import { app } from "electron";
import { EventEmitter } from "events";
import { createConnection, Connection } from "typeorm";
import { Server } from "@server";
import { isEmpty, isNotEmpty } from "@server/helpers/utils";
import { Config, Alert, Device, Queue, Webhook, Contact, ContactAddress } from "./entity";
import { DEFAULT_DB_ITEMS } from "./constants";

export type ServerConfig = { [key: string]: Date | string | boolean | number };
export type ServerConfigChange = { prevConfig: ServerConfig; nextConfig: ServerConfig };

export class ServerRepository extends EventEmitter {
    db: Connection = null;

    config: ServerConfig;

    constructor() {

        this.db = null;
        this.config = {};

    async initialize(): Promise<Connection> {
        const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production";

        // If the DB is set, but not connected, try to connect
        if (this.db) {
            if (!this.db.isConnected) await this.db.connect();
            return this.db;

        let dbPath = `${app.getPath("userData")}/config.db`;
        if (isDev) {
            dbPath = `${app.getPath("userData")}/bluebubbles-server/config.db`;

        this.db = await createConnection({
            name: "config",
            type: "better-sqlite3",
            database: dbPath,
            entities: [Config, Alert, Device, Queue, Webhook, Contact, ContactAddress],
            // We should really use migrations for this.
            // This is me being lazy. Maybe someday...
            synchronize: true

        // Load default config items
        await this.loadConfig();
        await this.setupDefaults();
        return this.db;

     * Get the device repo
    devices() {
        return this.db.getRepository(Device);

     * Get the alert repo
    alerts() {
        return this.db.getRepository(Alert);

     * Get the device repo
    queue() {
        return this.db.getRepository(Queue);

     * Get the device repo
    configs() {
        return this.db.getRepository(Config);

     * Get the webhooks repo
    webhooks() {
        return this.db.getRepository(Webhook);

     * Get the contacts repo
    contacts() {
        return this.db.getRepository(Contact);

     * Get the contact addresses repo
    contactAddresses() {
        return this.db.getRepository(ContactAddress);

    private async loadConfig() {
        const items: Config[] = await this.configs().find();
        for (const i of items) this.config[] = ServerRepository.convertFromDbValue(i.value);

     * Checks if the config has an item
     * @param name The name of the item to check for
    hasConfig(name: string): boolean {
        return Object.keys(this.config).includes(name);

     * Retrieves a config item from the cache
     * @param name The name of the config item
    getConfig(name: string): Date | string | boolean | number {
        if (!Object.keys(this.config).includes(name)) return null;
        return ServerRepository.convertFromDbValue(this.config[name] as any);

     * Sets a config item in the database
     * @param name The name of the config item
     * @param value The value for the config item
    async setConfig(name: string, value: Date | string | boolean | number): Promise<void> {
        const orig = { ...this.config };
        const saniVal = ServerRepository.convertToDbValue(value);
        const item = await this.configs().findOneBy({ name });

        // Either change or create the new Config object
        if (item) {
            await this.configs().update(item, { value: saniVal });
        } else {
            const cfg = this.configs().create({ name, value: saniVal });
            await this.configs().save(cfg);

        this.config[name] = ServerRepository.convertFromDbValue(saniVal);
        super.emit("config-update", { prevConfig: orig, nextConfig: this.config });

    async purgeOldDevices() {
        // Get devices that have a null last_active or older than 7 days
        const sevenDaysAgo = new Date().getTime() - 86400 * 1000 * 7; // Now - 7 days
        const devicesToDelete = (await this.devices().find()).filter(
            (item: Device) => !item.last_active || (item.last_active && item.last_active <= sevenDaysAgo)

        // Delete the devices
        if (isNotEmpty(devicesToDelete)) {
            Server().log(`Automatically purging ${devicesToDelete.length} devices from your server`);
            for (const item of devicesToDelete) {
                const dateStr = item.last_active ? new Date(item.last_active).toLocaleDateString() : "N/A";
                Server().log(`    -> Device: ${} (Last Active: ${dateStr})`);
                await this.devices().delete({ name:, identifier: item.identifier });

    public async getWebhooks(): Promise<Array<Webhook>> {
        const repo = this.webhooks();
        return await repo.find();

    public async getContacts(withAvatars = false): Promise<Array<Contact>> {
        const repo = this.contacts();
        const fields: (keyof Contact)[] = ["firstName", "lastName", "displayName", "id"];
        if (withAvatars) {

        return await repo.find({ select: fields, relations: ["addresses"] });

    public async addWebhook(url: string, events: Array<{ label: string; value: string }>): Promise<Webhook> {
        const repo = this.webhooks();
        const item = await repo.findOneBy({ url });

        // If the webhook exists, don't re-add it, just return it
        if (item) return item;

        const webhook = repo.create({ url, events: JSON.stringify( => e.value)) });
        return await;

    public async updateWebhook({
        url = null,
        events = null
    }: {
        id: number;
        url: string;
        events: Array<{ label: string; value: string }>;
    }): Promise<Webhook> {
        const repo = this.webhooks();
        const item = await repo.findOneBy({ id });
        if (!item) throw new Error("Failed to update webhook! Existing webhook does not exist!");

        if (url) item.url = url;
        if (events) = JSON.stringify( => e.value));

        await repo.update(id, item);
        return item;

    public async deleteWebhook({ url = null, id = null }: { url: string | null; id: number | null }): Promise<void> {
        const repo = this.webhooks();
        const item = url ? await repo.findOneBy({ url }) : await repo.findOneBy({ id });
        if (!item) return;
        await repo.delete(;

    public async hasQueuedMessage(tempGuid: string): Promise<boolean> {
        const repo = this.queue();

        // Get all queued items
        let entries = await repo.find();
        if (isEmpty(entries)) return false;

        // Check if any have a matching tempGUID
        entries = entries.filter(item => item.tempGuid === tempGuid || item.text.startsWith(tempGuid));

        // Return if there are tempGUID matches
        return isNotEmpty(entries);

     * This sets any default database values, if the database
     * has not already been initialized
    private async setupDefaults(): Promise<void> {
        try {
            for (const key of Object.keys(DEFAULT_DB_ITEMS)) {
                const item = await this.hasConfig(key);
                if (!item) await this.setConfig(key, DEFAULT_DB_ITEMS[key]());
        } catch (ex: any) {
            Server().log(`Failed to setup default configurations! ${ex.message}`, "error");

     * Converts a generic string value from the database
     * to its' corresponding correct typed value
     * @param input The value straight from the database
    private static convertFromDbValue(input: string): any {
        if (input === "1" || input === "0") return Boolean(Number(input));
        if (/^-{0,1}\d+$/.test(input)) return Number(input);
        return input;

     * Converts a typed database value input to a string.
     * @param input The typed database value
    private static convertToDbValue(input: any): string {
        if (typeof input === "boolean") return input ? "1" : "0";
        if (input instanceof Date) return String(input.getTime());
        return String(input);