import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { HelpCircle } from 'react-feather'
import { ImageProps } from 'rebass'

const BAD_SRCS: { [tokenAddress: string]: true } = {}

export interface LogoProps extends Pick<ImageProps, 'style' | 'alt' | 'className'> {
  srcs: string[]

 * Renders an image by sequentially trying a list of URIs, and then eventually a fallback triangle alert
export default function Logo({ srcs, alt, }: LogoProps) {
  const [, refresh] = useState<number>(0)

  const src: string | undefined = srcs.find(src => !BAD_SRCS[src])

  if (src) {
    return (
        onError={() => {
          if (src) BAD_SRCS[src] = true
          refresh(i => i + 1)

  return <HelpCircle {} />