import { ParsedUrlQuery } from 'querystring'
import get from 'lodash/get'

import { IRecordWithId } from '../types'
import { FilterValue } from 'antd/es/table/interface'
import { Property } from '@app/condo/schema'

const PHONE_FORMAT_REGEXP = /(\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})/

 * Formats a phone, convert it from number string to string with dividers
 * for example: 01234567890 -> 0 (123) 456-78-90
export const formatPhone = (phone?: string): string =>
    phone ? phone.replace(PHONE_FORMAT_REGEXP, '$1 ($2) $3-$4-$5') : phone

export const getFiltersFromQuery = <T>(query: ParsedUrlQuery): T | Record<string, never> => {
    const { filters } = query

    if (!filters || typeof filters !== 'string') {
        return {}

    try {
        return JSON.parse(filters)
    } catch (e) {
        return {}

export const preciseFloor = (x: number, precision: number = DEFAULT_WIDTH_PRECISION) => {
    return Math.floor(x * Math.pow(10, precision)) / 100

type ObjectWithAddressInfo = Pick<Property, 'address' | 'addressMeta'>
 * Tries to extract address details from a property (or any object, containing address and addressMeta, like ticket)
 * @param property
export const getAddressDetails = (property: ObjectWithAddressInfo) => {
    const addressMeta = get(property, ['addressMeta', 'data'])

    const streetWithType = get(addressMeta, 'street_with_type')

    const houseType = get(addressMeta, 'house_type')
    const houseName = get(addressMeta, 'house')

    const blockType = get(addressMeta, 'block_type')
    const blockName = get(addressMeta, 'block')

    const regionType = get(addressMeta, 'region_type_full')
    const regionName = get(addressMeta, 'region')
    const regionWithType = get(addressMeta, 'region_with_type')
    const regionNamePosition = regionWithType && regionWithType.split(' ')[0] === regionName ? 0 : 1
    const regionWithFullType = regionNamePosition === 0 ? `${regionName} ${regionType}` : `${regionType} ${regionName}`

    const cityWithType = get(addressMeta, 'city_with_type')
    const cityName = get(addressMeta, 'city')

    const settlementPart = get(addressMeta, 'settlement_with_type')

    const block = blockType ? ` ${blockType} ${blockName}` : ''
    const settlement = streetWithType ? streetWithType : settlementPart
    const streetPart = settlement && `${settlement}, ${houseType} ${houseName}${block}`
    const regionPart = regionName && regionName !== cityName && regionWithFullType
    const cityPart = cityWithType && cityWithType

    const areaWithType = get(addressMeta, 'area_with_type')
    const areaPart = areaWithType && areaWithType !== cityPart && areaWithType

    const regionLine = regionPart ? `\n${regionPart}` : ''
    const areaLine = areaPart ? `${regionLine ? ',' : ''}\n${areaPart}` : ''
    const cityLine = cityPart ? `${regionLine ? ',' : ''}\n${cityPart}` : ''
    const settlementLine = settlementPart ? `,\n${settlementPart}` : ''
    const renderPostfix = regionLine + areaLine + settlementLine + cityLine

    return { streetPart, areaPart, settlementPart, regionPart, cityPart, renderPostfix }

 * Tries to get id of string type from any record that might contain such
 * @param record
export const getId = (record: IRecordWithId): string | null => get(record, 'id', null)

 * Generic function for extracting value from filters
 * @param filters
 * @param key
export const getFilteredValue = <T>(filters: T, key: string | Array<string>): FilterValue => get(filters, key, null)