import { virtualFs, workspaces } from '@angular-devkit/core';
import { noop, Rule, SchematicsException, Tree } from '@angular-devkit/schematics';

/* Below code reference is taken from Angular CLI project.

  These methods are not part of public APIs so we should not be referencing those methods.
  that's why added below method here.

function createHost(tree: Tree): workspaces.WorkspaceHost {
    return {
        async readFile(path: string): Promise<string> {
            const data =;
            if (!data) {
                throw new SchematicsException('File not found.');
            return virtualFs.fileBufferToString(data);
        async writeFile(path: string, data: string): Promise<void> {
            return tree.overwrite(path, data);
        async isDirectory(path: string): Promise<boolean> {
            return !tree.exists(path) && tree.getDir(path).subfiles.length > 0;
        async isFile(path: string): Promise<boolean> {
            return tree.exists(path);

export async function getWorkspace(tree: Tree, path = '/') : Promise<workspaces.WorkspaceDefinition> {
    const host = createHost(tree);
    const { workspace } = await workspaces.readWorkspace(path, host);
    return workspace;

export function updateWorkspace(
    updater: (workspace: workspaces.WorkspaceDefinition) => void | Rule | PromiseLike<void | Rule>,
  ): Rule;
  export function updateWorkspace(workspace: workspaces.WorkspaceDefinition): Rule;
  export function updateWorkspace(
      | workspaces.WorkspaceDefinition
      | ((workspace: workspaces.WorkspaceDefinition) => void | Rule | PromiseLike<void | Rule>),
  ): Rule {
    return async (tree: Tree) => {
      const host = createHost(tree);
      if (typeof updaterOrWorkspace === 'function') {
        const { workspace } = await workspaces.readWorkspace('/', host);
        const result = await updaterOrWorkspace(workspace);
        await workspaces.writeWorkspace(workspace, host);
        return result || noop;
      } else {
        await workspaces.writeWorkspace(updaterOrWorkspace, host);
        return noop;