import * as React from 'react';
import { ListInline, Loading, RefreshButton, shortHash } from './Utils';
import * as d3 from 'd3';
import { JsonBlock } from 'casper-client-sdk';
import { ToggleButton, ToggleStore } from './ToggleButton';
import { autorun } from 'mobx';
import * as d3xyzoom from 'd3-xyzoom';
import { observer } from 'mobx-react';


const CircleRadius = 12;
const LineColor = '#AAA';
const FinalizedLineColor = '#83f2a1';
const OrphanedLineColor = '#FF0000';

export interface Props {
  title: string;
  refresh?: () => void;
  subscribeToggleStore?: ToggleStore;
  hideBallotsToggleStore?: ToggleStore;
  hideBlockHashToggleStore?: ToggleStore;
  blocks: JsonBlock[] | null;
  emptyMessage?: any;
  footerMessage?: any;
  width: string | number;
  height: string | number;
  selected?: JsonBlock;
  depth: number;
  onDepthChange?: (depth: number) => void;
  onSelected?: (block: JsonBlock) => void;

export class BlockDAG extends React.Component<Props, {}> {
  svg: SVGSVGElement | null = null;
  hint: HTMLDivElement | null = null;
  xTrans: d3.ScaleLinear<number, number> | null = null;
  yTrans: d3.ScaleLinear<number, number> | null = null;
  initialized = false;

  constructor(props: Props) {
      () => {
        delay: 400

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="card mb-3">
        <div className="card-header">
          <div className="float-right">
              {this.props.hideBallotsToggleStore && (
                  label="Hide Ballots"
                  title="Hide Ballots"
              {this.props.subscribeToggleStore && (
                  title="Subscribe to the latest added blocks"
                  label="Live Feed"
              {this.props.hideBlockHashToggleStore && (
                  title="Hide BlockHash Label"
                  label="Hide Label"
              {this.props.onDepthChange && (
                  onChange={e =>
                  {[10, 20, 50, 100].map(x => (
                    <option key={x} value={x}>
              {this.props.refresh && (
                <RefreshButton refresh={() => this.props.refresh!()} />
        <div className="card-body">
          {this.props.blocks == null ? (
            <Loading />
          ) : this.props.blocks.length === 0 ? (
            <div className="small text-muted">
              {this.props.emptyMessage || 'No blocks to show.'}
          ) : (
            <div className="svg-container">
                ref={(ref: SVGSVGElement) => (this.svg = ref)}
                ref={(ref: HTMLDivElement) => (this.hint = ref)}
        {this.props.footerMessage && (
          <div className="card-footer small text-muted">

  /** Called so that the SVG is added when the component has been rendered,
   * however data will most likely still be uninitialized. */
  componentDidMount() {

  renderGraph() {
    const hideBallot = this.props.hideBallotsToggleStore?.isPressed;
    const hideBlockHash = this.props.hideBlockHashToggleStore?.isPressed;

    let blocks = this.props.blocks;
    if (blocks == null || blocks.length === 0) {
      // The renderer will have removed the svg.
      this.initialized = false;

    const svg =;
    const hint =;
    const validatorColor = consistentColor(d3.schemePaired);
    const eraColor = consistentColor(d3.schemeCategory10);
    // See what the actual width and height is.
    const width = $(this.svg!).width()!;
    const height = $(this.svg!).height()!;

    // see
    // using axis transform function to simplify transform
    let initXTrans: d3.ScaleLinear<number, number> = d3
      .domain([0, width])
      .range([0, width]);
    let initYTrans: d3.ScaleLinear<number, number> = d3
      .domain([0, height])
      .range([0, height]);

    // Append items that will not change.
    if (!this.initialized) {
      this.xTrans = initXTrans;
      this.yTrans = initYTrans;
      // Add the zoomable container.
      svg.append('g').attr('class', 'container');

      // whether it is under horizontal only zoom mode
      let isHorizontal = false;
      const zoom = d3xyzoom
          [0, 0],
          [width, height]
          [0.4, 4],
          [0.4, 4]
        .on('start', () => {
          // The first wheel event emits a start event; an end event is emitted when no wheel events are received for 150ms.
          // So if user press ctrlKey when fire first wheel event,
          // it enters the horizontal only zoom mode.
          if (d3.event.sourceEvent && d3.event.sourceEvent.type === 'wheel') {
            isHorizontal = d3.event.sourceEvent.ctrlKey;
            if (isHorizontal) {
              svg.attr('cursor', 'ew-resize');
            } else {
              svg.attr('cursor', 'nesw-resize');
          } else if (
            d3.event.sourceEvent &&
            d3.event.sourceEvent.type === 'mousedown'
          ) {
            svg.attr('cursor', 'grab');
        .on('zoom', () => {
          let t = d3.event.transform;
          this.xTrans = t.rescaleX(initXTrans);
          if (!isHorizontal) {
            this.yTrans = t.rescaleY(initYTrans);
          // updatePositions();
        .on('end', () => {
          // reset
          isHorizontal = false;
          // set null to remove the attribute
          svg.attr('cursor', null);
          // see
          // Stored the current axis of x and y, and set the transform to be the identity transform,
          // where kx = 1, ky = 1, tx = ty = 0, so when switching between zoom mode,
          // both of them won't interleave.
          initXTrans = this.xTrans ?? initXTrans;
          initYTrans = this.yTrans ?? initYTrans;
'__zoom', d3xyzoom.xyzoomIdentity);

      // add the defs of arrow which can be used to draw an arrow at the end of the lines to point at parents later
        .attr('id', 'arrow')
        .attr('refX', 6)
        .attr('refY', 6)
        .attr('markerWidth', 10)
        .attr('markerHeight', 10)
        .attr('orient', 'auto')
        .attr('d', 'M 3 4 7 6 3 8')
        .attr('fill', LineColor);

      this.initialized = true;

    // The container are the root layer to draw all node/label/line components
    const container ='.container');

    // Clear previous contents.

    let graph: Graph = calculateCoordinates(toGraph(blocks), width, height);

    const selectedId = this.props.selected && this.props.selected.hash;

    const link = container
      .attr('class', 'links')
        graph.links.filter((d: d3Link) => {
          if (hideBallot) {
            // return isBlock(d.source.block) && isBlock(;
            return true;
          } else {
            return true;
      .attr('stroke', (d: d3Link) =>
          ? OrphanedLineColor
          : d.isFinalized
          ? FinalizedLineColor
          : LineColor
      .attr('stroke-width', (d: d3Link) => (d.isMainParent ? 3 : 1))
      .attr('marker-end', 'url(#arrow)') // use the Arrow created above
      .attr('stroke-dasharray', (d: d3Link) =>
        d.isJustification ? '3, 3' : null
      .attr('opacity', (d: d3Link) => (d.isJustification ? 0 : 1));

    const node = container
      .attr('class', 'nodes')
        graph.nodes.filter(node => {
          if (hideBallot) {
            // return isBlock(node.block);
            return true;
          } else {
            return true;

      .attr('class', 'node')
      .attr('r', (d: d3Node) => {
        // fixme
        // return CircleRadius * (isBallot(d.block) ? 0.5 : 1.0);
        return CircleRadius;
      .attr('stroke', (d: d3Node) =>
        selectedId && === selectedId
          ? '#E00'
          : eraColor(d.eraId.toString())
      .attr('stroke-width', (d: d3Node) =>
        selectedId && === selectedId ? '7px' : '4px'
      .attr('fill', (d: d3Node) => validatorColor(d.validator));

    // Append a node-label to each node
    const label = node
      .attr('class', 'node-label')
      .text((d: d3Node) => d.title)
      .style('font-family', 'Arial')
      .style('font-size', 12)
      .style('pointer-events', 'none') // to prevent mouseover/drag capture
      .style('text-anchor', 'start')
      .attr('display', hideBlockHash ? 'none' : 'block');

    const focus = (d: any) => {
      let datum = as d3Node;'opacity', x =>
        graph.areNeighbours(, ? 1 : 0.1
      label.attr('display', x =>
        graph.areNeighbours(, ? 'block' : 'none'
      );'opacity', x => === || ===
          ? 1
          : x.isJustification
          ? 0
          : 0.1
        `Block: ${} @ ${datum.rank} <br /> Validator: ${datum.validator}`
      );'display', 'block');

    const unfocus = () => {
      label.attr('display', hideBlockHash ? 'none' : 'block');'opacity', 1);'opacity', x => (x.isJustification ? 0 : 1));'display', 'none');

    const select = (d: any) => {
      let datum = as d3Node;
      this.props.onSelected && this.props.onSelected(datum.block);

    node.on('mouseover', focus).on('mouseout', unfocus);
    node.on('click', select);


    const updatePositions = () => {
      const x = this.xTrans ?? initXTrans;
      const y = this.yTrans ?? initYTrans;
      // update position of node
        .attr('cx', (d: any) => x(d.x))
        .attr('cy', (d: any) => y(d.y));

      // update position of label
        .attr('x', (d: any) => x(d.x) + 5)
        .attr('y', (d: any) => y(d.y) + 25)
        .attr('transform', (d: any) => `rotate(25 ${x(d.x)} ${y(d.y)})`); // rotate so a chain doesn't overlap on a small screen.

      // update positions of line
        .attr('x1', (d: any) => x(d.source.x))
        .attr('y1', (d: any) => y(d.source.y))
        .attr('x2', (d: any) => {
          // We want the radius of Node keep the same after scaling, so we need use invert function to calculate that before scaling.
          const newRInX = x.invert(CircleRadius + 2) - x.invert(0);
          return x(
            d.source.x + ( - d.source.x) * shorten(d, newRInX)
        .attr('y2', (d: any) => {
          // We want the radius of Node keep the same after scaling, so we need use invert function to calculate that before scaling.
          const newRInY = y.invert(CircleRadius + 2) - y.invert(0);
          return y(
            d.source.y + ( - d.source.y) * shorten(d, newRInY)



interface d3Node {
  id: string;
  title: string;
  validator: string;
  eraId: number;
  rank: number;
  x?: number;
  y?: number;
  block: JsonBlock;

interface d3Link {
  source: d3Node;
  target: d3Node;
  isMainParent: boolean;
  isJustification: boolean;
  isFinalized: boolean;
  isOrphaned: boolean;

class Graph {
  private targets: Map<String, Set<String>> = new Map();

  constructor(public nodes: d3Node[], public links: d3Link[]) {
    links.forEach(link => {
      let targets = this.targets.get( || new Set<String>();
      this.targets.set(, targets);

  hasTarget = (from: string, to: string) =>
    this.targets.has(from) && this.targets.get(from)!.has(to);

  areNeighbours = (a: string, b: string) =>
    a === b || this.hasTarget(a, b) || this.hasTarget(b, a);

/** Turn blocks into the reduced graph structure. */
const toGraph = (blocks: JsonBlock[]) => {
  let nodes: d3Node[] = => {
    return {
      id: block.hash,
      title: shortHash(block.hash),
      validator: block.header.proposer,
      eraId: block.header.era_id,
      rank: block.header.height,
      block: block

  let nodeMap = new Map( => [, x]));

  let links = blocks.flatMap(block => {
    let child = block.hash;

    let isChildFinalized = isFinalized(block);
    let isChildOrphaned = isOrphaned(block);
    let isChildBallot = isBallot(block);

    // fixme
    // let parents = block
    //   .getSummary()!
    //   .getHeader()!
    //   .getParentHashesList_asU8()
    //   .map(h => encodeBase16(h));
    let parents: JsonBlock[] = [];

    let parentSet = new Set(parents);

    // fixme
    // let justifications = block
    //   .getSummary()!
    //   .getHeader()!
    //   .getJustificationsList()
    //   .map(x => encodeBase16(x.getLatestBlockHash_asU8()));

    let justifications: JsonBlock[] = [];
    let source = nodeMap.get(child)!;

    let parentLinks = parents
      .filter(p => nodeMap.has(p.hash))
      .map(p => {
        let target = nodeMap.get(p.hash)!;
        return {
          source: source,
          target: target,
          isMainParent: p === parents[0],
          isJustification: false,
            (isChildFinalized || isChildBallot) && isFinalized(target.block),
          // if child is an orphaned block, the link should be highlighted with OrphanedLineColor
          isOrphaned: isChildOrphaned

    let justificationLinks = justifications
      .filter(x => !parentSet.has(x))
      .filter(j => nodeMap.has(j.hash))
      .map(j => {
        let target = nodeMap.get(j.hash)!;
        return {
          source: source,
          target: target,
          isMainParent: false,
          isJustification: true,
            (isChildFinalized || isChildBallot) && isFinalized(target.block),
          isOrphaned: false

    return parentLinks.concat(justificationLinks);

  return new Graph(nodes, links);

/** Calculate coordinates so that valiators are in horizontal swimlanes, time flowing left to right. */
const calculateCoordinates = (graph: Graph, width: number, height: number) => {
  const validators = [ Set( => x.validator))].sort();
  const marginPercent = 0.4; // so that there are space between swimlanes
  const verticalStep = height / validators.length;
  const maxRank = Math.max( => x.rank));
  const minRank = Math.min( => x.rank));
  const horizontalStep = width / (maxRank - minRank + 2);

  // count how many nodes having the same (validator, rank)
  let countOfRanks = new Map<string, number>();
  // current index, for the specified key, curIndexOfRanks[key] = [0, countOfRanks[key])
  let curIndexOfRanks = new Map<string, number>();

  // since JavaScript doesn't support tuple as key of Map, we need to encode the primary keys
  let key = (node: d3Node) => `${node.validator},${node.rank}`;

  graph.nodes.forEach(node => {
    let k = key(node);
    if (countOfRanks.has(k)) {
      countOfRanks.set(k, countOfRanks.get(k)! + 1);
    } else {
      countOfRanks.set(k, 1);

  graph.nodes.forEach(node => {
    let k = key(node);
    let count = countOfRanks.get(k)!;
    let step = 0;

    if (count !== 1) {
      let index = curIndexOfRanks.has(k) ? curIndexOfRanks.get(k)! : 0;
      // for each node i of nodes NS having the same (validator, rank), c is the size of NS
      // its distance from the baseline of swimlane is (i / (c - 1) - 0.5) * height of swimlane
      // the height of swimlane is (1 - marginPercent) * verticalStep
      step = (index / (count - 1) - 0.5) * (1 - marginPercent);
      curIndexOfRanks.set(k, index + 1);

    // (validators.indexOf(node.validator) + 0.5) * verticalStep is the y of the baseline of swimlane of node.validator
    node.y = (validators.indexOf(node.validator) + 0.5 + step) * verticalStep;
    node.x = (node.rank - minRank + 1) * horizontalStep;

  return graph;

// fixme
const isBlock = (block: JsonBlock) => true;
// block.getSummary()!.getHeader()!.getMessageType() === Block.MessageType.BLOCK;

// fixme
const isBallot = (block: JsonBlock) => !isBlock(block);

// fixme
const isFinalized = (block: JsonBlock) => true;
// block.getStatus()!.getFinality() === BlockInfo.Status.Finality.FINALIZED;

// fixme
const isOrphaned = (block: JsonBlock) => false;
// isBlock(block) &&
// block.getStatus()!.getFinality() === BlockInfo.Status.Finality.ORPHANED;

/** Shorten lines by a fixed amount so that the line doesn't stick out from under the arrows tip. */
// const shorten = (d: any, by: number) => {
//   let length = Math.sqrt(
//     Math.pow( - d.source.x, 2) + Math.pow( - d.source.y, 2)
//   );
//   return Math.max(0, (length - by) / length);
// };

/** String hash for consistent colors. Same as Java. */
const hashCode = (s: string) => {
  let hash = 0;
  if (s.length === 0) return hash;
  for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
    let chr = s.charCodeAt(i);
    hash = (hash << 5) - hash + chr;
    hash |= 0; // Convert to 32bit integer
  return hash;

const consistentColor = (colors: readonly string[]) => {
  // Display each validator with its own color.
  // This can be used like `color(x.validator)` but it changes depending on which validators are on the screen.
  // const color = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory10);
  // This can be used with a numeric value:
  // const hashRange: [number, number] = [-2147483648, 2147483647];
  //   d3.scaleSequential(d3.interpolateSpectral).domain(hashRange),
  const cl = colors.length;
  return (s: string) => {
    const h = hashCode(s);
    const c = Math.abs(h % cl);
    return colors[c];