import { createHash } from "crypto";
import { existsSync } from "fs";
import { basename, dirname, extname, join, resolve } from "path";
import {
} from "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda";
import { Construct } from "@aws-cdk/core";
import { Builder } from "./builder";

 * Properties for a NodejsFunction
export interface WebpackFunctionProps extends FunctionOptions {
   * Path to the entry file (JavaScript or TypeScript).
   * @example - aws/lambda/yourFunction.ts
  readonly entry: string;

   * Path to webpack config file.
  readonly config: string;

   * The name of the exported handler in the entry file.
   * @default handler
  readonly handler?: string;

   * The runtime environment. Only runtimes of the Node.js family are
   * supported.
   * @default - NODEJS_14
  readonly runtime?: Runtime;

   * The build directory
   * @default - `.build` in the entry file directory
  readonly buildDir?: string;

   * Ensure a unique build path
   * @default - true
  readonly ensureUniqueBuildPath?: boolean;

export interface WebpackSingletonFunctionProps extends WebpackFunctionProps {
  readonly uuid: string;
  readonly lambdaPurpose?: string;

 * A Node.js Lambda function bundled using Parcel
export class WebpackFunction extends Function {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: WebpackFunctionProps) {
    const { runtime, handlerDir, outputBasename, handler } = preProcess(props);

    super(scope, id, {
      code: Code.fromAsset(handlerDir),
      handler: `${outputBasename}.${handler}`,

export class WebpackSingletonFunction extends SingletonFunction {
    scope: Construct,
    id: string,
    props: WebpackSingletonFunctionProps
  ) {
    const { runtime, handlerDir, outputBasename, handler } = preProcess(props);

    super(scope, id, {
      code: Code.fromAsset(handlerDir),
      handler: `${outputBasename}.${handler}`,

function preProcess(props: WebpackFunctionProps) {
  if (props.runtime && !== RuntimeFamily.NODEJS) {
    throw new Error("Only `NODEJS` runtimes are supported.");
  if (!/\.(js|ts)$/.test(props.entry)) {
    throw new Error("Only JavaScript or TypeScript entry files are supported.");
  if (!existsSync(props.entry)) {
    throw new Error(`Cannot find entry file at ${props.entry}`);
  if (!existsSync(props.config)) {
    throw new Error(`Cannot find webpack config file at ${props.config}`);
  const handler = props.handler || "handler";
  const runtime = props.runtime || Runtime.NODEJS_14_X;
  const buildDir = props.buildDir || join(dirname(props.entry), ".build");
  const ensureUniqueBuildPath =
    typeof props.ensureUniqueBuildPath === "boolean"
      ? props.ensureUniqueBuildPath
      : true;
  const handlerDir = ensureUniqueBuildPath
    ? createUniquePath(buildDir, props.entry)
    : buildDir;
  const outputBasename = basename(props.entry, extname(props.entry));

  // Build with webpack
  const builder = new Builder({
    entry: resolve(props.entry),
    output: resolve(join(handlerDir, outputBasename + ".js")),
    config: resolve(props.config),
  return { runtime, handlerDir, outputBasename, handler };

function createUniquePath(buildDir: string, currentPath: string) {
  return join(buildDir, createHash("sha256").update(currentPath).digest("hex"));