import { Component, ReactText } from 'react';
import { Method } from 'axios';
import IContent from './Models/IContent';
import ActionResponse from './Models/ActionResponse';
import ContentLink from './Models/ContentLink';
import IEpiserverContext from './Core/IEpiserverContext';
 * Base properties to be applied to every Episerver component
export interface ComponentProps<T extends IContent> {
     * The IContent data object for this component
    data: T;
     * The width for this component
    width?: number;
     * The height for this component
    height?: number;
     * Additional classnames assigned to this component
    className?: string;
     * The unique identifier of this component
    key?: ReactText;
     * The link to the content item shown by this component
    contentLink: ContentLink;
     * The type context to be used, typical values are null, empty string or "block"
    contentType?: string;
     * The property name shown by this component
    propertyName?: string;
     * The controller action name to be used
    actionName?: string;
     * The controller action data to be used
    actionData?: any;
     * Legacy application context, kept as argument for now. Used when provided
     * resolved at runtime otherwise.
     * @deprecated
    context?: IEpiserverContext;
     * The current path being rendered
    path?: string;
     * The identifier of the component, if provided
    id?: string;
 * Type do describe a generic EpiComponent type
export declare type EpiComponentType<T extends IContent = IContent> = new (props: ComponentProps<T>) => EpiComponent<T>;
 * Base abstract class to be used by components representing an Episerver IContent component (e.g. Block, Page, Media,
 * Catalog, Product, etc...)
export declare abstract class EpiComponent<T extends IContent = IContent, S = {}> extends Component<ComponentProps<T>, S, {}> {
     * The component name as injected by the ComponentLoader
    static displayName: string;
    protected currentComponentId: number;
    protected currentComponentGuid: string;
    constructor(props: ComponentProps<T>);
    protected getInitialState?(): S;
    protected componentInitialize?(): void;
     * Return if debug mode is active
    protected isDebugActive(): boolean;
     * Returns true for OPE only
    protected isEditable(): boolean;
     * Returns true for OPE & Preview
    protected isInEditMode(): boolean;
     * Retrieve the ContentLink for this component
    protected getCurrentContentLink(): ContentLink;
    protected getContext(): IEpiserverContext;
     * Invoke a method on the underlying controller for this component, using strongly typed arguments and responses.
     * @param method The (Case sensitive) name of the method to invoke on the controller for this component
     * @param verb The HTTP method to use when invoking, defaults to 'GET'
     * @param args The data to send (will be converted to JSON)
    protected invokeTyped<TypeIn, TypeOut>(method: string, verb?: Method, args?: TypeIn): Promise<ActionResponse<TypeOut>>;
     * Invoke a method on the underlying controller for this component
     * @param method The (Case sensitive) name of the method to invoke on the controller for this component
     * @param verb The HTTP method to use when invoking, defaults to 'GET'
     * @param args The data to send (will be converted to JSON)
    protected invoke(method: string, verb?: Method, args?: object): Promise<ActionResponse<any>>;
    protected htmlObject(htmlValue: string): any;
    protected navigateTo(toPage: string | ContentLink): void;
export default EpiComponent;