import config from "config"; // Airdrop config
import { eth } from "state/eth"; // ETH state provider
import { ethers } from "ethers"; // Ethers
import keccak256 from "keccak256"; // Keccak256 hashing
import MerkleTree from "merkletreejs"; // MerkleTree.js
import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; // React
import { createContainer } from "unstated-next"; // State management

 * Generate Merkle Tree leaf from address and value
 * @param {string} address of airdrop claimee
 * @param {string} value of airdrop tokens to claimee
 * @returns {Buffer} Merkle Tree node
function generateLeaf(address: string, value: string): Buffer {
  return Buffer.from(
    // Hash in appropriate Merkle format
      .solidityKeccak256(["address", "uint256"], [address, value])

// Setup merkle tree
const merkleTree = new MerkleTree(
  // Generate leafs
  Object.entries(config.airdrop).map(([address, tokens]) =>
      ethers.utils.parseUnits(tokens.toString(), config.decimals).toString()
  // Hashing function
  { sortPairs: true }

function useToken() {
  // Collect global ETH state
  const {
  }: {
    address: string | null;
    provider: ethers.providers.Web3Provider | null;
  } = eth.useContainer();

  // Local state
  const [dataLoading, setDataLoading] = useState<boolean>(true); // Data retrieval status
  const [numTokens, setNumTokens] = useState<number>(0); // Number of claimable tokens
  const [alreadyClaimed, setAlreadyClaimed] = useState<boolean>(false); // Claim status

   * Get contract
   * @returns {ethers.Contract} signer-initialized contract
  const getContract = (): ethers.Contract => {
    return new ethers.Contract(
      // Contract address
      process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_CONTRACT_ADDRESS ?? "",
        // hasClaimed mapping
        "function hasClaimed(address) public view returns (bool)",
        // Claim function
        "function claim(address to, uint256 amount, bytes32[] calldata proof) external",
      // Get signer from authed provider

   * Collects number of tokens claimable by a user from Merkle tree
   * @param {string} address to check
   * @returns {number} of tokens claimable
  const getAirdropAmount = (address: string): number => {
    // If address is in airdrop. convert address to correct checksum
    address = ethers.utils.getAddress(address)
    if (address in config.airdrop) {
      // Return number of tokens available
      return config.airdrop[address];

    // Else, return 0 tokens
    return 0;

   * Collects claim status for an address
   * @param {string} address to check
   * @returns {Promise<boolean>} true if already claimed, false if available
  const getClaimedStatus = async (address: string): Promise<boolean> => {
    // Collect token contract
    const token: ethers.Contract = getContract();
    // Return claimed status
    return await token.hasClaimed(address);

  const claimAirdrop = async (): Promise<void> => {
    // If not authenticated throw
    if (!address) {
      throw new Error("Not Authenticated");

    // Collect token contract
    const token: ethers.Contract = getContract();
    // Get properly formatted address
    const formattedAddress: string = ethers.utils.getAddress(address);
    // Get tokens for address
    const numTokens: string = ethers.utils
      .parseUnits(config.airdrop[ethers.utils.getAddress(address)].toString(), config.decimals)

    // Generate hashed leaf from address
    const leaf: Buffer = generateLeaf(formattedAddress, numTokens);
    // Generate airdrop proof
    const proof: string[] = merkleTree.getHexProof(leaf);

    // Try to claim airdrop and refresh sync status
    try {
      const tx = await token.claim(formattedAddress, numTokens, proof);
      await tx.wait(1);
      await syncStatus();
    } catch (e) {
      console.error(`Error when claiming tokens: ${e}`);

   * After authentication, update number of tokens to claim + claim status
  const syncStatus = async (): Promise<void> => {
    // Toggle loading

    // Force authentication
    if (address) {
      // Collect number of tokens for address
      const tokens = getAirdropAmount(address);

      // Collect claimed status for address, if part of airdrop (tokens > 0)
      if (tokens > 0) {
        const claimed = await getClaimedStatus(address);

    // Toggle loading

  // On load:
  useEffect(() => {
  }, [address]);

  return {

// Create unstated-next container
export const token = createContainer(useToken);