import React, { useMemo } from 'react'
import { useTranslation } from 'contexts/Localization'
import { Trade, TradeType } from '@glide-finance/sdk'
import { Button, Text, ErrorIcon, ArrowDownIcon } from '@glide-finance/uikit'
import { Field } from 'state/swap/actions'
import { isAddress, shortenAddress } from 'utils'
import { computeSlippageAdjustedAmounts, computeTradePriceBreakdown, warningSeverity } from 'utils/prices'
import { AutoColumn } from 'components/Layout/Column'
import { CurrencyLogo } from 'components/Logo'
import { RowBetween, RowFixed } from 'components/Layout/Row'
import { TruncatedText, SwapShowAcceptChanges } from './styleds'

export default function SwapModalHeader({
}: {
  trade: Trade
  allowedSlippage: number
  recipient: string | null
  showAcceptChanges: boolean
  onAcceptChanges: () => void
}) {
  const { t } = useTranslation()
  const slippageAdjustedAmounts = useMemo(
    () => computeSlippageAdjustedAmounts(trade, allowedSlippage),
    [trade, allowedSlippage],
  const { priceImpactWithoutFee } = useMemo(() => computeTradePriceBreakdown(trade), [trade])
  const priceImpactSeverity = warningSeverity(priceImpactWithoutFee)

  return (
    <AutoColumn gap="md">
      <RowBetween align="flex-end">
        <RowFixed gap="0px">
          <CurrencyLogo currency={trade.inputAmount.currency} size="24px" style={{ marginRight: '12px' }} />
            color={showAcceptChanges && trade.tradeType === TradeType.EXACT_OUTPUT ? 'primary' : 'text'}
        <RowFixed gap="0px">
          <Text fontSize="24px" ml="10px">
        <ArrowDownIcon width="16px" ml="4px" />
      <RowBetween align="flex-end">
        <RowFixed gap="0px">
          <CurrencyLogo currency={trade.outputAmount.currency} size="24px" style={{ marginRight: '12px' }} />
              priceImpactSeverity > 2
                ? 'failure'
                : showAcceptChanges && trade.tradeType === TradeType.EXACT_INPUT
                ? 'primary'
                : 'text'
        <RowFixed gap="0px">
          <Text fontSize="24px" ml="10px">
      {showAcceptChanges ? (
        <SwapShowAcceptChanges justify="flex-start" gap="0px">
              <ErrorIcon mr="8px" />
              <Text bold> {t('Price Updated')}</Text>
            <Button onClick={onAcceptChanges}>{t('Accept')}</Button>
      ) : null}
      <AutoColumn justify="flex-start" gap="sm" style={{ padding: '24px 0 0 0px' }}>
        {trade.tradeType === TradeType.EXACT_INPUT ? (
          <Text small color="textSubtle" textAlign="left" style={{ width: '100%' }}>
            {t(`Output is estimated. You will receive at least`)}{' '}
              {slippageAdjustedAmounts[Field.OUTPUT]?.toSignificant(6)} {trade.outputAmount.currency.symbol}
            {' '}{t('or the transaction will revert.')}
        ) : (
          <Text small color="textSubtle" textAlign="left" style={{ width: '100%' }}>
            {t(`Input is estimated. You will sell at most`)}{' '}
              {slippageAdjustedAmounts[Field.INPUT]?.toSignificant(6)} {trade.inputAmount.currency.symbol}
            {' '}{t('or the transaction will revert.')}
      {recipient !== null ? (
        <AutoColumn justify="flex-start" gap="sm" style={{ padding: '12px 0 0 0px' }}>
          <Text color="textSubtle">
            {t('Output will be sent to')}{' '}
            <b title={recipient}>{isAddress(recipient) ? shortenAddress(recipient) : recipient}</b>
      ) : null}