import dayjs from 'dayjs';
import throttle from 'lodash/throttle';
import { languages, TextDocumentChangeEvent, TextEditor, window, workspace } from 'vscode';
import { getNextFewTasks } from './commands/getFewNextTasks';
import { doUpdateEditorDecorations } from './decorations';
import { resetAllRecurringTasks } from './documentActions';
import { $config, $state, Constants, counterStatusBar, Global, mainStatusBar, updateLastVisitGlobalState, updateState } from './extension';
import { updateAllTreeViews } from './treeViewProviders/treeViews';
import { VscodeContext } from './types';
import { getDocumentForDefaultFile } from './utils/extensionUtils';
import { sleep } from './utils/utils';
import { setContext } from './utils/vscodeUtils';

let changeActiveEditorEventInProgress = false;
 * Active text editor changes (tab).
 * This event can be fired multiple times very quickly 5-20ms interval.
export async function onChangeActiveTextEditor(editor: TextEditor | undefined): Promise<void> {
	if (changeActiveEditorEventInProgress) {
		await sleep(50);
	if (changeActiveEditorEventInProgress) {
		await sleep(200);
	changeActiveEditorEventInProgress = true;
	if ($state.theRightFileOpened) {
	if (editor && isTheRightFileName(editor)) {
		$state.activeDocument = editor.document;
		$state.activeDocumentTabSize = typeof editor.options.tabSize === 'number' ? editor.options.tabSize : $config.tabSize;
		await updateEverything(editor);
		await setContext(VscodeContext.IsActive, true);

		const needReset = checkIfNeedResetRecurringTasks(editor.document.uri.toString());
		if (needReset) {
			await resetAllRecurringTasks(editor.document, needReset.lastVisit);
			await updateEverything();
			await updateLastVisitGlobalState(editor.document.uri.toString(), new Date());
	} else {
		$state.activeDocument = await getDocumentForDefaultFile();
		$state.activeDocumentTabSize = $config.tabSize;
		$state.theRightFileOpened = false;
		await updateEverything();
		await setContext(VscodeContext.IsActive, false);
	changeActiveEditorEventInProgress = false;
 * Only run reset all recurring tasks when needed (first open file in a day)
export function checkIfNeedResetRecurringTasks(filePath: string): {lastVisit: Date} | undefined {
	const lastVisitForFile = $state.lastVisitByFile[filePath];
	if (lastVisitForFile) {
		if (!dayjs().isSame(lastVisitForFile, 'day')) {
			// First time this file opened this day => reset
			return {
				lastVisit: lastVisitForFile,
		} else {
			// This file was already reset this day
			return undefined;
	} else {
		// New file
		return {
			lastVisit: new Date(),
 * Called when active text document changes (typing in it, for instance)
export function onChangeTextDocument(e: TextDocumentChangeEvent) {
	const activeTextEditor = window.activeTextEditor;
	if (activeTextEditor && $state.theRightFileOpened) {
 * Match Uri of editor against a glob specified by user.
export function isTheRightFileName(editor: TextEditor): boolean {
	return languages.match({
		pattern: $config.activatePattern,
	},	editor.document) !== 0;
 * Activate document text change event listener.
export function activateEditorFeatures(editor: TextEditor) {
	$state.theRightFileOpened = true;
	Global.changeTextDocumentDisposable = workspace.onDidChangeTextDocument(onChangeTextDocument);;
 * Deactivate document text change event listener.
export function deactivateEditorFeatures() {
 * - Update state (parse the active/default file)
 * - Update editor decorations
 * - Update status bar item
 * - Update all tree views (including webview, excluding archived tasks)
export const updateEverything = throttle(async (editor?: TextEditor) => {
	await updateState();
	if (editor && isTheRightFileName(editor)) {
}, Constants.ThrottleEverything);