import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import { Table, Image, Dropdown } from 'semantic-ui-react'

const factionImageLocations = [

const oddsValues = [14].concat(Array.from({length: 9}, (_, i) => (i+3)*5));

type ShuttleInfoProps =  {
  factionInfo: object;
  shuttleBays: number;

type SuttleInfoState = {
  successOdds: number;

class FactionInfo extends PureComponent<ShuttleInfoProps> {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      successOdds: 14

  _reputations(score) {
    if (score >= 980)
      return 'Honoured';
    else if (score >= 140)
      return 'Allied';
    else if (score >= -450)
      return 'Friendly';
    else if (score >= -790)
      return 'Neutral';
    else if (score >= -950)
      return 'Hostile';
      return 'Despised';

  _shuttlesToHonouredStatus(currentRep) {
    let reputation = currentRep;
    let shuttles = 0;

    while (reputation <= 38) {
      if (reputation >= 32)
        reputation += 8;
        reputation += 5;


    return Math.max(0, shuttles + Math.ceil((980-reputation)/10));

  _formatTime(hours) {
    let retVal = hours >= 24 ? `${Math.floor(hours/24)} days ` : ''
    return retVal + `${hours%24} hours`

  _expectedCSA(odds) {
    return (1-odds)*3 - odds*2;

  render() {
    const { factionInfo, shuttleBays } = this.props;
    const { successOdds } = this.state;
    const updateSuccessOdds = odds => this.setState({successOdds: odds});

    return (
        <p><span>Running shuttles at average odds of </span>
          <Dropdown text={`${successOdds}%`}>
              { => (<Dropdown.Item onClick={(e, { value }) => updateSuccessOdds(value)} text={`${val}%`} value={val} />))}
          <p>(Note: Shuttles cannot be run with a probability of success less than 14%. Shuttles need a probability of less than 60% to be tanked.)</p>
            <Table.HeaderCell>Shuttles needed</Table.HeaderCell>
            <Table.HeaderCell>Time needed</Table.HeaderCell>
          {, index) => {
            let shuttlesNeededToMaxRep = this._shuttlesToHonouredStatus(faction.reputation);
            let hoursNeededToMaxRep = Math.ceil(shuttlesNeededToMaxRep/shuttleBays)*3;
            let shuttlesNeededToTank = Math.ceil(faction.completed_shuttle_adventures/this._expectedCSA(successOdds/100));
            let hoursNeededToTank = Math.ceil(shuttlesNeededToTank/shuttleBays)*3;

            return (
              <Table.Row key={index}>
                <Table.Cell><span><Image floated='left' size='mini' src={`${process.env.GATSBY_ASSETS_URL}icons_icon_faction_${factionImageLocations[index]}.png`} />{}</span></Table.Cell>
                  {faction.reputation < 980 && <p>You need {shuttlesNeededToMaxRep} successful shuttle missions to achieve honored status.</p>}
                  {shuttlesNeededToTank > 0 && <p>To tank your shuttles you need to run {shuttlesNeededToTank} shuttles.</p>}
                  {shuttlesNeededToTank == 0 && <p>Already tanked</p>}
                  {faction.reputation < 980 && <p>{this._formatTime(hoursNeededToMaxRep)}</p>}
        <p>Note: <a href="">Tanking</a> shuttles is the process of deliberately failing shuttles so that the difficulty and duration of shuttle missions go down.</p>

export default FactionInfo;