 * Copyright 2020 The Backstage Authors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import React, { ComponentType, ReactNode, ReactElement } from 'react';
import { MemoryRouter, Routes } from 'react-router';
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import { lightTheme } from '@backstage/theme';
import { ThemeProvider } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import { CssBaseline } from '@material-ui/core';
import MockIcon from '@material-ui/icons/AcUnit';
import { createSpecializedApp } from '@backstage/core-app-api';
import {
} from '@backstage/core-plugin-api';
import { RenderResult } from '@testing-library/react';
import { renderWithEffects } from './testingLibrary';
import { defaultApis } from './defaultApis';
import { mockApis } from './mockApis';

const mockIcons = {
  'kind:api': MockIcon,
  'kind:component': MockIcon,
  'kind:domain': MockIcon,
  'kind:group': MockIcon,
  'kind:location': MockIcon,
  'kind:system': MockIcon,
  'kind:user': MockIcon,

  brokenImage: MockIcon,
  catalog: MockIcon,
  scaffolder: MockIcon,
  techdocs: MockIcon,
  search: MockIcon,
  chat: MockIcon,
  dashboard: MockIcon,
  docs: MockIcon,
  email: MockIcon,
  github: MockIcon,
  group: MockIcon,
  help: MockIcon,
  user: MockIcon,
  warning: MockIcon,

const ErrorBoundaryFallback = ({ error }: { error: Error }) => {
  throw new Error(`Reached ErrorBoundaryFallback Page with error, ${error}`);
const NotFoundErrorPage = () => {
  throw new Error('Reached NotFound Page');
const BootErrorPage = ({ step, error }: BootErrorPageProps) => {
  throw new Error(`Reached BootError Page at step ${step} with error ${error}`);
const Progress = () => <div data-testid="progress" />;

const NoRender = (_props: { children: ReactNode }) => null;

 * Options to customize the behavior of the test app wrapper.
 * @public
export type TestAppOptions = {
   * Initial route entries to pass along as `initialEntries` to the router.
  routeEntries?: string[];

   * An object of paths to mount route ref on, with the key being the path and the value
   * being the RouteRef that the path will be bound to. This allows the route refs to be
   * used by `useRouteRef` in the rendered elements.
   * @example
   * wrapInTestApp(<MyComponent />, \{
   *   mountedRoutes: \{
   *     '/my-path': myRouteRef,
   *   \}
   * \})
   * // ...
   * const link = useRouteRef(myRouteRef)
  mountedRoutes?: { [path: string]: RouteRef | ExternalRouteRef };

function isExternalRouteRef(
  routeRef: RouteRef | ExternalRouteRef,
): routeRef is ExternalRouteRef {
  // TODO(Rugvip): Least ugly workaround for now, but replace :D
  return String(routeRef).includes('{type=external,');

 * Creates a Wrapper component that wraps a component inside a Backstage test app,
 * providing a mocked theme and app context, along with mocked APIs.
 * @param options - Additional options for the rendering.
 * @public
export function createTestAppWrapper(
  options: TestAppOptions = {},
): (props: { children: ReactNode }) => JSX.Element {
  const { routeEntries = ['/'] } = options;
  const boundRoutes = new Map<ExternalRouteRef, RouteRef>();

  const app = createSpecializedApp({
    apis: mockApis,
    // Bit of a hack to make sure that the default config loader isn't used
    // as that would force every single test to wait for config loading.
    configLoader: false as unknown as undefined,
    components: {
      Router: ({ children }) => (
        <MemoryRouter initialEntries={routeEntries} children={children} />
    icons: mockIcons,
    plugins: [],
    themes: [
        id: 'light',
        title: 'Test App Theme',
        variant: 'light',
        Provider: ({ children }) => (
          <ThemeProvider theme={lightTheme}>
    bindRoutes: ({ bind }) => {
      for (const [externalRef, absoluteRef] of boundRoutes) {
          { ref: externalRef },
            ref: absoluteRef,

  const routeElements = Object.entries(options.mountedRoutes ?? {}).map(
    ([path, routeRef]) => {
      const Page = () => <div>Mounted at {path}</div>;

      // Allow external route refs to be bound to paths as well, for convenience.
      // We work around it by creating and binding an absolute ref to the external one.
      if (isExternalRouteRef(routeRef)) {
        const absoluteRef = createRouteRef({ id: 'id' });
        boundRoutes.set(routeRef, absoluteRef);
        attachComponentData(Page, 'core.mountPoint', absoluteRef);
      } else {
        attachComponentData(Page, 'core.mountPoint', routeRef);
      return <Route key={path} path={path} element={<Page />} />;

  const AppProvider = app.getProvider();
  const AppRouter = app.getRouter();

  const TestAppWrapper = ({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) => (
        {/* The path of * here is needed to be set as a catch all, so it will render the wrapper element
         *  and work with nested routes if they exist too */}
          <Route path="/*" element={<>{children}</>} />

  return TestAppWrapper;

 * Wraps a component inside a Backstage test app, providing a mocked theme
 * and app context, along with mocked APIs.
 * @param Component - A component or react node to render inside the test app.
 * @param options - Additional options for the rendering.
 * @public
export function wrapInTestApp(
  Component: ComponentType | ReactNode,
  options: TestAppOptions = {},
): ReactElement {
  const TestAppWrapper = createTestAppWrapper(options);

  let wrappedElement: React.ReactElement;
  if (Component instanceof Function) {
    wrappedElement = <Component />;
  } else {
    wrappedElement = Component as React.ReactElement;

  return <TestAppWrapper>{wrappedElement}</TestAppWrapper>;

 * Renders a component inside a Backstage test app, providing a mocked theme
 * and app context, along with mocked APIs.
 * The render executes async effects similar to `renderWithEffects`. To avoid this
 * behavior, use a regular `render()` + `wrapInTestApp()` instead.
 * @param Component - A component or react node to render inside the test app.
 * @param options - Additional options for the rendering.
 * @public
export async function renderInTestApp(
  Component: ComponentType | ReactNode,
  options: TestAppOptions = {},
): Promise<RenderResult> {
  let wrappedElement: React.ReactElement;
  if (Component instanceof Function) {
    wrappedElement = <Component />;
  } else {
    wrappedElement = Component as React.ReactElement;

  return renderWithEffects(wrappedElement, {
    wrapper: createTestAppWrapper(options),