import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { T } from './twit';
import { DateTime, Duration } from 'luxon';

import envs from '../env';
import knex from '../knex-export';

const suspiciousWords: string[] = require('../data/words-with-suspicion.json');
const blackListedAccounts: string[] = require('../data/accounts-not-to-follow.json');

interface Message {
  message: string;

 * Get the number of hashtags of a tweet
 * @param {string} str - The full string to search in
 * @return {string[]}
export const getNumberOfHashtags = (str: string): number => {
  if (str.length === 0) {
    return 0;

  const matches: RegExpMatchArray = str.match(/#\S/mgi);

  return (matches && matches.length) ? matches.length : 0;

 * Remove words that are likely used in contexts other than programming.
 * This function finds and removes these words from the text of the tweet
 * and pass the rest to the main program.
 * @param {string} text - The text of the tweet
 * @return {string}
export const removeSuspiciousWords = (text: string): string => {
  let lText: string = text.toLowerCase();

  suspiciousWords.forEach((word: string) => {
    const lWord: string = word.toLowerCase();

    if ( RegExp(lWord)) > -1) {
      lText = lText.replace(new RegExp(lWord, 'g'), '');

  // remove multiple contiguous spaces and return the string
  return lText.replace(/ +/g, ' ');

 * Check whether a tweet includes URLs or not
 * @param {string} text - The text of the tweet
 * @return {boolean}
export const hasURL = (tweet: any): boolean => {
  const urlRegex = /((http(s?)?):\/\/)?([wW]{3}\.)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}(\.[a-zA-Z]{2,})?/img;

  return (
    || tweet.entities?.urls?.length > 0

 * Remove URLs from the tweet.
 * This function finds and removes URLs from the text of the tweet
 * and pass the rest to the main program. Sounds weired but w/o this
 * function, URLs that contain `html`, `php`, etc. match the keywords!
 * @param {string} text - The text of the tweet
 * @return {string}
export const removeURLs = (text: string): string => {
  const urlRegex = /((http(s?)?):\/\/)?([wW]{3}\.)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}(\.[a-zA-Z]{2,})?/img;
  let numberOfURLs = (text.match(urlRegex) || []).length;

  let lText: string = text.toLowerCase();

  while (numberOfURLs) {
    lText = lText.replace(urlRegex, '');
    numberOfURLs -= 1;

  // remove multiple contiguous spaces and return the string
  return lText.replace(/ +/g, ' ').trim();

 * Checks whether a tweet has URL entities or not
 * @param tweet
 * @return boolean
export const hasSuspiciousURLs = (tweet: any): boolean => {
  const fileExtensionRegExp = /(\.apsx|\.php|\.html)/;

  return (
    || fileExtensionRegExp.test(tweet.$retweetText)
    || tweet.entities?.urls?.some((urlEntity: string) => (

 * Whether a tweet is under 140 characters long or not
 * @param {*} tweet - The tweet object
 * @return {boolean}
export const isTweetExtended = (tweet: any): boolean => (
  tweet.truncated === true

 * Whether a tweet is in Farsi or not.
 * This behaviour relies on Twitter API.
 * @param {*} tweet - The tweet object
 * @return boolean
export const isTweetFarsi = (tweet: any): boolean => tweet.lang === 'fa';

 * Whether a tweet is a retweet or not.
 * @param tweet
 * @return {boolean}
export const isRetweet = (tweet: any): boolean => (, 'retweeted_status')

 * Whether a tweet is a reply or not.
 * @param {*} tweet - The tweet object
 * @return {boolean}
export const isTweetAReply = (tweet: any): boolean => (
  // Polyfill to check whether a tweet is a reply or not
  || tweet.in_reply_to_user_id
  || isRetweet(tweet) ? (tweet.retweeted_status || tweet.in_reply_to_status_id) : false

 * Return the full text of the tweet
 * @param {*} tweet - The tweet object
 * @return {string}
export const getTweetFullText = (tweet: any): string => (
  // All tweets have a `text` property, but the ones having 140 or more
  // characters have `extended_tweet` property set to `true` and an extra
  // `extended_tweet` property containing the actual tweet's text under
  // `full_text`. For tweets which are not truncated the former `text` is
  // enough.
  isTweetExtended(tweet) ? tweet.extended_tweet.full_text : tweet.text

 * @param {*} tweet - The tweet object
 * @return {string[]}
export const getTweetHashtags = (tweet: any): string[] => (

 * Returns the length of a given tweet text
 * @param {string} tweetText - The text of the tweet
 * @return {number}
export const getTweetLength = (tweetText: string): number => tweetText.length;

 * Whether the environment is in debug mode or not
 * @return {boolean}
export const isDebugModeEnabled = (): boolean => envs.DEBUG_MODE === 'true';

 * Retweet the passed tweet by the given `id`
 * @param {number} id - Tweet ID
 * @return {Promise<Message | Error>}
export const retweet = async (id: string): Promise<Message | Error> => {
  let response: Message | Error;

  try {'statuses/retweet/:id', { id }, (err: Error) => {
      if (err) {
        throw err;

      response = { message: 'Tweet retweeted successfully' };
  } catch (e) {
    response = e;

  return response;

 * Favourite/Like the passed tweet by the given `id`
 * @param {number} id - Tweet ID
 * @return {Promise<Message | Error>}
export const favourite = async (id: string): Promise<Message | Error> => {
  let response: Message | Error;

  try {'/favorites/create', { id }, (err: Error) => {
      if (err) {
        throw err;

      response = { message: 'Tweet favourited successfully' };
  } catch (e) {
    response = e;

  return response;

 * Parse the date format returned from Twitter API to Luxon DateTime
 * @param {string} date - The date
 * @return {DateTime}
export const parseTwitterDateToLuxon = (date: string): DateTime => (
  DateTime.fromFormat(date, 'ccc LLL dd HH:mm:ss ZZZ yyyy')

 * Return the difference between the given {DateTime}
 * @param {DateTime} date - The date
 * @return {Duration}
export const getDiffBetweenDateTimeAndNowInDays = (date: DateTime): Duration => (, 'days')

 * Store the given tweet in the database
 * @param {*} tweet - The tweet object
 * @return {Promise<Message | Error>}
export const store = async (tweet: any): Promise<Message | Error> => {
  if (envs.DB_ENABLE === 'false') {
    return {
      message: 'Database storage is disabled',

  const {
  } = tweet;

  const {
    id_str: userIdStr,
  } = user;

  try {
    const userId = await knex
      .where('user_id', userIdStr);

    if (userId.length) {
      await knex('users')
        .where('user_id', userIdStr)
          user_id: userIdStr,
    } else {
      await knex('users')
          user_id: userIdStr,
  } catch (e) {
    return new Error(e);

  try {
    const tweetId = await knex
      .where('tweet_id', id_str);

    if (!tweetId.length) {
      await knex('tweets')
          tweet_id: id_str,
          text: $tweetText,
          is_retweet: isRetweet(tweet),
          user_id: user.id_str,

      return { message: 'Tweet stored in the database' };

    return { message: 'Tweet is already in the database' };
  } catch (e) {
    return new Error(e);

 * Check if the user is in the blacklist
 * @param {*} tweet
 * @return {boolean}
export const isBlackListed = (tweet: any): boolean => {
  const originalUserId: string = tweet.user.id_str;
  const retweeterUserId: string = tweet.retweet_status?.user?.id_str;

  return (
    || blackListedAccounts.includes(originalUserId)

 * Check if the user has registered recently or not
 * @param {*} tweet
 * @return {boolean}
export const hasUserRegisteredRecently = (tweet: any): boolean => {
  const originalUser: any = tweet.user;
  const retweeterUser: any = tweet.retweeted_status;

  const originalUserRegisterDate: DateTime = parseTwitterDateToLuxon(originalUser.created_at);

  let retweeterUserRegisterDateDiff: number;

  const dayToBlockNewUsers: number = +envs.IGNORE_USERS_NEWER_THAN;

  const originalUserRegisterDateDiff = getDiffBetweenDateTimeAndNowInDays(

  if (retweeterUser) {
    const retweeterUserRegisterDate: DateTime = parseTwitterDateToLuxon(tweet.retweeted_status.user.created_at);

    retweeterUserRegisterDateDiff = getDiffBetweenDateTimeAndNowInDays(

  return (
    dayToBlockNewUsers > originalUserRegisterDateDiff
    || dayToBlockNewUsers > retweeterUserRegisterDateDiff

 * Check if a tweet has 5 hashtags or more. See it as an ad-blocker.
 * @param {*} tweet - The tweet object
 * @return {boolean}
export const hasFiveHashtagsOrMore = (tweet: any): boolean => (
  getNumberOfHashtags(getTweetFullText(tweet)) >= 5
  || tweet.entities.hashtags.length >= 5

 * Check if a tweet is retweeted by ME or not
 * @param {*} tweet - The tweet object
 * @return {boolean}
export const isRetweetedByMyself = (tweet: any): boolean => tweet.retweeted;

 * Validate the tweet properties for further process:
 *   1. Checks whether the language of the tweet is Farsi
 *   2. Checks whether the tweet is a reply
 *   3. Checks whether the tweet has five or more hashtags "#"
 *   4. Checks whether the user is blocked
 *   5. Checks whether the text of the tweet is longer than 10 characters
 *   6. Checks whether the user has registered recently
 * @param {*} tweet - The tweet object
 * @return {boolean} - Whether the tweet is acceptable
export const isTweetAcceptable = (tweet: any): boolean => {
  if (!isTweetFarsi(tweet)) {
    return false;

  if (isTweetAReply(tweet)) {
    return false;

  if (hasFiveHashtagsOrMore(tweet)) {
    return false;

  if (isBlackListed(tweet)) {
    return false;

  if (getTweetLength(tweet.text) <= 10) {
    return false;

  if (hasUserRegisteredRecently(tweet)) {
    return false;

  return true;

 * Remove the `@username` from the tweet body
 * @param {string} tweetText - The text of a tweet
 * @return {string} - The text of the tweet w/ `@username` removed
export const removeRetweetNotation = (tweetText: string): string => (
  tweetText.replace(/(RT @.*?:)/gim, '').trim()

 * Checks whether a file is JSON or not, using file extension for this purpose
 * @param {string} fileName - The name of the file
 * @return {boolean} - File is JSON or not
export const isFileJSON = (fileName: string): boolean => (/\.(json)$/i.test(fileName));

 * Load the content of a given file, JSON only
 * @param {string} filePath - The full path of the JSON file
 * @return {string[]} - The text of the tweet w/ `@username` removed
export const loadJSONFileContent = (filePath: string): string[] | Error => {
  let fileContent: string;

  if (!isFileJSON(filePath)) {
    return new Error('File is not JSON');

  try {
    fileContent = readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8');
  } catch (e) {
    return new Error(e);

  fileContent = JSON.parse(fileContent);

  return Array.isArray(fileContent) ? fileContent : new Error('File doesn\'t include an array');

 * Convert a string to hashtag
 * @param {string} string - The word to be hashtagged
 * @return {string} - The hashtagged form of the given string
export const makeHashtag = (string: string): string => {
  let s: string;

  // Replace space, half-space, dash, dot w/ an underscore
  s = string.replace(/[ ‌\-.]/gmi, '_');

  // Replace subsequent underscores with one underscore
  s = s.replace(/_{2,}/, '_');

  // Add a number sign at the beginning of the word
  s = `#${s}`;

  return s;

 * Fill a given array with an array of strings
 * @param {string[]} arrayToFill
 * @param {string[]} arrayOfWords
 * @return {string[]}
export const fillArrayWithWords = (
  arrayToFill: string[],
  arrayOfWords: string[],
): string[] => {
  arrayOfWords.forEach((word: string) => arrayToFill.push(word));

  arrayOfWords.forEach((word: string) => {
    const w = makeHashtag(word);


  return [ Set(arrayToFill)];