import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { platform } from 'os';
import { RStartupArguments } from './debugProtocolModifications';
import * as net from 'net';

import path = require('path');
import fs = require('fs');
import winreg = require('winreg');

const packageJson = <{[key: string]: any}>(require('../package.json'));

export function config(onlyDebugger: boolean = true): vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration {
        return vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('r.debugger');
    } else{
        return vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('r');

function getRfromEnvPath(platform: string) {
    let splitChar: string = ':';
    let fileExtension: string = '';

    if (platform === 'win32') {
        splitChar = ';';
        fileExtension = '.exe';

    const os_paths: string[] = process.env.PATH?.split(splitChar) || [];
    for (const os_path of os_paths) {
        const os_r_path: string = path.join(os_path, 'R' + fileExtension);
        if (fs.existsSync(os_r_path)) {
            return os_r_path;
    return '';

export async function getRpathFromSystem(): Promise<string> {
    let rpath = '';
    const platform: string = process.platform;
    rpath ||= getRfromEnvPath(platform);

    if ( !rpath && platform === 'win32') {
        // Find path from registry
        try {
            const key = new winreg({
                hive: winreg.HKLM,
                key: '\\Software\\R-Core\\R',
            const item: winreg.RegistryItem = await new Promise((c, e) =>
                key.get('InstallPath', (err, result) => err === null ? c(result) : e(err)));
            rpath = path.join(item.value, 'bin', 'R.exe');
        } catch (e) {
            rpath = '';

    return rpath;

export async function getRpath(quote: boolean=false, overwriteConfig?: string): Promise<string> {
    let rpath: string | undefined = undefined;
    const configEntry = (
        process.platform === 'win32' ? '' :
        process.platform === 'darwin' ? 'rpath.mac' :

    // try the config entry specified in the function arg:
        rpath = config().get<string>(overwriteConfig);

    // try the os-specific config entry for the rpath:
    rpath ||= config(false).get<string>(configEntry);

    // read from path/registry:
    rpath ||= await getRpathFromSystem();

    // represent all invalid paths (undefined, '', null) as '':
    rpath ||= '';

        // inform user about missing R path:
        void vscode.window.showErrorMessage(`${process.platform} can't use R`);
    } else if(quote && /^[^'"].* .*[^'"]$/.exec(rpath)){
        // if requested and rpath contains spaces, add quotes:
        rpath = `"${rpath}"`;
    } else if(process.platform === 'win32' && /^'.* .*'$/.exec(rpath)){
        // replace single quotes with double quotes on windows
        rpath = rpath.replace(/^'(.*)'$/, '"$1"');

    return rpath;

export function getPortNumber(server?: net.Server): number {
    const address = server?.address();
    if (typeof address === 'string' || !address) {
        return -1;
    } else {
        return address.port;

export function timeout(ms: number): Promise<unknown> {
    return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

export async function getRStartupArguments(launchConfig: {
    env?: {[key: string]: string};
    commandLineArgs?: string[];
    launchDirectory?: string;
} = {}): Promise<RStartupArguments> {
    const platform: string = process.platform;

    const rpath = await getRpath(true);

    const rArgs: string[] = [
        (platform === 'win32' ? '--ess' : '--interactive')

    // add user specified args
    const customArgs = config().get<Array<string>>('commandLineArgs', []);
    rArgs.push(...(launchConfig.commandLineArgs || []));

    const ret: RStartupArguments = {
        path: rpath,
        args: rArgs,
        cwd: launchConfig.launchDirectory,
        env: launchConfig.env

    if(rpath === ''){
        void vscode.window.showErrorMessage(`${process.platform} can't find R`);
    return ret;

export function getRDownloadLink(packageName: string): string{
    let url: string = config().get<string>('packageURL', '');

    if(url === ''){
        const platform: string = process.platform;
        const version: string = String(packageJson.version); // e.g. "0.1.2"
        const urlBase = 
            '' +
            version +
            '/' +
            packageName +
            '_' +

        if(platform === 'win32'){
            url = urlBase + '.zip';
        } else if(platform === 'darwin'){
            url = urlBase + '.tgz';
        } else{
            url = urlBase + '.tar.gz';
    return url;

export function getVSCodePackageVersion(): string {
    return String(packageJson.version);

export function escapeForRegex(text: string): string {
  return text.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); // $& means the whole matched string

export interface RequiredRPackageVersion {
    name?: string,
    required?: string,
    recommended?: string,
    warnIfNewer?: string

export function getRequiredRPackageVersion(): RequiredRPackageVersion {
    if(typeof packageJson.rPackageInfo === 'object'){
        return <RequiredRPackageVersion>packageJson.rPackageInfo;
    } else{
        return {};

export function escapeStringForR(s: string, quote: string='"'): string {
    if (s === undefined) {
        return 'NULL';
    } else {
            + s.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')
                .replace(RegExp(quote, 'g'), `\\${quote}`)
                .replace(/\n/g, '\\n')
                // .replace(/\r/g, "\\r")
                .replace(/\r/g, '')
                .replace(/\t/g, '\\t')
                .replace(/\f/g, '\\f')
                .replace(/\v/g, '\\v')
            + quote);

export async function checkSettings(): Promise<boolean> {
    const config0 = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('rdebugger');

    const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(config0);

    const deprecated = [

    const foundDeprecated = deprecated.filter((v) => checkDeprecated(config0, v));


    if(foundDeprecated.length === 0){
        return false;

    const ret1 = 'Open Settings';
    const ret2 = 'Don\'t show again';

    const ret = await vscode.window.showInformationMessage(
        `Configuration for R-Debugger has moved (affects: ${ => 'rdebugger.' + v).join(', ')}). Open settings?`,

    if(ret === ret1){
        void vscode.commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.openSettings', '@ext:rdebugger.r-debugger');

    return ret === ret2;

function checkDeprecated(config: vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration, entry: string): boolean {
    const info = config.inspect(entry);

    const changed: boolean = !!(info && (
        info.globalLanguageValue ||
        info.globalValue ||
        info.workspaceFolderLanguageValue ||
        info.workspaceFolderValue ||
        info.workspaceLanguageValue ||

    return changed;