// Libraries
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';

// Types
import { InputDatasource, describeDataFrame } from './InputDatasource';
import { InputQuery, InputOptions } from './types';

import { FormLabel, Select, TableInputCSV } from '@grafana/ui';
import { DataFrame, toCSV, SelectableValue, MutableDataFrame, QueryEditorProps } from '@grafana/data';

import { dataFrameToCSV } from './utils';

type Props = QueryEditorProps<InputDatasource, InputQuery, InputOptions>;

const options = [
  { value: 'panel', label: 'Panel', description: 'Save data in the panel configuration.' },
  { value: 'shared', label: 'Shared', description: 'Save data in the shared datasource object.' },

interface State {
  text: string;

export class InputQueryEditor extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
  state = {
    text: '',

  onComponentDidMount() {
    const { query } = this.props;
    const text = dataFrameToCSV(query.data);
    this.setState({ text });

  onSourceChange = (item: SelectableValue<string>) => {
    const { datasource, query, onChange, onRunQuery } = this.props;
    let data: DataFrame[] | undefined = undefined;
    if (item.value === 'panel') {
      if (query.data) {
      data = [...datasource.data];
      if (!data) {
        data = [new MutableDataFrame()];
      this.setState({ text: toCSV(data) });
    onChange({ ...query, data });

  onSeriesParsed = (data: DataFrame[], text: string) => {
    const { query, onChange, onRunQuery } = this.props;
    this.setState({ text });
    if (!data) {
      data = [new MutableDataFrame()];
    onChange({ ...query, data });

  render() {
    const { datasource, query } = this.props;
    const { id, name } = datasource;
    const { text } = this.state;

    const selected = query.data ? options[0] : options[1];
    return (
        <div className="gf-form">
          <FormLabel width={4}>Data</FormLabel>
          <Select width={6} options={options} value={selected} onChange={this.onSourceChange} />

          <div className="btn btn-link">
            {query.data ? (
            ) : (
              <a href={`datasources/edit/${id}/`}>
                {name}: {describeDataFrame(datasource.data)} &nbsp;&nbsp;
                <i className="fa fa-pencil-square-o" />
        {query.data && <TableInputCSV text={text} onSeriesParsed={this.onSeriesParsed} width={'100%'} height={200} />}