import {appVersion, getFormattedBuildDate, releaseHash} from "shared/data/releaseInfo";
import {Dialog, DialogContent, DialogTitle, Typography} from "@mui/material";
import Markdown from "shared/components/Markdown";
import changelog from "shared/resources/text/";
import React from "react";

 * A dialog that shows the app version and latest changelog
export default function ChangelogDialog(props: {isOpen: boolean, onDismiss: () => void}) {
	//Generating the build details
	const buildDate = getFormattedBuildDate();
	const buildVersion = `AirMessage for web ${appVersion}`;
	const detailedBuildVersion = buildVersion + ` (${releaseHash ?? "unlinked"})`;
	const buildTitle = buildVersion + (buildDate ? (`, ${WPEnv.ENVIRONMENT === "production" ? "released" : "built"} ${buildDate}`) : "");
	return (
			<DialogTitle>Release notes</DialogTitle>
			<DialogContent dividers>
				<Typography variant="overline" color="textSecondary" gutterBottom title={detailedBuildVersion}>{buildTitle}</Typography>
				<Markdown markdown={changelog} />