@angular/platform-browser/animations#ANIMATION_MODULE_TYPE TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @angular/platform-browser/animations#ANIMATION_MODULE_TYPE. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: angular-context.spec.ts    From s-libs with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
describe('extendMetadata', () => {
  it('allows animations to be unconditionally disabled', () => {
    @Component({ template: '' })
    class BlankComponent {}
    const ctx = new ComponentContext(BlankComponent, {
      imports: [BrowserAnimationsModule],
    ctx.run(() => {

  it('allows the user to override providers', () => {
    const errorHandler = { handleError: noop };
    const ctx = new AngularContext({
      providers: [{ provide: ErrorHandler, useValue: errorHandler }],
    ctx.run(() => {
Example #2
Source File: component-context.spec.ts    From s-libs with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
describe('ComponentContext', () => {
  @Component({ template: 'Hello, {{name}}!' })
  class TestComponent {
    @Input() name!: string;

  @Component({ template: '' })
  class ChangeDetectingComponent implements OnChanges {
    @Input() myInput?: string;
    ngOnChangesSpy = jasmine.createSpy();

    ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void {

  describe('.fixture', () => {
    it('is provided', () => {
      const ctx = new ComponentContext(TestComponent);
      ctx.run(() => {

  describe('constructor', () => {
    it('accepts module metadata to be bootstrapped', () => {
      const value = Symbol();
      const token = new InjectionToken<symbol>('tok');
      const ctx = new ComponentContext(TestComponent, {
        providers: [{ provide: token, useValue: value }],
      ctx.run(() => {

    it('disables animations', () => {
      @NgModule({ imports: [BrowserAnimationsModule] })
      class AnimatedModule {}
      const ctx = new ComponentContext(TestComponent, {
        imports: [AnimatedModule],
      ctx.run(() => {

  describe('.assignInputs()', () => {
    it('updates the inputs', () => {
      const ctx = new ComponentContext(TestComponent);
      ctx.run(() => {
        ctx.assignInputs({ name: 'New Guy' });
        expect(ctx.fixture.nativeElement.textContent).toContain('New Guy');

    it('triggers ngOnChanges() with the proper changes argument', () => {
      const ctx = new ComponentContext(ChangeDetectingComponent);
      ctx.run(() => {
        const spy = ctx.getComponentInstance().ngOnChangesSpy;
        ctx.assignInputs({ myInput: 'new value' });
        const changes: SimpleChanges = spy.calls.mostRecent().args[0];
        expect(changes['myInput'].currentValue).toBe('new value');

    it('errors with a nice message when given a non-input', () => {
      @Component({ template: '' })
      class NonInputComponent {
        // eslint-disable-next-line @angular-eslint/no-input-rename
        @Input('nonInput') letsTryToTrickIt?: string;
        nonInput?: string;

      const ctx = new ComponentContext(NonInputComponent);
      expect(() => {
        ctx.assignInputs({ nonInput: 'value' });
        'Cannot bind to "nonInput" (it is not an input, or you passed it in `unboundProperties`)',

    it('errors with a nice message when given an unbound input', () => {
      @Component({ template: '' })
      class UnboundInputComponent {
        @Input() doNotBind?: string;
      const ctx = new ComponentContext(UnboundInputComponent, {}, [
      expect(() => {
        ctx.assignInputs({ doNotBind: "I'll do what I want" });
        'Cannot bind to "doNotBind" (it is not an input, or you passed it in `unboundProperties`)',

  describe('.assignWrapperStyles()', () => {
    it('can be used before .run()', () => {
      const ctx = new ComponentContext(TestComponent);
      ctx.assignWrapperStyles({ border: '1px solid black' });
      ctx.run(() => {
        const wrapper = ctx.fixture.debugElement.query(
          jasmine.objectContaining({ border: '1px solid black' }),

    it('changes (only) the passed-in styles', () => {
      const ctx = new ComponentContext(TestComponent);
      ctx.assignWrapperStyles({ border: '1px solid black' });
      ctx.run(() => {
        ctx.assignWrapperStyles({ 'background-color': 'blue' });
        const wrapper = ctx.fixture.debugElement.query(
            border: '1px solid black',
            'background-color': 'blue',

  describe('.getComponentInstance()', () => {
    it('returns the instantiated component', () => {
      const ctx = new ComponentContext(TestComponent);
      ctx.assignInputs({ name: 'instantiated name' });
      ctx.run(() => {
        expect(ctx.getComponentInstance().name).toBe('instantiated name');

  describe('.init()', () => {
    it('creates a component of the type specified in the constructor', () => {
      const ctx = new ComponentContext(TestComponent);
      ctx.run(() => {

    it('triggers ngOnChanges', () => {
      const ctx = new ComponentContext(ChangeDetectingComponent);
      ctx.run(() => {
        const spy = ctx.getComponentInstance().ngOnChangesSpy;

  describe('.runChangeDetection()', () => {
    it('gets change detection working inside the fixture', () => {
      const ctx = new ComponentContext(TestComponent);
      ctx.run(() => {
        ctx.getComponentInstance().name = 'Changed Guy';
        expect(ctx.fixture.nativeElement.textContent).toContain('Changed Guy');

  describe('.cleanUp()', () => {
    it('destroys the fixture', () => {
      const ctx = new ComponentContext(TestComponent);
      ctx.getComponentInstance().name = 'Changed Guy';
        'Changed Guy',

    it('does the superclass things', () => {
      const ctx = new ComponentContext(TestComponent);
      expect(() => {
        ctx.run(() => {
          setInterval(noop, 10);
        // No error: "1 periodic timer(s) still in the queue."