import { Logger } from 'homebridge'
import crypto from 'node:crypto'
import net from 'node:net'

import { got, Got, RequestError, OptionsOfTextResponseBody } from 'got'
import { decode } from 'html-entities'

import { InputVisibility } from './accessory'
import { Abnormal, EmptyObject, isEmpty, isValidIPv4, Ok, Outcome, prettyPrint } from './helpers'
import { xml2obj, xml } from './helpers.server'
import { UPnPSubscription } from './networkUtils'
import { PluginConfig } from './ui/state'

// helpers and default settings
const AudioChannel: string = xml({ Channel: 'Master', InstanceID: 0 })
type VieraSpecs =
  | EmptyObject
  | {
      friendlyName: string
      modelName: string
      modelNumber: string
      manufacturer: string
      serialNumber: string
      requiresEncryption: boolean

interface VieraApp {
  name: string
  id: string
  hidden?: InputVisibility
type VieraApps = VieraApp[]

type RequestType = 'command' | 'render'

type VieraSession =
  | EmptyObject
  | {
      iv: Buffer
      key: Buffer
      hmacKey: Buffer
      challenge: Buffer
      seqNum: number
      id: number

type VieraAuth =
  | EmptyObject
  | {
      appId: string
      key: string

class VieraTV implements VieraTV {
  private static readonly NRC = 'nrc/control_0'
  private static readonly DMR = 'dmr/control_0'
  private static readonly INFO = 'nrc/ddd.xml'
  private static readonly ACTIONS = 'nrc/sdd_0.xml'

  private static readonly RemoteURN = 'panasonic-com:service:p00NetworkControl:1'
  static readonly URN = `urn:${this.RemoteURN}`
  private static readonly RenderingURN = 'schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1'
  private static readonly plainText = ['X_GetEncryptSessionId', 'X_DisplayPinCode', 'X_RequestAuth']

  static readonly port = 55_000

  readonly address: string

  readonly mac: string | undefined

  readonly log: Logger | Console

  apps: Outcome<VieraApps> = {}
  auth: VieraAuth = {}
  #client: Got
  #session: VieraSession = {}

  specs: VieraSpecs = {}

  private constructor(ip: string, log: Logger | Console) {
    this.address = ip
    this.log = log

    this.#client = got.extend({
      headers: {
        Accept: 'application/xml',
        'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
        'Content-Type': 'application/xml; charset="utf-8"',
        Host: `${this.address}:${VieraTV.port}`,
        Pragma: 'no-cache'
      prefixUrl: `http://${this.address}:${VieraTV.port}`,
      retry: { limit: 0 },
      timeout: { request: 1500 }

  static async connect(
    ip: string,
    log: Logger | Console,
    settings: { auth?: VieraAuth; bootstrap?: boolean; cached?: VieraSpecs } = {}
  ): Promise<Outcome<VieraTV>> {
    const tv = new VieraTV(ip, log)
    tv.specs = await tv.#getSpecs()
    settings.bootstrap ??= false
    if (!settings.bootstrap) {
      if (isEmpty(tv.specs) && settings.cached !== undefined && !isEmpty(settings.cached)) {
        tv.log.warn(`Unable to fetch specs from TV at '${ip}'.`)
        tv.log.warn('Using the previously cached ones:\n\n', prettyPrint(settings.cached))
        const err = `IGNORING '${ip}' as we do not support offline initialization, from cache, for models that require encryption.`
        if (settings.cached.requiresEncryption) return { error: Error(err) }

        tv.specs = settings.cached
      if (isEmpty(tv.specs)) {
          'please fill a bug at with data bellow'
        const error = Error(`${ip}: offline initialization failure!\n${prettyPrint(settings)}`)
        return { error }

      if (tv.specs.requiresEncryption) {
        const err = `'${ip} ('${tv.specs.modelName}')' ignored, as it is from a Panasonic TV that
        requires encryption and no working credentials were supplied.`

        if (settings.auth) tv.auth = settings.auth
        if (isEmpty(tv.auth)) return { error: Error(err) }

        const result = await tv.#requestSessionId()

        if (Abnormal(result)) return { error: Error(err) }
    } else if (isEmpty(tv.specs))
      return { error: Error('An unexpected error occurred - Unable to fetch specs from the TV.') }

    tv.apps = await tv.#getApps()

    return { value: tv }

  static probe = async (ip: string, log: Logger | Console = console): Promise<Outcome<VieraTV>> =>
      ? { error: Error('Please introduce a valid ip address!') }
      : !(await VieraTV.livenessProbe(ip))
      ? { error: Error(`The provided IP (${ip}) is unreachable.`) }
      : await this.connect(ip, log, { bootstrap: true })

  static livenessProbe = async (tv: string, timeout = 1500): Promise<boolean> =>
    await new Promise<boolean>((resolve) => {
      const socket = new net.Socket()
      const status = (availability = true) => {
        availability ? socket.end() : socket.destroy()
      const [isUp, isDown] = [(): void => status(true), (): void => status(false)]

        .once('error', isDown)
        .once('timeout', isDown)
        .connect(VieraTV.port, tv, isUp)

  static isTurnedOn = async (address: string): Promise<boolean> =>
    await new Promise<boolean>((resolve) => {
      const watcher = new UPnPSubscription(address, VieraTV.port, '/nrc/event_0')
      setTimeout(() => {
      }, 1500)
        .on('message', (message): void => {
          const properties = message.body['e:propertyset']['e:property']
          // when in standby isn't an array
          // XXX: in some cases X_ScreenState simply doesn't pop up (in array or no array form)
          //      when that happens we assume it's off.
          if (properties.X_ScreenState) {
            resolve(properties.X_ScreenState === 'on')
          } else if (Array.isArray(properties)) {
            const match = properties.find((prop) =>
              ['on', 'off', 'none'].includes(prop.X_ScreenState)
            match ? resolve(match.X_ScreenState !== 'off') : resolve(false)
          } else resolve(false)
        .on('error', () => resolve(false))

  #needsCrypto = async (): Promise<boolean> =>
    await this.#client
      .then((resp) => !!/X_GetEncryptSessionId/u.test(resp.body))
      .catch(() => false)

  #requestSessionId = async (): Promise<Outcome<void>> => {
    let outcome: Outcome<string>
    const callback = (data: string): Outcome<void> => {
      const error = Error('abnormal result from TV - session ID is not (!) an integer')
      const match = /<X_SessionId>(?<sessionId>\d+)<\/X_SessionId>/u.exec(data)
      const number = match?.groups?.sessionId

      if (!number) return { error }

      this.#session.seqNum = 1 = Number.parseInt(number, 10)
      return {}

    if (isEmpty(this.#session)) this.#deriveSessionKey()

    return Ok((outcome = this.#encryptPayload(xml({ X_ApplicationId: this.auth.appId }))))
      ? await this.#postRemote(
          xml({ X_ApplicationId: this.auth.appId, X_EncInfo: outcome.value }),
      : outcome

  #deriveSessionKey = (): void => {
    let [i, j]: number[] = []
    const iv = Buffer.from(this.auth.key, 'base64')
    const keyVals = Buffer.alloc(16)

    for (i = j = 0; j < 16; i = j += 4) {
      keyVals[i] = iv[i + 2]
      keyVals[i + 1] = iv[i + 3]
      keyVals[i + 2] = iv[i]
      keyVals[i + 3] = iv[i + 1]
    this.#session.iv = iv
    this.#session.key = Buffer.from(keyVals)
    this.#session.hmacKey = Buffer.concat([iv, iv])

  #decryptPayload(payload: string, key: Buffer, iv: Buffer): string {
    const aes = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-128-cbc', key, iv)
    const decrypted = aes.update(Buffer.from(payload, 'base64'))
    return decrypted.toString('utf8', 16, decrypted.indexOf('\u0000', 16))

    original: string,
    key: Buffer = this.#session.key,
    iv: Buffer = this.#session.iv,
    hmacKey: Buffer = this.#session.hmacKey
  ): Outcome<string> {
    try {
      const data = Buffer.from(original)
      const headerPrefix = Buffer.from(crypto.randomBytes(12))
      const headerSufix = Buffer.alloc(4)
      headerSufix.writeIntBE(data.length, 0, 4)
      const payload = Buffer.concat([headerPrefix, headerSufix, data])
      const aes = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-128-cbc', key, iv)
      const ciphered = Buffer.concat([aes.update(payload),])
      const sig = crypto.createHmac('sha256', hmacKey).update(ciphered).digest()

      return { value: Buffer.concat([ciphered, sig]).toString('base64') }
    } catch (error) {
      return { error: error as Error }

   * Returns the TV specs
  #getSpecs = async (): Promise<VieraSpecs> => {
    return await this.#client
      .then(async (raw): Promise<VieraSpecs> => {
        const jsonObject = xml2obj(raw.body)
        // @ts-expect-error ts(2339)
        const { device } = jsonObject.root
        const specs: VieraSpecs = {
          friendlyName: device.friendlyName.length > 0 ? device.friendlyName : device.modelName,
          manufacturer: device.manufacturer,
          modelName: device.modelName,
          // #87
          modelNumber: device.modelNumber ?? '(very old) model unknown',
          requiresEncryption: await this.#needsCrypto(),
          serialNumber: device.UDN.slice(5)
          "found a '%s' TV (%s) at '%s' %s.\n",
          specs.requiresEncryption ? '(requires crypto for communication)' : ''
        return specs
      .catch((error) => {
        this.log.debug('getSpecs:', error)
        return {}

  #renderEncryptedRequest = async (
    action: string,
    urn: string,
    parameters: string
  ): Promise<Outcome<string[]>> => {
    // this.log.debug(`(renderEncryptedRequest) [${action}] urn:[${urn}], parameters: [${parameters}]`)
    this.#session.seqNum += 1

    const encCommand = xml({
      X_OriginalCommand: { [`u:${action}`]: { '#text': parameters, '@_xmlns:u': `urn:${urn}` } },
      X_SequenceNumber: String(this.#session.seqNum + 1).padStart(8, '0'),
    const outcome = this.#encryptPayload(encCommand)

    return Ok(outcome)
      ? {
          value: [
            xml({ X_ApplicationId: this.auth.appId, X_EncInfo: outcome.value })
      : outcome

  #renderRequest = (action: string, urn: string, parameters: string): OptionsOfTextResponseBody => {
    const method: OptionsOfTextResponseBody['method'] = 'POST'
    const responseType: OptionsOfTextResponseBody['responseType'] = 'text'
    const headers = { SOAPACTION: `"urn:${urn}#${action}"` }
    const body = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'.concat(
        's:Envelope': {
          '@_s:encodingStyle': '',
          '@_xmlns:s': '',
          's:Body': { [`u:${action}`]: { '#text': parameters, '@_xmlns:u': `urn:${urn}` } }
    return { body, headers, method, responseType }

  #post = async <T>(
    requestType: RequestType,
    realAction: string,
    realParameters = 'None',
    closure: (arg: string) => Outcome<T> = (x) => x as unknown as Outcome<T>
  ): Promise<Outcome<T>> => {
    let [action, parameters]: string[] = []
    let payload: Outcome<T>, reset: Outcome<void>
    const [sessionGone, isCommand] = ['No such session', requestType === 'command']
    const [urL, urn] = isCommand
      ? [VieraTV.NRC, VieraTV.RemoteURN]
      : [VieraTV.DMR, VieraTV.RenderingURN]

    const doIt = async (): Promise<Outcome<T>> => {
      if (this.specs.requiresEncryption && isCommand && !VieraTV.plainText.includes(realAction)) {
        const outcome = await this.#renderEncryptedRequest(realAction, urn, realParameters)

        if (Ok(outcome)) [action, parameters] = outcome.value
        else return outcome
      } else [action, parameters] = [realAction, realParameters]

      return (await this.#client(urL, this.#renderRequest(action, urn, parameters))
        .then((r) => {
          const replacer = (_match: string, _offset: string, content: string): string =>
            this.#decryptPayload(content, this.#session.key, this.#session.iv)
          const value = r.body.replace(/(<X_EncResult>)(.*)(<\/X_EncResult>)/g, replacer)

          return { value }
        .catch((error: RequestError) =>
          error.response?.statusCode === 500 && error.response.statusMessage?.includes(sessionGone)
            ? { error: Error(sessionGone) }
            : { error }
        )) as Outcome<T>

    if (Abnormal((payload = await doIt())))
      if (payload.error.message === sessionGone) {
        this.log.warn('Session mismatch found; The session counter was reset in order to move on.')
        if (Abnormal((reset = await this.#requestSessionId()))) return reset
        if (Abnormal((payload = await doIt()))) return payload
      } else return payload

    return closure(payload.value as unknown as string)

  requestPinCode = async (): Promise<Outcome<string>> => {
    const overreachErr = `The ${this.specs.modelNumber} model at ${this.address} doesn't need encryption!`
    const unexpectedErr = `An unexpected error occurred while attempting to request a pin code from the TV.`
    const notReadyErr = `Unable to request pin code as the TV seems to be in standby; Please turn it ON!`

    const parameters = xml({ X_DeviceName: 'MyRemote' })
    const callback = (data: string): Outcome<string> => {
      const match = /<X_ChallengeKey>(?<challenge>\S*)<\/X_ChallengeKey>/u.exec(data)

      if (!match?.groups?.challenge) return { error: Error(unexpectedErr) }

      this.#session.challenge = Buffer.from(match.groups.challenge, 'base64')
      return { value: match.groups.challenge }

    return !this.specs.requiresEncryption
      ? { error: Error(overreachErr) }
      : !(await VieraTV.isTurnedOn(this.address))
      ? { error: Error(notReadyErr) }
      : await this.#postRemote('X_DisplayPinCode', parameters, callback)

  #postRemote = async <T>(
    realAction: string,
    realParameters = 'None',
    closure: (arg: string) => Outcome<T> = (x) => x as unknown as Outcome<T>
  ): Promise<Outcome<T>> => await this.#post('command', realAction, realParameters, closure)

  authorizePinCode = async (pin: string, challenge?: string): Promise<Outcome<VieraAuth>> => {
    // injection needed by the ui-server
    if (challenge) this.#session.challenge = Buffer.from(challenge, 'base64')

    let [i, j, l, k]: number[] = []
    let ack: Outcome<VieraAuth>, outcome: Outcome<string>
    const [iv, key, hmacKey] = [this.#session.challenge, Buffer.alloc(16), Buffer.alloc(32)]
    const error = Error('Wrong pin code...')

    for (i = k = 0; k < 16; i = k += 4) {
      key[i] = ~iv[i + 3] & 0xff
      key[i + 1] = ~iv[i + 2] & 0xff
      key[i + 2] = ~iv[i + 1] & 0xff
      key[i + 3] = ~iv[i] & 0xff
    // Derive HMAC key from IV & HMAC key mask (taken from
    const hmacKeyMaskVals = [
      0x15, 0xc9, 0x5a, 0xc2, 0xb0, 0x8a, 0xa7, 0xeb, 0x4e, 0x22, 0x8f, 0x81, 0x1e, 0x34, 0xd0,
      0x4f, 0xa5, 0x4b, 0xa7, 0xdc, 0xac, 0x98, 0x79, 0xfa, 0x8a, 0xcd, 0xa3, 0xfc, 0x24, 0x4f,
      0x38, 0x54
    for (j = l = 0; l < 32; j = l += 4) {
      hmacKey[j] = hmacKeyMaskVals[j] ^ iv[(j + 2) & 0xf]
      hmacKey[j + 1] = hmacKeyMaskVals[j + 1] ^ iv[(j + 3) & 0xf]
      hmacKey[j + 2] = hmacKeyMaskVals[j + 2] ^ iv[j & 0xf]
      hmacKey[j + 3] = hmacKeyMaskVals[j + 3] ^ iv[(j + 1) & 0xf]
    const callback = (r: string): Outcome<VieraAuth> => {
      const AuthResult = /(<X_AuthResult>)(.*)(<\/X_AuthResult>)/g
      const KeyPair =
      const replacer = (_match: string, _offset: string, content: string): string =>
        this.#decryptPayload(content, key, iv)

      return { value: KeyPair.exec(r.replace(AuthResult, replacer))?.groups as VieraAuth }

    return Abnormal((outcome = this.#encryptPayload(xml({ X_PinCode: pin }), key, iv, hmacKey)))
      ? outcome
      : Ok(
          (ack = await this.#postRemote(
            xml({ X_AuthInfo: outcome.value }),
      ? ack
      : { error }

  renderSampleConfig = (): void => {
    const sample = new PluginConfig([
        appId: this.auth.appId,
        encKey: this.auth.key,
        hdmiInputs: [],
        ipAddress: this.address
      'Please add, as a starting point, the snippet bellow inside the',
      "'platforms' array of your homebridge's 'config.json'\n--x--"

   * Sends a (command) Key to the TV
  sendKey = async <T>(cmd: string): Promise<Outcome<T>> =>
    await this.#postRemote('X_SendKey', xml({ X_KeyEvent: `NRC_${cmd.toUpperCase()}-ONOFF` }))

   * Send a change HDMI input to the TV
  switchToHDMI = async <T>(hdmiInput: string): Promise<Outcome<T>> =>
    await this.#postRemote('X_SendKey', xml({ X_KeyEvent: `NRC_HDMI${hdmiInput}-ONOFF` }))

   * Send command to open app on the TV
  launchApp = async <T>(appId: string): Promise<Outcome<T>> =>
    await this.#postRemote(
        X_AppType: 'vc_app',
        X_LaunchKeyword: appId.length === 16 ? `product_id=${appId}` : `resource_id=${appId}`

   * Get volume from TV
  getVolume = async (): Promise<Outcome<string>> => {
    const callback = (data: string): Outcome<string> => {
      const match = /<CurrentVolume>(?<volume>\d*)<\/CurrentVolume>/u.exec(data)
      return match?.groups?.volume ? { value: match.groups.volume } : { value: '0' }
    return await this.#post('render', 'GetVolume', AudioChannel, callback)

   * Set Volume
  setVolume = async (volume: string): Promise<Outcome<void>> =>
    await this.#post('render', 'SetVolume', AudioChannel.concat(xml({ DesiredVolume: volume })))

   * Gets the current mute setting
   * @returns true for mute
  getMute = async (): Promise<Outcome<boolean>> => {
    const callback = (data: string): Outcome<boolean> => {
      const match = /<CurrentMute>(?<mute>[01])<\/CurrentMute>/u.exec(data)

      return match?.groups?.mute ? { value: match.groups.mute === '1' } : { value: true }

    return await this.#post('render', 'GetMute', AudioChannel, callback)

   * Set mute to on/off
  setMute = async (d: boolean): Promise<Outcome<void>> =>
    await this.#post('render', 'SetMute', AudioChannel.concat(xml({ DesiredMute: d ? '1' : '0' })))

   * Returns the list of apps on the TV
  #getApps = async (): Promise<Outcome<VieraApps>> => {
    const callback = (data: string): Outcome<VieraApps> => {
      const value: VieraApps = []
      const raw = /<X_AppList>(?<appList>.*)<\/X_AppList>/u.exec(data)?.groups?.appList
      // '' is NOT to be catched bellow, but later, so we can't use !raw
      if ((raw as unknown) === undefined)
        return { error: Error('X_AppList returned originally:\n'.concat(data)) }

      for (const index of decode(raw).matchAll(/'product_id=(?<id>[\dA-Z]+)'(?<name>[^']+)/gu))
        index.groups && value.push(index.groups as unknown as VieraApp)
      return value.length === 0 ? { error: Error('The TV is in standby!') } : { value }
    return await this.#postRemote('X_GetAppList', undefined, callback)

export { VieraApp, VieraApps, VieraAuth, VieraSpecs, VieraTV }