import { task, types } from 'hardhat/config';
import { HardhatRuntimeEnvironment } from 'hardhat/types';

task('wallet:new', 'generate a new wallet mnemonic').setAction(walletNew);

async function walletNew({}, hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment) {
  const mnemonic = await hre.ethers.utils.entropyToMnemonic(hre.ethers.utils.randomBytes(16));
  const wallet = hre.ethers.Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic);
  console.log('mnemonic:', mnemonic);
  console.log('address:', wallet.address);
  console.log('privateKey: ', wallet.privateKey);

task('wallet:info', 'show deployer wallet public address and balance').setAction(walletInfo);

async function walletInfo({}, hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment) {
  const [deployer] = await hre.ethers.getSigners();

  console.log('address:', deployer.address);
  const balance = await hre.ethers.provider.getBalance(deployer.address);
  console.log('balance:', hre.ethers.utils.formatEther(balance));

task('wallet:send', 'send the native currency of this chain (ETH on mainnet, xDAI on xDAI chain)')
  .addParam('from', 'sender address', undefined, types.string)
  .addParam('to', 'receiver address', undefined, types.string)
  .addParam('value', 'value to send (in units of ETH/xDAI)', undefined, types.float)
    "dry run only (doesn't carry out transaction, just verifies that it's valid). default: true",
  .addParam('gaspricegwei', 'gas price in gwei', 1, types.float)
  .addParam('confirmations', 'confirmations to wait', 1,

async function sendValue(
  args: {
    from: string;
    to: string;
    value: number;
    dry: boolean;
    gaspricegwei: number;
    confirmations: number;
  hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment
) {
  const toIsAddress = hre.ethers.utils.isAddress(;
  if (!toIsAddress) {
    throw new Error(`TO address ${} is NOT a valid address.`);
  const fromIsAddress = hre.ethers.utils.isAddress(args.from);
  if (!fromIsAddress) {
    throw new Error(`FROM address ${args.from} is NOT a valid address.`);

  const accounts = await hre.ethers.getSigners();
  const sender = accounts.filter(
    (account) => account.address.toLowerCase() === args.from.toLowerCase()
  if (!sender) {
    throw new Error(
      `FROM address ${args.from} not found in local wallet! Check your hardhat.config file`

  const parsedValue = hre.ethers.utils.parseEther(args.value.toString());
  const balance = await sender.getBalance();

  if ( {
    throw new Error(
      `${sender.address} trying to send ~$${hre.ethers.utils.formatEther(
      )} but has ${hre.ethers.utils.formatEther(balance)}. top up and rerun`

  const gasPrice = hre.ethers.utils.parseUnits(args.gaspricegwei.toString(), 'gwei');
  if ('1', 'gwei').mul(1000))) {
    throw new Error(`GAS PRICE TOO HIGH: ${args.gaspricegwei}gwei`);

    `[${}] Sending ${args.value} from ${sender.address} to ${} with gas price ${args.gaspricegwei}gwei\n`

  if (!args.dry) {
    // send the tx
    const txResponse = await sender.sendTransaction({
      value: parsedValue,
    console.log(`Tx submitted with hash: ${txResponse.hash}\n`);

    // await `confirmations` confirmations
    // for some reason if confirmations is 0 then sometimes txReceipt is null
    const txReceipt = await txResponse.wait(args.confirmations);

    // log when confirmed
      `Tx confirmed at block ${txReceipt?.blockNumber} (${args.confirmations} confirmations).\n`
  } else {
      'Dry run successful; exiting without performing transaction. Run with "--dry false" to execute tx'