import chalk from "chalk";
import ora from "ora";
import chai from "chai";

import { task } from "hardhat/config";
import { TransactionResponse } from "@ethersproject/abstract-provider";

import { L1NovaExecutionManager } from "../typechain";

task("tune", "Tunes an execution manager's missing gas estimate based on single exec tx.")
  .addParam("txHash", "Transaction hash of an exec tx.")
    "If enabled, the task will update the estimate on chain. If not enabled the task will just report the optimal estimate."
  .setAction(async ({ txHash, update }, hre) => {
    const txPromise = hre.ethers.provider.getTransaction(txHash);
    const resolvedTx = await txPromise;

    const L1_NovaExecutionManager: L1NovaExecutionManager = (
      await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("L1_NovaExecutionManager")
    ).attach( as any;

    if (update) {
      await tuneMissingGasEstimate(L1_NovaExecutionManager, txPromise);
    } else {

      const loader = ora({
        text: chalk.gray(`finding optimal missing gas estimate for tx: ${chalk.yellow(txHash)}\n`),
        color: "yellow",
        indent: 6,

      const { currentMissingGasEstimate, optimalMissingGasEstimate } =
        await findOptimalMissingGasEstimate(L1_NovaExecutionManager, txPromise);

        symbol: chalk.yellow("✓"),
        text: chalk.gray(
          `based on this tx-hash, the optimal missing gas estimate would be ${chalk.yellow(
          )} (currently ${chalk.yellow(currentMissingGasEstimate.toString())})\n`

      loader.indent = 0;

 * Finds the optimal missing gas estimate for an execution manager based on a single exec tx.
async function findOptimalMissingGasEstimate(
  L1_NovaExecutionManager: L1NovaExecutionManager,
  tx: Promise<TransactionResponse>
) {
  const { gasUsed, logs } = await (await tx).wait();

  // Since we accept a generic TransactionResponse we have to parse the logs manually.
  const execEvent = L1_NovaExecutionManager.interface.parseLog(logs[logs.length - 1]);

  // We are assuming that the current gas config was the same when the
  // tx was executed. Don't try to use tune on really old transactions!
  const currentGasConfig = await L1_NovaExecutionManager.gasConfig();

  const currentMissingGasEstimate = currentGasConfig.missingGasEstimate.toNumber();
  const underestimateAmount = gasUsed.toNumber() - execEvent.args.gasUsed.toNumber();

  return {
    optimalMissingGasEstimate: currentMissingGasEstimate + underestimateAmount,

 * Tunes an execution manager's missing gas estimate based on single exec tx.
export async function tuneMissingGasEstimate(
  L1_NovaExecutionManager: L1NovaExecutionManager,
  tx: Promise<TransactionResponse>
) {
  const { currentGasConfig, currentMissingGasEstimate, optimalMissingGasEstimate } =
    await findOptimalMissingGasEstimate(L1_NovaExecutionManager, tx);


  const loader = ora({
    text: chalk.gray(
      `tuning missing gas estimate from ${chalk.magenta(
      )} to ${chalk.magenta(optimalMissingGasEstimate.toString())}\n`
    color: "magenta",
    indent: 6,

  // Add a 500 gas buffer for a bit of leeway.
  const newMissingGasEstimate = optimalMissingGasEstimate + 500;

  // Update the missing gas estimate on-chain.
  await (
    await L1_NovaExecutionManager.updateGasConfig({
      missingGasEstimate: newMissingGasEstimate,

    symbol: chalk.magenta("✓"),
    text: chalk.gray(
      `tuned missing gas estimate from ${chalk.magenta(
      )} to ${chalk.magenta(optimalMissingGasEstimate.toString())}\n`

  loader.indent = 0;