderContent(snapshotProjectPath);
        const destinationResources = getResourceFolderContent(destinationPath);

          originalResources.length + 1

      'snapshot should only contain one single field',
      async () => {
        const fixtureModelPath = join(
        const tmpModel = fileSync({postfix: '.json'});
        addOrgIdToModel(fixtureModelPath, tmpModel.name, testOrgId);
        await pullFromOrg(
          ['-m', tmpModel.name],
        const fields = readJsonSync(
          join(destinationPath, 'resources', 'FIELD.json')


  it('should not have any snapshot in the target org', async () => {
    const snapshotlist = await platformClient.resourceSnapshot.list();