import {
} from "@dendronhq/common-all";
import anymatch from "anymatch";
import { assign, CommentJSONValue, parse, stringify } from "comment-json";
import { FSWatcher } from "fs";
import fs from "fs-extra";
import matter from "gray-matter";
import YAML, { JSON_SCHEMA } from "js-yaml";
import _ from "lodash";
import path from "path";
import SparkMD5 from "spark-md5";
// @ts-ignore
import tmp, { DirResult, dirSync } from "tmp";
import { resolvePath } from "./files";
import { SchemaParserV2 } from "./parser";
import textextensionslist from "textextensions";

/** Dendron should ignore any of these folders when watching or searching folders.
 * These folders are unlikely to contain anything Dendron would like to find, so we can ignore them.
 * Example usage:
 * ```ts
 * if (!anymatch(COMMON_FOLDER_IGNORES, folder)) {
 *   // Good folder!
 * }
 * ```
export const COMMON_FOLDER_IGNORES: string[] = [
  "**/.*/**", // Any folder starting with .
  "**/node_modules/**", // nodejs
  "**/.git/**", // git
  "**/__pycache__/**", // python

type FileWatcherCb = {
  fpath: string;

type CreateFileWatcherOpts = {
  fpath: string;
  numTries?: number;
  onChange: (opts: FileWatcherCb) => Promise<any>;
  onCreate: (opts: FileWatcherCb) => Promise<any>;
type CreateFileWatcherResp = {
  watcher: FSWatcher;
  didCreate: boolean;

export async function createFileWatcher(
  opts: CreateFileWatcherOpts
): Promise<CreateFileWatcherResp> {
  const { numTries, fpath, onChange } = _.defaults(opts, {
    numTries: 5,
  const didCreate = false;

  return new Promise((resolve, _reject) => {
    if (!fs.existsSync(fpath)) {
      return setTimeout(() => {
            numTries: numTries - 1,
            isCreate: true,
      }, 3000);
    const watcher =, () => {
      onChange({ fpath });
    return resolve({ watcher, didCreate });

async function _createFileWatcher(
  opts: CreateFileWatcherOpts & { isCreate: boolean }
): Promise<CreateFileWatcherResp> {
  const { numTries, fpath, onChange, onCreate } = _.defaults(opts, {
    numTries: 5,
  if (numTries <= 0) {
    throw new DendronError({ message: "exceeded numTries" });
  return new Promise(async (resolve, _reject) => {
    if (!fs.existsSync(fpath)) {
      console.log({ fpath, msg: "not exist" });
      return setTimeout(() => {
        resolve(createFileWatcher({ ...opts, numTries: numTries - 1 }));
      }, 3000);
    await onCreate({ fpath });
    const watcher =, () => {
      onChange({ fpath });
    return resolve({ watcher, didCreate: true });

export async function file2Schema(
  fpath: string,
  wsRoot: string
): Promise<SchemaModuleProps> {
  const root = { fsPath: path.dirname(fpath) };
  const fname = path.basename(fpath, ".schema.yml");
  const schemaOpts = YAML.load(
    await fs.readFile(fpath, { encoding: "utf8" })
  ) as SchemaModuleOpts;
  return SchemaParserV2.parseRaw(schemaOpts, { root, fname, wsRoot });

export function genHash(contents: any) {
  return SparkMD5.hash(contents); // OR raw hash (binary string)

export async function string2Schema({
}: {
  vault: DVault;
  content: string;
  fname: string;
  wsRoot: string;
}) {
  const schemaOpts = YAML.load(content) as SchemaModuleOpts;
  return SchemaParserV2.parseRaw(schemaOpts, {
    root: vault,

 * @param calculateHash - when set, add `contentHash` property to the note
 *  Default: false
 * @returns
export function string2Note({
}: {
  content: string;
  fname: string;
  vault: DVault;
  calculateHash?: boolean;
}) {
  const options: any = {
    engines: {
      yaml: {
        parse: (s: string) => YAML.load(s),
        stringify: (s: string) => YAML.dump(s),
  const { data, content: body } = matter(content, options);
  if (data?.title) data.title = _.toString(data.title);
  if (data?.id) = _.toString(;
  const custom = DNodeUtils.getCustomProps(data);

  const contentHash = calculateHash ? genHash(content) : undefined;
  const note = DNodeUtils.create({,
    type: "note",
  return note;

export function file2Note(
  fpath: string,
  vault: DVault,
  toLowercase?: boolean
): NoteProps {
  const content = fs.readFileSync(fpath, { encoding: "utf8" });
  const { name } = path.parse(fpath);
  const fname = toLowercase ? name.toLowerCase() : name;
  return string2Note({ content, fname, vault });

/** Read the contents of a note from the filesystem.
 * Warning! The note contents may be out of date compared to changes in the editor.
 * Consider using `NoteUtils.serialize` instead.
export function note2String(opts: {
  note: NoteProps;
  wsRoot: string;
}): Promise<string> {
  const notePath = NoteUtils.getFullPath(opts);
  return fs.readFile(notePath, { encoding: "utf8" });

 * Go to dirname that {fname} is contained in
 * @param maxLvl? - default: 10
 @deprecated use {@link findUpTo}
export function goUpTo(opts: {
  base: string;
  fname: string;
  maxLvl?: number;
}): string {
  const { fname, base } = opts;
  let maxLvl = opts.maxLvl ?? 10;
  const lvls = [];
  while (maxLvl > 0) {
    const tryPath = path.join(base, ...lvls, fname);
    if (fs.existsSync(tryPath)) {
      return path.dirname(tryPath);
    maxLvl -= 1;
  throw Error(`no root found from ${base}`);

 * Go to dirname that {fname} is contained in, going out (up the tree) from base.
 * @param maxLvl - default: 3
 * @param returnDirPath - return path to directory, default: false
export function findUpTo(opts: {
  base: string;
  fname: string;
  maxLvl?: number;
  returnDirPath?: boolean;
}): string | undefined {
  const { fname, base, maxLvl, returnDirPath } = _.defaults(opts, {
    maxLvl: 3,
    returnDirPath: false,
  const lvls = [];
  let acc = 0;
  while (maxLvl - acc > 0) {
    const tryPath = path.join(base, ...lvls, fname);
    if (fs.existsSync(tryPath)) {
      return returnDirPath ? path.dirname(tryPath) : tryPath;
    acc += 1;
  return undefined;

export const WS_FILE_MAX_SEARCH_DEPTH = 3;

 * Go to dirname that {fname} is contained in, going in (deeper into tree) from base.
 * @param maxLvl Default 3, how deep to go down in the file tree. Keep in mind that the tree gets wider and this search becomes exponentially more expensive the deeper we go.
 * @param returnDirPath - return path to directory, default: false
 * One warning: this will not search into folders starting with `.` to avoid searching through things like the `.git` folder.
export async function findDownTo(opts: {
  base: string;
  fname: string;
  maxLvl?: number;
  returnDirPath?: boolean;
}): Promise<string | undefined> {
  const { fname, base, maxLvl, returnDirPath } = {
    returnDirPath: false,
  const contents = await fs.readdir(base);
  let found = contents.filter((foundFile) => foundFile === fname)[0];
  if (found) {
    found = path.join(base, found);
    return returnDirPath ? path.dirname(found) : found;
  if (maxLvl > 1) {
    // Keep searching recursively
    return (
      await Promise.all( (folder) => {
          // Find the folders in the current folder
          const subfolder = await fs.stat(path.join(base, folder));
          if (!subfolder.isDirectory()) return;
          // Exclude folders starting with . to skip stuff like `.git`
          if (anymatch(COMMON_FOLDER_IGNORES, folder)) return;
          return findDownTo({
            base: path.join(base, folder),
            maxLvl: maxLvl - 1,
  return undefined;

/** Returns true if `inner` is inside of `outer`, and false otherwise.
 * If `inner === outer`, then that also returns false.
export function isInsidePath(outer: string, inner: string) {
  // When going from `outer` to `inner`
  const relPath = path.relative(outer, inner);
  // If we have to leave `outer`, or if we have to switch to a
  // different drive with an absolute path, then `inner` can't be
  // inside `outer` (or `inner` and `outer` are identical)
  return (
    !relPath.startsWith("..") && !path.isAbsolute(relPath) && relPath !== ""

/** Returns the list of unique, outermost folders. No two folders returned are nested within each other. */
export function uniqueOutermostFolders(folders: string[]) {
  // Avoid duplicates
  folders = _.uniq(folders);
  if (folders.length === 1) return folders;
  return folders.filter((currentFolder) =>
    folders.every((otherFolder) => {
      // `currentFolder` is not inside any other folder
      return !isInsidePath(otherFolder, currentFolder);

export function note2File({
}: {
  note: NoteProps;
  vault: DVault;
  wsRoot: string;
}) {
  const { fname } = note;
  const ext = ".md";
  const payload = NoteUtils.serialize(note, { excludeStub: true });
  const vpath = vault2Path({ vault, wsRoot });
  return fs.writeFile(path.join(vpath, fname + ext), payload);

function serializeModuleProps(moduleProps: SchemaModuleProps) {
  const { version, imports, schemas } = moduleProps;
  // TODO: filter out imported schemas
  const out: any = {
    imports: [],
    schemas: _.values(schemas).map((ent) =>
  if (imports) {
    out.imports = imports;
  return YAML.dump(out, { schema: JSON_SCHEMA });

function serializeModuleOpts(moduleOpts: SchemaModuleOpts) {
  const { version, imports, schemas } = _.defaults(moduleOpts, {
    imports: [],
  const out = {
    schemas: _.values(schemas).map((ent) =>
  return YAML.dump(out, { schema: JSON_SCHEMA });

export function schemaModuleOpts2File(
  schemaFile: SchemaModuleOpts,
  vaultPath: string,
  fname: string
) {
  const ext = ".schema.yml";
  return fs.writeFile(
    path.join(vaultPath, fname + ext),

export function schemaModuleProps2File(
  schemaMProps: SchemaModuleProps,
  vpath: string,
  fname: string
) {
  const ext = ".schema.yml";
  return fs.writeFile(
    path.join(vpath, fname + ext),

export function assignJSONWithComment(jsonObj: any, dataToAdd: any) {
  return assign(

export async function readJSONWithComments(
  fpath: string
): Promise<CommentJSONValue | null> {
  const content = await fs.readFile(fpath);
  const obj = parse(content.toString());
  return obj;

export function readJSONWithCommentsSync(fpath: string): CommentJSONValue {
  const content = fs.readFileSync(fpath);
  const obj = parse(content.toString());
  return obj;

export function tmpDir(): DirResult {
  const dirPath = dirSync();
  return dirPath;

/** Returns the path to where the notes are stored inside the vault.
 * For self contained vaults, this is the `notes` folder inside of the vault.
 * For other vault types, this is the root of the vault itself.
 * If you always need the root of the vault, use {@link pathForVaultRoot} instead.
export const vault2Path = ({
}: {
  vault: DVault;
  wsRoot: string;
}) => {
  return resolvePath(VaultUtils.getRelPath(vault), wsRoot);

/** Returns the root of the vault.
 * This is similar to {@link vault2Path}, the only difference is that for self
 * contained vaults `vault2Path` returns the `notes` folder inside the vault,
 * while this returns the root of the vault.
export function pathForVaultRoot({
}: {
  vault: DVault;
  wsRoot: string;
}) {
  if (VaultUtils.isSelfContained(vault))
    return resolvePath(path.join(wsRoot, vault.fsPath));
  return vault2Path({ vault, wsRoot });

export function writeJSONWithCommentsSync(fpath: string, data: any) {
  const payload = stringify(data, null, 4);
  return fs.writeFileSync(fpath, payload);

export async function writeJSONWithComments(fpath: string, data: any) {
  const payload = stringify(data, null, 4);
  return fs.writeFile(fpath, payload);

 * Turn . delimited file to / separated
export function dot2Slash(fname: string) {
  return fname.replace(/\./g, "/");

/** Checks that the `path` contains a file. */
export async function fileExists(path: string) {
  try {
    const stat = await fs.stat(path);
    return stat.isFile();
  } catch {
    return false;

/** Finds if a file `fpath` is located in any vault.
 * @param fpath A file name or relative path that we are searching inside vaults.
async function findFileInVault({
}: {
  fpath: string;
  wsRoot: string;
  vaults: DVault[];
}): Promise<{ vault: DVault; fullPath: string } | undefined> {
  // Assets from later vaults will overwrite earlier ones.
  vaults = [...vaults].reverse();
  for (const vault of vaults) {
    const fullPath = path.join(wsRoot, VaultUtils.getRelPath(vault), fpath);
    // Doing this sequentially to simulate how publishing handles conflicting assets.
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
    if (await fileExists(fullPath)) {
      return { vault, fullPath };

export async function findNonNoteFile(opts: {
  fpath: string;
  wsRoot: string;
  vaults: DVault[];
  currentVault?: DVault;
}): Promise<{ vault?: DVault; fullPath: string } | undefined> {
  let { fpath } = opts;
  if (path.isAbsolute(fpath)) {
    // The path could be an absolute path. If it is and the file exists, then directly use that.
    if (await fileExists(fpath)) return { fullPath: fpath };
  // Not an absolute path. Then the leading slash is meaningless:
  // `/assets` and `assets` refers to the same place.
  fpath = _.trim(fpath, "/\\");
  // Check if this is an asset first
  if (fpath.startsWith("assets")) {
    const out = await findFileInVault(opts);
    if (out !== undefined) return out;
  // If not an asset, this also might be relative to the current note
  if (opts.currentVault) {
    const fullPath = path.join(
    if (await fileExists(fullPath))
      return { fullPath, vault: opts.currentVault };
  // If not an asset, or if we couldn't find it in assets, then check from wsRoot for out-of-vault files
  const fullPath = path.join(opts.wsRoot, fpath);
  if (await fileExists(fullPath)) return { fullPath };
  // Otherwise, it just doesn't exist
  return undefined;

class FileUtils {
   * Keep incrementing a numerical suffix until we find a path name that does not correspond to an existing file
   * @param param0
  static genFilePathWithSuffixThatDoesNotExist({
    sep = "-",
  }: {
    fpath: string;
    sep?: string;
  }) {
    // Try to put into `fpath`. If `fpath` exists, create a new folder with an numbered suffix
    let acc = 0;
    let tryPath = fpath;
    while (fs.pathExistsSync(tryPath)) {
      acc += 1;
      tryPath = [fpath, acc].join(sep);
    return { filePath: tryPath, acc };
   * Check if a file starts with a prefix string
   * @param fpath: full path to the file
   * @param prefix: string prefix to check for
  static matchFilePrefix = async ({
  }: {
    fpath: string;
    prefix: string;
  }): Promise<RespV3<boolean>> => {
    // solution adapted from
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(fpath, { highWaterMark: 60 });
      const prefixLength = prefix.length;
        .on("error", (err) =>
            error: new DendronError({ innerError: err, message: "error" }),
        // we got to the end without a match
        .on("end", () => resolve({ data: false }))
        .on("data", (chunk: Buffer) => {
          // eslint-disable-next-line no-plusplus
          for (let i = 0; i < chunk.length; i++) {
            const a = String.fromCharCode(chunk[i]);
            // not a match, return
            if (a !== prefix[i]) {
              resolve({ data: false });
            // all matches
            if (i === prefixLength - 1) {
              resolve({ data: true });

/** Looks at the files at the given path to check if it's a self contained vault. */
export async function isSelfContainedVaultFolder(dir: string) {
  return _.every(
    await Promise.all([
      fs.pathExists(path.join(dir, CONSTANTS.DENDRON_CONFIG_FILE)),
      fs.pathExists(path.join(dir, FOLDERS.NOTES)),

/** Move a file from `from` to `to`, if the file exists.
 * @returns True if the file did exist and was moved successfully, false otherwise.
export async function moveIfExists(from: string, to: string): Promise<boolean> {
  try {
    if (await fs.pathExists(from)) {
      await fs.move(from, to);
      return true;
  } catch (err) {
    // Permissions error or similar issue when moving the path
    // deliberately left empty
  return false;

/** Utility functions for dealing with file extensions. */
export class ExtensionUtils {
  private static textExtensions: ReadonlySet<string>;
  private static ensureTextExtensions() {
    if (this.textExtensions === undefined) {
      this.textExtensions = new Set( => extension.toLowerCase())

  /** Checks if a given file extension is a well known text file extension. */
  static isTextFileExtension(extension: string) {
    extension = _.trimStart(extension, ".").toLowerCase();
    return this.textExtensions.has(extension);

export { tmp, DirResult, FileUtils };