import {BufferGeometry, Float32BufferAttribute, Vector3} from 'three';
import {MapNodeGeometry} from './MapNodeGeometry';

export class MapNodeHeightGeometry extends BufferGeometry
	 * Map node geometry constructor.
	 * @param width - Width of the node.
	 * @param height - Height of the node.
	 * @param widthSegments - Number of subdivisions along the width.
	 * @param heightSegments - Number of subdivisions along the height.
	 * @param skirt - Skirt around the plane to mask gaps between tiles.
	public constructor(width: number = 1.0, height: number = 1.0, widthSegments: number = 1.0, heightSegments: number = 1.0, skirt: boolean = false, skirtDepth: number = 10.0, imageData: ImageData = null, calculateNormals: boolean = true)

		// Buffers
		const indices = [];
		const vertices = [];
		const normals = [];
		const uvs = [];

		// Build plane
		MapNodeGeometry.buildPlane(width, height, widthSegments, heightSegments, indices, vertices, normals, uvs);

		const data =;

		for (let i = 0, j = 0; i < data.length && j < vertices.length; i += 4, j += 3) 
			const r = data[i];
			const g = data[i + 1];
			const b = data[i + 2];

			// The value will be composed of the bits RGB
			const value = (r * 65536 + g * 256 + b) * 0.1 - 1e4;

			vertices[j + 1] = value;

		// Generate the skirt
		if (skirt)
			MapNodeGeometry.buildSkirt(width, height, widthSegments, heightSegments, skirtDepth, indices, vertices, normals, uvs);

		this.setAttribute('position', new Float32BufferAttribute(vertices, 3));
		this.setAttribute('normal', new Float32BufferAttribute(normals, 3));
		this.setAttribute('uv', new Float32BufferAttribute(uvs, 2));

		if (calculateNormals)
			this.computeNormals(widthSegments, heightSegments);

	 * Compute normals for the height geometry.
	 * Only computes normals for the surface of the map geometry. Skirts are not considered.
	 * @param widthSegments - Number of segments in width.
	 * @param heightSegments - Number of segments in height.
	public computeNormals(widthSegments: number, heightSegments: number): void 
		const positionAttribute = this.getAttribute('position');
		if (positionAttribute !== undefined)
			// Reset existing normals to zero
			let normalAttribute = this.getAttribute('normal');
			const normalLength = heightSegments * widthSegments;
			for (let i = 0; i < normalLength; i++)
				normalAttribute.setXYZ(i, 0, 0, 0);

			const pA = new Vector3(), pB = new Vector3(), pC = new Vector3();
			const nA = new Vector3(), nB = new Vector3(), nC = new Vector3();
			const cb = new Vector3(), ab = new Vector3();
			const indexLength = heightSegments * widthSegments * 6;
			for (let i = 0; i < indexLength ; i += 3)
				const vA = this.index.getX(i + 0);
				const vB = this.index.getX(i + 1);
				const vC = this.index.getX(i + 2);

				pA.fromBufferAttribute(positionAttribute, vA);
				pB.fromBufferAttribute(positionAttribute, vB);
				pC.fromBufferAttribute(positionAttribute, vC);

				cb.subVectors(pC, pB);
				ab.subVectors(pA, pB);

				nA.fromBufferAttribute(normalAttribute, vA);
				nB.fromBufferAttribute(normalAttribute, vB);
				nC.fromBufferAttribute(normalAttribute, vC);


				normalAttribute.setXYZ(vA, nA.x, nA.y, nA.z);
				normalAttribute.setXYZ(vB, nB.x, nB.y, nB.z);
				normalAttribute.setXYZ(vC, nC.x, nC.y, nC.z);


			normalAttribute.needsUpdate = true;