import { ConnectionPriority, InetAddress, Protocol, RakNetSession } from '@jsprismarine/raknet';
import Dgram, { Socket } from 'dgram';
import { Protocol as JSPProtocol, Logger } from '@jsprismarine/prismarine';
import { clearIntervalAsync, setIntervalAsync } from 'set-interval-async/dynamic';

import Crypto from 'crypto';
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import { RakNetPriority } from '@jsprismarine/raknet/src/Session';

const getRandomInt = (min: number, max: number) => {
    min = Math.ceil(min);
    max = Math.floor(max);
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

// Minecraft related protocol
const PROTOCOL = 10;

// Max net transfer unit
const DEF_MTU_SIZE = 1455;

// Raknet ticks
const RAKNET_TPS = 100;

export default class Client extends EventEmitter {
    private clientGUID = Crypto.randomBytes(8).readBigInt64BE();
    private readonly logger = new Logger();
    private readonly address: InetAddress;
    private targetAddress!: InetAddress;
    private connection: RakNetSession | null = null;
    private readonly socket = Dgram.createSocket({ type: 'udp4' });
    private get closed() {
        return false;

    private connecting = false;
    private connected = false;
    private offlineHandled = false;
    private loginHandled = false;

    public constructor() {
        this.address = new InetAddress('', getRandomInt(46000, 49999));
        this.socket.bind(this.address.getPort(), this.address.getAddress());

     * Creates a packet listener on given address and port.
    public async connect(address = '', port = 19132) {
        this.targetAddress = new InetAddress(address, port);

        this.socket.on('message', (buffer: Buffer) => {
            void this.handle(buffer);

        if (this.connection) throw new Error('Already connected/connecting to server.');'JSPrismarine client is now attempting to connect...');

        const timer = setIntervalAsync(async () => {
            if (this.closed) {
                await clearIntervalAsync(timer);

            // Send a client packet to the server
            // so the server goes in target mode
            // and the login process starts
            if (!this.connecting) {
                const pk = new Protocol.UnconnectedPing();
                pk.timestamp = BigInt(;
                // TODO: can be omitted... pk. = this.clientGUID;
                await this.sendBuffer(pk.getBuffer());

            if (this.connected && !this.loginHandled) {
                const pk = new JSPProtocol.Packets.LoginPacket();

                const sendPk = new Protocol.Frame();
                sendPk.reliability = 0;
                sendPk.content = pk.getBuffer();

                this.connection!.sendFrame(sendPk, ConnectionPriority.NORMAL); // Packet needs to be splitted
                this.loginHandled = true;

        }, RAKNET_TICK_LENGTH * 1000);
        return this;

    private async handle(buffer: Buffer) {
        const header = buffer.readUInt8(); // Read packet header

        if (this.connection && this.offlineHandled) {
            return this.connection.handle(buffer);

        let buf;
        switch (header) {
            case Protocol.MessageHeaders.UNCONNECTED_PONG:
                buf = this.handleUnconnectedPong(buffer);
                await this.sendBuffer(buf);
            case Protocol.MessageHeaders.OPEN_CONNECTION_REPLY_1:
                buf = this.handleOpenConnectionReply1(buffer);
                await this.sendBuffer(buf);
            case Protocol.MessageHeaders.OPEN_CONNECTION_REPLY_2:
                this.logger.warn(`Unhandled offline packet ID: ${header}`, 'Client/handle');

    public handleUnconnectedPong(buffer: Buffer) {
        // Decode server packet
        const decodedPacket = new Protocol.UnconnectedPong(buffer);

        // Check packet validity
        // To refactor
        if (!decodedPacket.isValid()) {
            throw new Error('Received an invalid offline message');

        // Encode response
        const packet = new Protocol.OpenConnectionRequest1();
        packet.protocol = PROTOCOL;
        packet.mtuSize = DEF_MTU_SIZE;

        // Update session status
        // this.status = ConnectionStatus.Targetted;

        return packet.getBuffer();

    public handleOpenConnectionReply1(buffer: Buffer) {
        // Decode server packet
        const decodedPacket = new Protocol.OpenConnectionReply1(buffer);

        // Check packet validity
        // To refactor
        if (!decodedPacket.isValid()) {
            throw new Error('Received an invalid offline message');

        // Encode response
        const packet = new Protocol.OpenConnectionRequest2();
        packet.serverAddress = this.targetAddress;
        packet.mtuSize = DEF_MTU_SIZE;
        packet.clientGUID = this.clientGUID;

        // Update session status
        this.connecting = true;
        // This.status = ConnectionStatus.Connected;
        this.connection = new RakNetSession(this as any, DEF_MTU_SIZE, {
            address: this.address.getAddress(),
            port: this.address.getPort(),
            family: 'IPv4',
            size: 0

        return packet.getBuffer();

    public handleOpenConnectionReply2(buffer: Buffer) {
        // Decode server packet
        const decodedPacket = new Protocol.OpenConnectionReply2(buffer);

        // Check packet validity
        // To refactor
        if (!decodedPacket.isValid()) {
            throw new Error('Received an invalid offline message');

        // Encode response (encapsulated)
        const packet = new Protocol.ConnectionRequest();
        packet.clientGUID = this.clientGUID;
        packet.requestTimestamp = BigInt(;

        const sendPacket = new Protocol.Frame();
        sendPacket.reliability = 0;
        sendPacket.content = packet.getBuffer();

        this.connection?.sendFrame(sendPacket, RakNetPriority.NORMAL);

        this.offlineHandled = true;
        this.connected = true; // Should be... we can't rely on it

     * Sends the buffer to the server
     * @param buffer
     * @param address
     * @param port
    public async sendBuffer(buffer: Buffer): Promise<void> {
        this.socket.send(buffer, 0, buffer.byteLength, this.targetAddress.getPort(), this.targetAddress.getAddress());

    public getSocket(): Socket {
        return this.socket;

    public getAddress(): InetAddress {
        return this.address;

    public async removeConnection(connection: RakNetSession, reason?: string): Promise<void> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');