import {
} from 'class-validator';
import { TagType } from '../course-tag.enum';
import { courseLevelType } from '../courseLevel.enum';

export class CreateCourseDto {
   * The name of the course
   * @example 'Rest Apis'
  readonly name: string;

   * The original price of the course
   * @example 400
  readonly originalPrice: number;

   * Whether the user is active or not in the course
   * @example true
  readonly active: boolean;

   * The coupon code of the course
   * @example 'CFC424'
  couponCode: string;

   * The number of videos of the course
   * @example 3
  readonly video_num: number;

   * The duration of the course
   * @example '11 hours'
  readonly duration: string;

   * The start date of the course
   * @example '2020-02-05T06:35:22.000Z'
  readonly start_date: Date;

   * The end date of the course
   * @example '2020-02-05T06:35:22.000Z'
  end_date: Date;

   * The sharable link of the course
   * @example ''
  readonly sharable_link: string;

   * The Mentor of the course
   * @example ['John Doe']
  mentor?: string[];

   * The Tag associated with the course
   * @example WEB_DEV
  @IsEnum(TagType, { each: true })
  tags: TagType[];

   * The details of the course
   * @example 'The course gives a hands on learning experience on Rest APIs and Javascript'
  courseDetails: string;

   * The level associated with the course
   * @example BEGINNER
  courseLevel: courseLevelType;

   * The link/URL of the course
   * @example ''
  courseThumbnail: string;

   * The link/URL of the course trailer
   * @example ''
  courseTrailerUrl: string;

   * The discounted price of the course
   * @example 120
  crossPrice?: number;

   * The short description of the course
   * @example 'Short description--'
  courseShortDescription?: string;

   * The long description of the course
   * @example 'Long description--'
  courseLongDescription?: string;

   * The rating of the course
   * @example 5
  rating: number;

   * The prerequisites of the course
   * @example ["HTML","CSS"]
  prerequisites: string[];

   * The skills of the course
   * @example ["HTML","CSS"]
  skills: string[];

   * what will one learn from the course
   * @example ["You will get to know about web technologies basics", "A good understanstanding of Html, css and JS", "You will learn about hooks and functional components"]
  whatYouWillLearn?: string[];

   * the certificate Url
   * @example ""
  certificateUrl?: string;

   * The boolean value to depict whether the course is upcoming or not
   * @example false
  isUpcoming: boolean;