import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpHandler, HttpEvent, HttpInterceptor, HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, HttpHeaders } from '@angular/common/http';
import { Observable, of, throwError } from 'rxjs';
import { delay, materialize, dematerialize } from 'rxjs/operators';

import { AlertService } from '@app/_services';
import { Role } from '@app/_models';

// array in local storage for accounts
const accountsKey = 'angular-10-signup-verification-boilerplate-accounts';
let accounts = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(accountsKey)) || [];

export class FakeBackendInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {
    constructor(private alertService: AlertService) { }

    intercept(request: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
        const { url, method, headers, body } = request;
        const alertService = this.alertService;

        return handleRoute();

        function handleRoute() {
            switch (true) {
                case url.endsWith('/accounts/authenticate') && method === 'POST':
                    return authenticate();
                case url.endsWith('/accounts/refresh-token') && method === 'POST':
                    return refreshToken();
                case url.endsWith('/accounts/revoke-token') && method === 'POST':
                    return revokeToken();
                case url.endsWith('/accounts/register') && method === 'POST':
                    return register();
                case url.endsWith('/accounts/verify-email') && method === 'POST':
                    return verifyEmail();
                case url.endsWith('/accounts/forgot-password') && method === 'POST':
                    return forgotPassword();
                case url.endsWith('/accounts/validate-reset-token') && method === 'POST':
                    return validateResetToken();
                case url.endsWith('/accounts/reset-password') && method === 'POST':
                    return resetPassword();
                case url.endsWith('/accounts') && method === 'GET':
                    return getAccounts();
                case url.match(/\/accounts\/\d+$/) && method === 'GET':
                    return getAccountById();
                case url.endsWith('/accounts') && method === 'POST':
                    return createAccount();
                case url.match(/\/accounts\/\d+$/) && method === 'PUT':
                    return updateAccount();
                case url.match(/\/accounts\/\d+$/) && method === 'DELETE':
                    return deleteAccount();
                    // pass through any requests not handled above
                    return next.handle(request);

        // route functions

        function authenticate() {
            const { email, password } = body;
            const account = accounts.find(x => === email && x.password === password && x.isVerified);
            if (!account) return error('Email or password is incorrect');

            // add refresh token to account
            localStorage.setItem(accountsKey, JSON.stringify(accounts));

            return ok({
                jwtToken: generateJwtToken(account)

        function refreshToken() {
            const refreshToken = getRefreshToken();
            if (!refreshToken) return unauthorized();

            const account = accounts.find(x => x.refreshTokens.includes(refreshToken));
            if (!account) return unauthorized();

            // replace old refresh token with a new one and save
            account.refreshTokens = account.refreshTokens.filter(x => x !== refreshToken);
            localStorage.setItem(accountsKey, JSON.stringify(accounts));

            return ok({
                jwtToken: generateJwtToken(account)


        function revokeToken() {
            if (!isAuthenticated()) return unauthorized();
            const refreshToken = getRefreshToken();
            const account = accounts.find(x => x.refreshTokens.includes(refreshToken));
            // revoke token and save
            account.refreshTokens = account.refreshTokens.filter(x => x !== refreshToken);
            localStorage.setItem(accountsKey, JSON.stringify(accounts));

            return ok();

        function register() {
            const account = body;

            if (accounts.find(x => === {
                // display email already registered "email" in alert
                setTimeout(() => {
                        <h4>Email Already Registered</h4>
                        <p>Your email ${} is already registered.</p>
                        <p>If you don't know your password please visit the <a href="${location.origin}/account/forgot-password">forgot password</a> page.</p>
                        <div><strong>NOTE:</strong> The fake backend displayed this "email" so you can test without an api. A real backend would send a real email.</div>
                    `, { autoClose: false });
                }, 1000);

                // always return ok() response to prevent email enumeration
                return ok();

            // assign account id and a few other properties then save
   = newAccountId();
            if ( === 1) {
                // first registered account is an admin
                account.role = Role.Admin;
            } else {
                account.role = Role.User;
            account.dateCreated = new Date().toISOString();
            account.verificationToken = new Date().getTime().toString();
            account.isVerified = false;
            account.refreshTokens = [];
            delete account.confirmPassword;
            localStorage.setItem(accountsKey, JSON.stringify(accounts));

            // display verification email in alert
            setTimeout(() => {
                const verifyUrl = `${location.origin}/account/verify-email?token=${account.verificationToken}`;
                    <h4>Verification Email</h4>
                    <p>Thanks for registering!</p>
                    <p>Please click the below link to verify your email address:</p>
                    <p><a href="${verifyUrl}">${verifyUrl}</a></p>
                    <div><strong>NOTE:</strong> The fake backend displayed this "email" so you can test without an api. A real backend would send a real email.</div>
                `, { autoClose: false });
            }, 1000);

            return ok();
        function verifyEmail() {
            const { token } = body;
            const account = accounts.find(x => !!x.verificationToken && x.verificationToken === token);
            if (!account) return error('Verification failed');
            // set is verified flag to true if token is valid
            account.isVerified = true;
            localStorage.setItem(accountsKey, JSON.stringify(accounts));

            return ok();

        function forgotPassword() {
            const { email } = body;
            const account = accounts.find(x => === email);
            // always return ok() response to prevent email enumeration
            if (!account) return ok();
            // create reset token that expires after 24 hours
            account.resetToken = new Date().getTime().toString();
            account.resetTokenExpires = new Date( + 24*60*60*1000).toISOString();
            localStorage.setItem(accountsKey, JSON.stringify(accounts));

            // display password reset email in alert
            setTimeout(() => {
                const resetUrl = `${location.origin}/account/reset-password?token=${account.resetToken}`;
                    <h4>Reset Password Email</h4>
                    <p>Please click the below link to reset your password, the link will be valid for 1 day:</p>
                    <p><a href="${resetUrl}">${resetUrl}</a></p>
                    <div><strong>NOTE:</strong> The fake backend displayed this "email" so you can test without an api. A real backend would send a real email.</div>
                `, { autoClose: false });
            }, 1000);

            return ok();
        function validateResetToken() {
            const { token } = body;
            const account = accounts.find(x =>
                !!x.resetToken && x.resetToken === token &&
                new Date() < new Date(x.resetTokenExpires)
            if (!account) return error('Invalid token');
            return ok();

        function resetPassword() {
            const { token, password } = body;
            const account = accounts.find(x =>
                !!x.resetToken && x.resetToken === token &&
                new Date() < new Date(x.resetTokenExpires)
            if (!account) return error('Invalid token');
            // update password and remove reset token
            account.password = password;
            account.isVerified = true;
            delete account.resetToken;
            delete account.resetTokenExpires;
            localStorage.setItem(accountsKey, JSON.stringify(accounts));

            return ok();

        function getAccounts() {
            if (!isAuthenticated()) return unauthorized();
            return ok( => basicDetails(x)));

        function getAccountById() {
            if (!isAuthenticated()) return unauthorized();

            let account = accounts.find(x => === idFromUrl());

            // user accounts can get own profile and admin accounts can get all profiles
            if ( !== currentAccount().id && !isAuthorized(Role.Admin)) {
                return unauthorized();

            return ok(basicDetails(account));

        function createAccount() {
            if (!isAuthorized(Role.Admin)) return unauthorized();

            const account = body;
            if (accounts.find(x => === {
                return error(`Email ${} is already registered`);

            // assign account id and a few other properties then save
   = newAccountId();
            account.dateCreated = new Date().toISOString();
            account.isVerified = true;
            account.refreshTokens = [];
            delete account.confirmPassword;
            localStorage.setItem(accountsKey, JSON.stringify(accounts));

            return ok();

        function updateAccount() {
            if (!isAuthenticated()) return unauthorized();

            let params = body;
            let account = accounts.find(x => === idFromUrl());

            // user accounts can update own profile and admin accounts can update all profiles
            if ( !== currentAccount().id && !isAuthorized(Role.Admin)) {
                return unauthorized();

            // only update password if included
            if (!params.password) {
                delete params.password;
            // don't save confirm password
            delete params.confirmPassword;

            // update and save account
            Object.assign(account, params);
            localStorage.setItem(accountsKey, JSON.stringify(accounts));

            return ok(basicDetails(account));

        function deleteAccount() {
            if (!isAuthenticated()) return unauthorized();

            let account = accounts.find(x => === idFromUrl());

            // user accounts can delete own account and admin accounts can delete any account
            if ( !== currentAccount().id && !isAuthorized(Role.Admin)) {
                return unauthorized();

            // delete account then save
            accounts = accounts.filter(x => !== idFromUrl());
            localStorage.setItem(accountsKey, JSON.stringify(accounts));
            return ok();
        // helper functions

        function ok(body?) {
            return of(new HttpResponse({ status: 200, body }))
                .pipe(delay(500)); // delay observable to simulate server api call

        function error(message) {
            return throwError({ error: { message } })
                .pipe(materialize(), delay(500), dematerialize()); // call materialize and dematerialize to ensure delay even if an error is thrown (;

        function unauthorized() {
            return throwError({ status: 401, error: { message: 'Unauthorized' } })
                .pipe(materialize(), delay(500), dematerialize());

        function basicDetails(account) {
            const { id, title, firstName, lastName, email, role, dateCreated, isVerified } = account;
            return { id, title, firstName, lastName, email, role, dateCreated, isVerified };

        function isAuthenticated() {
            return !!currentAccount();

        function isAuthorized(role) {
            const account = currentAccount();
            if (!account) return false;
            return account.role === role;

        function idFromUrl() {
            const urlParts = url.split('/');
            return parseInt(urlParts[urlParts.length - 1]);

        function newAccountId() {
            return accounts.length ? Math.max( => + 1 : 1;

        function currentAccount() {
            // check if jwt token is in auth header
            const authHeader = headers.get('Authorization');
            if (!authHeader.startsWith('Bearer fake-jwt-token')) return;

            // check if token is expired
            const jwtToken = JSON.parse(atob(authHeader.split('.')[1]));
            const tokenExpired = > (jwtToken.exp * 1000);
            if (tokenExpired) return;

            const account = accounts.find(x => ===;
            return account;

        function generateJwtToken(account) {
            // create token that expires in 15 minutes
            const tokenPayload = { 
                exp: Math.round(new Date( + 15*60*1000).getTime() / 1000),
            return `fake-jwt-token.${btoa(JSON.stringify(tokenPayload))}`;

        function generateRefreshToken() {
            const token = new Date().getTime().toString();

            // add token cookie that expires in 7 days
            const expires = new Date( + 7*24*60*60*1000).toUTCString();
            document.cookie = `fakeRefreshToken=${token}; expires=${expires}; path=/`;

            return token;

        function getRefreshToken() {
            // get refresh token from cookie
            return (document.cookie.split(';').find(x => x.includes('fakeRefreshToken')) || '=').split('=')[1];

export let fakeBackendProvider = {
    // use fake backend in place of Http service for backend-less development
    useClass: FakeBackendInterceptor,
    multi: true