import { etherJsFetcher } from '../src'
import { BigNumber, Wallet } from 'ethers'
import { Contract } from '@ethersproject/contracts'
import { JsonRpcSigner, BaseProvider, Provider } from '@ethersproject/providers'
import TestABI from './util/test.abi.json'
import { providers } from '@0xsequence/multicall'


const ProviderMock = BaseProvider as jest.Mocked<typeof BaseProvider>

const mockedMultiCallProvider = (providers.MulticallProvider as unknown) as jest.Mock
const ContractMock = Contract as jest.Mocked<any>
// const mockedContract = (Contract as unknown) as jest.Mock
const SignerMock = JsonRpcSigner as jest.Mocked<typeof JsonRpcSigner>

const buildProviderMock = (balance = 1, transactionCount = 1) => {
  // const jsonRpcFetchFunc = jest.fn()
  const getBalanceMock = jest
    .mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(balance))
  const getTransactionCountMock = jest
    .mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(transactionCount))

  const provider = new ProviderMock('Network')
  provider.getTransactionCount = getTransactionCountMock
  provider.getBalance = getBalanceMock

  return provider
const buildSignerMock = (balance = 1, transactionCount = 1) => {
  const getBalanceMock = jest
    .mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(balance))

  const getTransactionCountMock = jest
    .mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(transactionCount))

  const signer = new SignerMock('0x00', 'provider' as any) as any
  // signer.provider
  signer.getBalance = getBalanceMock
  signer.getTransactionCount = getTransactionCountMock
  return signer

describe('ethFetcher', () => {
  let signer: Wallet
  beforeEach(() => {
    signer = buildSignerMock()
  it('is defined', () => {

  it('return a fetcher', () => {
    const provider = buildProviderMock()

  describe('eth', () => {
    it('return the balance of the signer', async () => {
      const balance = 1
      const provider = buildProviderMock(balance)
      const fetcher = etherJsFetcher(provider)
      // SWR spreads the array when it invoke the fetcher
      await expect(fetcher(...['getBalance', signer.address])).resolves.toEqual(
    it('returns multiple balances', async () => {
      const balance = 1
        getBalance: () => Promise.resolve(balance)

      const provider = buildProviderMock(balance)
      const fetcher = etherJsFetcher(provider)
      // SWR spreads the array when it invoke the fetcher
      await expect(
        fetcher(JSON.stringify([['getBalance', signer.address]]))
    it('return the getTransactionCount', async () => {
      const transactionCount = 3
      const provider = buildProviderMock(undefined, transactionCount)
      const fetcher = etherJsFetcher(provider)
      const key = ['getTransactionCount']
      // SWR spreads the array when it invoke the fetcher
      await expect(fetcher(...key)).resolves.toEqual(transactionCount)

  describe('contract', () => {
    let provider: BaseProvider
    let signer: Wallet
    beforeEach(() => {
      provider = buildProviderMock()
      signer = buildSignerMock()
    afterEach(() => {
      delete ContractMock.prototype.balanceOf
    it('return the value', async () => {
      const balance = 10
      // workaround create a dynamic method
      ContractMock.prototype.balanceOf = jest
        .mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(balance))

      const contract = '0x4592706f9e4E4292464967d16aa31c3d4a81a5A1'
      const ABIs = new Map([[contract, TestABI]])
      const fetcher = etherJsFetcher(provider, ABIs)
      // SWR spreads the array when it invoke the fetcher
      await expect(
        fetcher(...[contract, 'balanceOf', signer.address])
    it('return multiple values', async () => {
      const balance = 10
      ContractMock.prototype.balanceOf = jest
        .mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(balance))

      const contract = '0x4592706f9e4E4292464967d16aa31c3d4a81a5A1'
      const account = '0x4592706f9e4E4292464967d16aa31c3d4a81a5A1'
      const ABIs = new Map([[contract, TestABI]])
      const fetcher = etherJsFetcher(provider, ABIs)
      // SWR spreads the array when it invoke the fetcher
      await expect(
        fetcher(JSON.stringify([[contract, 'balanceOf', account]]))