import { nanoid } from 'nanoid';

import { SnapshotOutBaseLevel, SnapshotInBaseLevel } from 'src/models/Level';
import { SnapshotOutEntity } from 'src/models/Entity';
import { SerializedLevel, SerializedEntity } from 'src/types/snapshot';
import { BlockType } from 'src/types/entity';

export function entityPostProcessor({ id, ...stuff }: SnapshotOutEntity): SerializedEntity {
	// removing the ids can't be done in the Entity or the Vertex because it breacks the undo
	// function that need ids to be consistent
	if ('params' in stuff && 'vertices' in stuff.params) {
		return {
			params: {
				// @ts-expect-error
				vertices:{ id: id_, ...stuff_ }) => ({

	// @ts-expect-error
	return {

export function levelPreProcessor(snapshot: SerializedLevel): SnapshotInBaseLevel {
	const entities = => ({
		type: entity.type as BlockType,
		id: nanoid(),

	return {
		timings: snapshot.timings || [0, 0],

export function levelPostProcessor({ }: SnapshotOutBaseLevel): SerializedLevel {
	// removing the ids can't be done in the Entity or the Vertex because it breacks the undo
	// function that need ids to be consistent
	const level = {,
		formatVersion: 0,
		entities: Object.values(sn.entities).map(entityPostProcessor),
	// @ts-expect-error
	return level;