import { Notice, Plugin, addIcon } from 'obsidian'
import * as AnkiConnect from './src/anki'
import { PluginSettings, ParsedSettings } from './src/interfaces/settings-interface'
import { SettingsTab } from './src/settings'
import { ANKI_ICON } from './src/constants'
import { settingToData } from './src/setting-to-data'
import { FileManager } from './src/files-manager'

export default class MyPlugin extends Plugin {

	settings: PluginSettings
	note_types: Array<string>
	fields_dict: Record<string, string[]>
	added_media: string[]
	file_hashes: Record<string, string>

	async getDefaultSettings(): Promise<PluginSettings> {
		let settings: PluginSettings = {
			Syntax: {
				"Begin Note": "START",
				"End Note": "END",
				"Begin Inline Note": "STARTI",
				"End Inline Note": "ENDI",
				"Target Deck Line": "TARGET DECK",
				"File Tags Line": "FILE TAGS",
				"Delete Note Line": "DELETE",
				"Frozen Fields Line": "FROZEN"
			Defaults: {
				"Tag": "Obsidian_to_Anki",
				"Deck": "Default",
				"Scheduling Interval": 0,
				"Add File Link": false,
				"Add Context": false,
				"CurlyCloze": false,
				"CurlyCloze - Highlights to Clozes": false,
				"ID Comments": true,
				"Add Obsidian Tags": false,
		/*Making settings from scratch, so need note types*/
		this.note_types = await AnkiConnect.invoke('modelNames') as Array<string>
		this.fields_dict = await this.generateFieldsDict()
		for (let note_type of this.note_types) {
			settings["CUSTOM_REGEXPS"][note_type] = ""
			const field_names: string[] = await AnkiConnect.invoke(
	            'modelFieldNames', {modelName: note_type}
	        ) as string[]
			this.fields_dict[note_type] = field_names
			settings["FILE_LINK_FIELDS"][note_type] = field_names[0]
		return settings

	async generateFieldsDict(): Promise<Record<string, string[]>> {
		let fields_dict = {}
		for (let note_type of this.note_types) {
			const field_names: string[] = await AnkiConnect.invoke(
				'modelFieldNames', {modelName: note_type}
			) as string[]
			fields_dict[note_type] = field_names
		return fields_dict

	async saveDefault(): Promise<void> {
		const default_sets = await this.getDefaultSettings()
				settings: default_sets,
				"Added Media": [],
				"File Hashes": {},
				fields_dict: {}

	async loadSettings(): Promise<PluginSettings> {
		let current_data = await this.loadData()
		if (current_data == null || Object.keys(current_data).length != 4) {
			new Notice("Need to connect to Anki generate default settings...")
			const default_sets = await this.getDefaultSettings()
					settings: default_sets,
					"Added Media": [],
					"File Hashes": {},
					fields_dict: {}
			new Notice("Default settings successfully generated!")
			return default_sets
		} else {
			return current_data.settings

	async loadAddedMedia(): Promise<string[]> {
		let current_data = await this.loadData()
		if (current_data == null) {
			await this.saveDefault()
			return []
		} else {
			return current_data["Added Media"]

	async loadFileHashes(): Promise<Record<string, string>> {
		let current_data = await this.loadData()
		if (current_data == null) {
			await this.saveDefault()
			return {}
		} else {
			return current_data["File Hashes"]

	async loadFieldsDict(): Promise<Record<string, string[]>> {
		let current_data = await this.loadData()
		if (current_data == null) {
			await this.saveDefault()
			const fields_dict = await this.generateFieldsDict()
			return fields_dict
		return current_data.fields_dict

	async saveAllData(): Promise<void> {
					settings: this.settings,
					"Added Media": this.added_media,
					"File Hashes": this.file_hashes,
					fields_dict: this.fields_dict

	regenerateSettingsRegexps() {
		let regexp_section = this.settings["CUSTOM_REGEXPS"]
		// For new note types
		for (let note_type of this.note_types) {
			this.settings["CUSTOM_REGEXPS"][note_type] = regexp_section.hasOwnProperty(note_type) ? regexp_section[note_type] : ""
		// Removing old note types
		for (let note_type of Object.keys(this.settings["CUSTOM_REGEXPS"])) {
			if (!this.note_types.includes(note_type)) {
				delete this.settings["CUSTOM_REGEXPS"][note_type]

	async scanVault() {
		new Notice('Scanning vault, check console for details...');"Checking connection to Anki...")
		try {
			await AnkiConnect.invoke('modelNames')
		catch(e) {
			new Notice("Error, couldn't connect to Anki! Check console for error message.")
		new Notice("Successfully connected to Anki! This could take a few minutes - please don't close Anki until the plugin is finished")
		const data: ParsedSettings = await settingToData(, this.settings, this.fields_dict)
		const manager = new FileManager(, data,, this.file_hashes, this.added_media)
		await manager.initialiseFiles()
		await manager.requests_1()
		this.added_media = Array.from(manager.added_media_set)
		const hashes = manager.getHashes()
		for (let key in hashes) {
			this.file_hashes[key] = hashes[key]
		new Notice("All done! Saving file hashes and added media now...")

	async onload() {
		console.log('loading Obsidian_to_Anki...');
		addIcon('anki', ANKI_ICON)

		try {
			this.settings = await this.loadSettings()
		catch(e) {
			new Notice("Couldn't connect to Anki! Check console for error message.")

		this.note_types = Object.keys(this.settings["CUSTOM_REGEXPS"])
		this.fields_dict = await this.loadFieldsDict()
		if (Object.keys(this.fields_dict).length == 0) {
			new Notice('Need to connect to Anki to generate fields dictionary...')
			try {
				this.fields_dict = await this.generateFieldsDict()
				new Notice("Fields dictionary successfully generated!")
			catch(e) {
				new Notice("Couldn't connect to Anki! Check console for error message.")
		this.added_media = await this.loadAddedMedia()
		this.file_hashes = await this.loadFileHashes()

		this.addSettingTab(new SettingsTab(, this));

		this.addRibbonIcon('anki', 'Obsidian_to_Anki - Scan Vault', async () => {
			await this.scanVault()

			id: 'anki-scan-vault',
			name: 'Scan Vault',
			callback: async () => {
			 	await this.scanVault()

	async onunload() {
		console.log("Saving settings for Obsidian_to_Anki...")
		console.log('unloading Obsidian_to_Anki...');