import { LitElement, html, css, customElement, property, TemplateResult } from 'lit-element';
import { SignInResult } from './signin-result';
import { SignInProvider } from './signin-provider';
import { FederatedCredential } from './federated-credential';
import { ProviderInfo } from './provider-info';

//Exported public api.
export { SignInResult }  from './signin-result';
export interface PwaAuth {
    appearance?: "button" | "list" | "none";
    signInButtonText?: string;
    microsoftButtonText?: string;
    googleButtonText?: string;
    facebookButtonText?: string;
    appleButtonText?: string;
    appleRedirectUri?: string | undefined | null;
    microsoftKey?: string | undefined | null;
    googleKey?: string | undefined | null;
    facebookKey?: string | undefined | null;
    appleKey?: string | undefined | null;
    credentialMode?: "none" | "silent" | "prompt";
    menuOpened?: boolean;
    menuPlacement?: "start" | "end";
    disabled?: boolean;
    iconLoading?: string;
    requireNewAccessToken?: boolean;
    signIn?: (providerName: ProviderName) => Promise<SignInResult>

export type ProviderName = "Microsoft" | "Google" | "Facebook" | "Apple";
type StoredAccessToken = { token: string | null; expiration: Date | null, providerData: Object | null | undefined };

export class PwaAuthImpl extends LitElement implements PwaAuth {

    @property({ type: String, reflect: true }) appearance: "button" | "list" | "none" = "button";
    @property({ type: String }) signInButtonText = "Sign in";
    @property({ type: String }) microsoftButtonText = "Sign in with Microsoft";
    @property({ type: String }) googleButtonText = "Sign in with Google";
    @property({ type: String }) facebookButtonText = "Sign in with Facebook";
    @property({ type: String }) appleButtonText = "Sign in with Apple";
    @property({ type: String }) appleRedirectUri: string | undefined | null;
    @property({ type: String }) microsoftKey: string | undefined | null;
    @property({ type: String }) googleKey: string | undefined | null;
    @property({ type: String }) facebookKey: string | undefined | null;
    @property({ type: String }) appleKey: string | undefined | null;
    @property({ type: String }) credentialMode: "none" | "silent" | "prompt" = "silent";
    @property({ type: Boolean }) menuOpened = false;
    @property({ type: String, reflect: true }) menuPlacement: "start" | "end" = "start";
    @property({ type: Boolean }) disabled = false;
    @property({ type: String }) iconLoading: "lazy" | "eager" = "lazy";
    @property({ type: Boolean }) requireNewAccessToken = false; // If true, user always goes through OAuth flow to acquire a new access token. If false, user can sign-in using a stored credential with possibly stale access token.

    readonly providers: ProviderInfo[] = [
            name: "Microsoft",
            url: "",
            getKey: () => this.microsoftKey,
            getButtonText: () => this.microsoftButtonText,
            getIconUrl: () => this.getMicrosoftIconUrl(),
            import: (key: string) => this.importMicrosoftProvider(key),
            btnClass: "microsoft-btn",
            buttonPartName: "microsoftButton",
            containerPartName: "microsoftContainer",
            iconPartName: "microsoftIcon",
            signIn: () => this.signIn("Microsoft")
            name: "Google",
            url: "",
            getKey: () => this.googleKey,
            getButtonText: () => this.googleButtonText,
            getIconUrl: () => this.getGoogleIconUrl(),
            import: (key: string) => this.importGoogleProvider(key),
            btnClass: "google-btn",
            buttonPartName: "googleButton",
            containerPartName: "googleContainer",
            iconPartName: "googleIcon",
            signIn: () => this.signIn("Google")
            name: "Facebook",
            url: "",
            getKey: () => this.facebookKey,
            getButtonText: () => this.facebookButtonText,
            getIconUrl: () => this.getFacebookIconUrl(),
            import: (key: string) => this.importFacebookProvider(key),
            btnClass: "facebook-btn",
            buttonPartName: "facebookButton",
            containerPartName: "facebookContainer",
            iconPartName: "facebookIcon",
            signIn: () => this.signIn("Facebook")
            name: "Apple",
            url: "",
            getKey: () => this.appleKey,
            getButtonText: () => this.appleButtonText,
            getIconUrl: () => this.getAppleIconUrl(),
            import: (key: string) => this.importAppleProvider(key),
            btnClass: "apple-btn",
            buttonPartName: "appleButton",
            containerPartName: "appleContainer",
            iconPartName: "appleIcon",
            signIn: () => this.signIn("Apple")

    static readonly assetBaseUrl = "";
    static readonly authTokenLocalStoragePrefix = "pwa-auth-token";

	static styles = css`

		:host {
			display: inline-block;

        button {
            font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Noto Sans", sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji";

        :host([appearance="list"]) .provider {
            width: 200px;
		:host([appearance="list"]) .provider + .provider {
			margin-top: 10px;

        :host([appearance="list"]) .provider button {
			display: block;
            width: 100%;
            padding: 10px;
            cursor: pointer;
            border-radius: 2px;
            border-width: 0;
            text-align: left;

        :host([appearance="list"]) .provider button img {
            vertical-align: middle;
            margin-right: 10px;
            margin-left: 5px;

        :host([appearance="list"]) .google-btn {
            background-color: white;
            border: 1px solid rgb(192, 192, 192);

        :host([appearance="list"]) .google-btn:hover {
            background-color: rgb(245, 245, 246);

        :host([appearance="list"]) .microsoft-btn {
            color: white;
            background-color: rgb(84, 84, 84);

        :host([appearance="list"]) .microsoft-btn:hover {
            background-color: rgb(47, 51, 55);

        :host([appearance="list"]) .facebook-btn {
            color: white;
            background-color: #385499;

        :host([appearance="list"]) .facebook-btn:hover {
            background-color: #314a86;

        :host([appearance="list"]) .apple-btn {
            background-color: black;
            color: white;

        .signin-btn {
            background-color: rgb(225, 230, 234);
            border: 1px solid rgb(220, 224, 229);
            color: rgb(33, 37, 41);
            border-radius: 4px;
            padding: 12px;
            transition: all 0.15s ease-in-out;
            outline: none;
            cursor: pointer;

            .signin-btn:hover:not(:disabled) {
                background-color: rgb(220, 224, 228);
                border-color: rgb(212, 218, 223);

            .signin-btn:focus {
                background-color: rgb(219, 225, 230);
                border-color: rgb(212, 218, 224);
                box-shadow: rgba(216, 217, 219, 0.1) 0 0 0 3.2px;

            .signin-btn:active {
                background-color: rgb(210, 214, 218);
                border-color: rgb(202, 208, 213);

            .signin-btn:disabled {
                color: rgba(16, 16, 16, 0.3);

        .dropdown {
            position: relative;
            display: inline-block;

        .dropdown .menu {
            position: absolute;
            top: 100%;
            left: 0;
            z-index: 1000;
            display: none;
            float: left;
            min-width: 10rem;
            padding: .5rem 0;
            margin: .125rem 0 0;
            font-size: 1rem;
            background-color: white;
            background-clip: padding-box;
            border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.15);
            border-radius: .25rem;
            cursor: pointer;

        .dropdown {
            display: block;
            transform: translate3d(0px, 38px, 0px);
            top: 0;
            left: 0;

            animation-name: dropdown-animation;
            animation-duration: 300ms;

        .dropdown {
            left: auto;
            right: 0;

        .dropdown .menu button {
            background-color: transparent;
            white-space: nowrap;
            border: none;
            outline: none;
            padding: 8px 24px 8px 24px;
            cursor: pointer;
            width: 100%;
            text-align: left;

            .dropdown .menu button:hover {
                background-color: rgb(245, 246, 247);

            .dropdown .menu button:active {
                background-color: rgb(240, 241, 242);

        .dropdown .menu button img {
            vertical-align: middle;
            margin-right: 10px;

        .provider-error {
            background-color: rgb(220, 53, 69);
            color: white;
            padding: 20px;

        @keyframes dropdown-animation {
          from {
            opacity: 0;
          to {
            opacity: 1;

        @media(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
            .dropdown {
                animation: none;

    firstUpdated() {
        // If we're on Safari, we need to load dependencies up front to avoid Safari
        // blocking the first OAuth popup. See
        if (this.isWebKit()) {
            this.disabled = true;
                .finally(() => this.disabled = false);

    render() {
        if (!this.hasAnyKey) {
            return this.renderNoKeysError();

        if (this.appearance === "list") {
            return this.renderListButtons();

        if (this.appearance === "button") {
            return this.renderLoginButton();

        return super.render();

     * Starts the sign-in process using the specified provider.
     * @param providerName The name provider to sign-in with. Must be "Microsoft", "Google", "Facebook", or "Apple"
    public signIn(providerName: ProviderName): Promise<SignInResult> {
        const provider = this.providers.find(p => === providerName);
        if (!provider) {
            const errorMessage = "Unable to sign-in because of unsupported provider";
            console.error(errorMessage, providerName);
            return Promise.reject(errorMessage + " " + providerName);
        return this.signInWithProvider(provider)
            .then(result => this.signInCompleted(result));

    private getMicrosoftIconUrl(): string {
        if (this.appearance === "button") {
            return `${PwaAuthImpl.assetBaseUrl}/microsoft-icon-button.svg`;

        return `${PwaAuthImpl.assetBaseUrl}/microsoft-icon-list.svg`;

	private getGoogleIconUrl(): string {
        return `${PwaAuthImpl.assetBaseUrl}/google-icon.svg`;
    private getFacebookIconUrl(): string {
        if (this.appearance === "button") {
            return `${PwaAuthImpl.assetBaseUrl}/facebook-icon-button.svg`;

        return `${PwaAuthImpl.assetBaseUrl}/facebook-icon-list.svg`;

	private getAppleIconUrl(): string {
        if (this.appearance === "button") {
            return `${PwaAuthImpl.assetBaseUrl}/apple-icon-button.svg`;

        return `${PwaAuthImpl.assetBaseUrl}/apple-icon-list.svg`;

    private renderLoginButton(): TemplateResult {
        return html`
            <div class="dropdown" @focusout="${this.dropdownFocusOut}">
                <button class="signin-btn" part="signInButton" ?disabled=${this.disabled} @click="${this.signInClicked}">
                <div class="menu ${this.menuOpened ? "open" : ""} ${this.menuPlacement === "end" ? "align-end" : ""}" part="dropdownMenu">

    private renderListButtons(): TemplateResult {
        return html`
                .filter(provider => !!provider.getKey())
                .map(provider => html`
                <div class="provider" part="${provider.containerPartName}">
                    <button class="${provider.btnClass}" ?disabled=${this.disabled} part="${provider.buttonPartName}" @click="${provider.signIn}">
                        <img part="${provider.iconPartName}" loading="${this.iconLoading}" width="20px" height="20px" src="${provider.getIconUrl()}" />

    private renderNoKeysError(): TemplateResult {
        return html`<div class="provider-error"><strong>❌ No available sign-ins</strong><br><em>To enable sign-in, pass a Microsoft key, Google key, Facebook, or Apple key to the &lt;pwa-auth&gt; component.</em><br><pre>&lt;pwa-auth microsoftkey="..."&gt;&lt;/pwa-auth&gt;</pre></div>`;

    private dropdownFocusOut(e: FocusEvent) {
        // Close the dropdown if the focus is no longer within it.
        if (this.menuOpened) {
            const dropdown = this.shadowRoot?.querySelector(".dropdown");
            const dropdownContainsFocus = dropdown?.matches(":focus-within");
            if (!dropdownContainsFocus) {
                this.menuOpened = false;

    private get hasAnyKey(): boolean {
        return this.providers.some(p => !!p.getKey());

    private async signInClicked() {
        // Are we configured to use browser credentials (the new CredentialStore API)?
        // If so, go ahead and sign in with whatever stored credential we have.
        if (this.credentialMode === "none") {
        } else {
            const signedInCreds = await this.tryAutoSignIn();
            if (!signedInCreds) {
                // There was no stored credential to sign in with. Just show the menu.

    private toggleMenu() {
        this.menuOpened = !this.menuOpened;

    private signInWithProvider(provider: ProviderInfo) {
        const key = provider.getKey();
        if (!key) {
            return Promise.reject("No key specified");
        if (this.disabled) {
            return Promise.reject("Sign-in already in progress, rejecting new sign-in attempt");

        this.disabled = true;
        this.menuOpened = false;
        return this.trySignInWithStoredCredential(provider.url)
            .then(storedCredSignInResult => {
                // Did we sign in with a stored credential? Good, we're done.
                if (storedCredSignInResult) {
                    return storedCredSignInResult;

                // Couldn't sign in with stored credential.
                // Kick off the provider-specified OAuth flow.
                return provider.import(key)
                    .then(p => p.signIn())
                    .catch(error => {
                        // If the provider sends back an error, consider that a SignInResult
                        const providerError: SignInResult = {
                            error: error,
                        return providerError;
            .finally(() => this.disabled = false);

    private signInCompleted(signIn: SignInResult): SignInResult {
        this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("signin-completed", { detail: signIn }));
        return signIn;

    private importMicrosoftProvider(key: string): Promise<SignInProvider> {
        return import("./microsoft-provider")
            .then(module => new module.MicrosoftProvider(key));

    private importGoogleProvider(key: string): Promise<SignInProvider> {
        return import("./google-provider")
            .then(module => new module.GoogleProvider(key));

    private importFacebookProvider(key: string): Promise<SignInProvider> {
        return import ("./facebook-provider")
            .then(module => new module.FacebookProvider(key));

    private importAppleProvider(key: string): Promise<SignInProvider> {
        return import ("./apple-provider")
            .then(module => new module.AppleProvider(key, this.appleRedirectUri));

    private tryStoreCredential(signIn: SignInResult) {
        // Use the new Credential Management API to store the credential, allowing for automatic sign-in next time the user visits the page.
        const federatedCredentialCtor = window["FederatedCredential"];
        if ( && federatedCredentialCtor) {
            try {
                const cred = new federatedCredentialCtor({
                    provider: this.providers.find(p => === signIn.provider)?.url || signIn.provider,
                    name: || "",
                    iconURL: signIn.imageUrl || ""
            } catch (error) {
                console.error("Unable to store federated credential", error);

    private async tryAutoSignIn(): Promise<FederatedCredential | null> {
        // Use the new Credential Management API to login the user automatically.

        // Bail if we don't support Credential Management
        if (!window["FederatedCredential"]) {
            return null;

        // Bail if we're forcing OAuth flow.
        if (this.requireNewAccessToken) {
            return null;

        let credential: FederatedCredential | null = null;
        if (this.credentialMode === "prompt") {
            // Let the user choose.
            // The browser brings up the native "choose your sign in" dialog.
            credential = await this.getStoredCredential("required", => p.url));
        } else if (this.credentialMode === "silent") {
            // Go through the available providers and find one that the user has logged in with.
            for (let i = 0; i < this.providers.length; i++) {
                const provider = this.providers[i];
                credential = await this.getStoredCredential("silent", [provider.url]);
                if (credential) {

        if (credential) {
            const loginResult = this.credentialToSignInResult(credential);

        return credential;

    private trySignInWithStoredCredential(providerUrl: string): Promise<SignInResult | null> {
        return this.getStoredCredential("silent", [providerUrl])
            .catch(error => console.warn("Error attempting to sign-in with stored credential", error))
            .then(credential => credential ? this.credentialToSignInResult(credential) : null);

    private getStoredCredential(mediation: string, providerUrls: string[]): Promise<FederatedCredential | null> {
        // Bail if we don't support Credential Management
        if (!window["FederatedCredential"]) {
            return Promise.resolve(null);

        // Bail if we're not allowed to use stored credential.
        if (this.requireNewAccessToken) {
            return Promise.resolve(null);

        const credOptions: any = {
            mediation: mediation,
            federated: {
                providers: providerUrls

        return navigator.credentials.get(credOptions);

    private credentialToSignInResult(cred: FederatedCredential): SignInResult {
        return {
            providerData: null,
            imageUrl: cred.iconURL,
            error: null,
            provider: this.getProviderNameFromUrl(cred.provider!) as ProviderName

    private getProviderNameFromUrl(url: string): ProviderName {
        const provider = this.providers.find(p => p.url === url);
        if (!provider) {
            console.warn("Unable to find provider matching URL", url);
            return "Microsoft";

    private isWebKit(): boolean {
        // As of April 2020, Webkit-based browsers wrongfully blocks
        // the OAuth popup due to lazy-loading the auth library(s).
        const isIOS = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/ipad|iphone/i);  // everything is WebKit on iOS
        const isSafari = !!navigator.vendor && navigator.vendor.includes("Apple");
        return isIOS || isSafari;

    private loadAllDependencies(): Promise<any> {
        const dependencyLoadTasks = this.providers
            .filter(p => !!p.getKey())
            .map(p => p.import(p.getKey()!).then(p => p.loadDependencies()));

        return Promise.all(dependencyLoadTasks)
            .catch(error => console.error("Error loading dependencies", error));

    private tryUpdateStoredTokenInfo(signIn: SignInResult) {
        const localStorageKey = this.getAuthTokenLocalStorageKeyName(signIn.provider);
        const storedToken: StoredAccessToken = {
            token: signIn.accessToken || null,
            expiration: signIn.accessTokenExpiration || null,
            providerData: signIn.providerData
        try {
            localStorage.setItem(localStorageKey, JSON.stringify(storedToken));
        } catch (error) {
            console.warn("Unable to store auth token in local storage", localStorageKey, signIn, error);

    private tryReadStoredTokenInfo(providerName: ProviderName): StoredAccessToken | null {
        const localStorageKey = this.getAuthTokenLocalStorageKeyName(providerName);
        try {
            const tokenJson = localStorage.getItem(localStorageKey);
            return tokenJson ? JSON.parse(tokenJson) : null;
        } catch (error) {
            console.warn("Unable to read auth token from local storage", localStorageKey, error);
            return null;

    private getAuthTokenLocalStorageKeyName(providerName: string): string {
        return `${PwaAuthImpl.authTokenLocalStoragePrefix}-${providerName}`;

    private rehydrateAccessToken(signIn: SignInResult) {
        if (signIn.accessToken) {
            // If the user signed in with OAuth flow just now, we already have the auth token.
            // Store it for later.
        } else {
            // We don't have an access token, meaning we signed-in with a stored credential.
            // Thus, we'll fetch it from local storage.
            const tokenInfo = this.tryReadStoredTokenInfo(signIn.provider);
            if (tokenInfo) {
                signIn.accessToken = tokenInfo.token;
                signIn.accessTokenExpiration = tokenInfo.expiration;
                signIn.providerData = tokenInfo.providerData;