import { AxiosRequestConfig } from 'axios';
import { EpicgamesGraphQLErrorData, EpicgamesGraphQLErrorLocation } from '../../resources/httpResponses';
import EpicgamesAPIError from './EpicgamesAPIError';

 * Represets a GraphQL HTTP error from the Epicgames GraphQL API
class EpicgamesGraphQLError extends Error {
   * The Epicgames API Error the GraphQL internally received
  public serviceResponse?: EpicgamesAPIError;

   * The error locations within the client's GraphQL query
  public locations: EpicgamesGraphQLErrorLocation[];

   * The GraphQL query path where this error occurred
  public path: string[];

   * The URL of the requested API endpoint
  public url: string;

   * The request data sent by the client
  public requestData: any;

   * @param error The raw Epicgames GraphQL API error data
   * @param request The client's request
  constructor(error: EpicgamesGraphQLErrorData, request: AxiosRequestConfig) {
    super(); = 'EpicgamesGraphQLError';
    this.message = error.message;

    this.url = request.url || '';
    this.serviceResponse = error.serviceResponse && JSON.parse(error.serviceResponse);
    this.locations = error.locations;
    this.path = error.path;
    this.requestData =;

export default EpicgamesGraphQLError;