import { remote } from "electron";
import path from 'path';
import { DataTypes, Model, Sequelize } from 'sequelize';
declare const __static: string;

// todo try loading db from userData

const univDb = path.join("userData"), "data.db")

// todo the below is the path to local db under src/data.db
/* const isBuild = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';
const locDb = path.join(
    // eslint-disable-next-line
    isBuild ? __dirname : __static,

// setup the connection to make sure it works
const sequelize = new Sequelize({
    dialect: 'sqlite',
    // todo change this to locDb for using db inside src/data.db
    storage: univDb,
    // ** db event logging true in dev and false in production
    logging: (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') ? true : false,
    define: {
        timestamps: false,
        underscored: true,

// todo define models here, or use a separate file for defining models and import them here!!!
class User extends Model {
    public firstName!: string | null;
    public lastName!: string | null;
    public id!: number | null
    firstName: {
        type: DataTypes.STRING,
        allowNull: false
    lastName: {
        type: DataTypes.STRING,
        allowNull: false

}, {
    tableName: "users",

// todo use sync to create tables 

export { sequelize, User };