import { Injectable, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';

const symbolObservable = (typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.observable) || '@@observable';

 * A callback invoked when a store value changes. It is called with the latest value of a given store.
export type SubscriberFunction<T> = (value: T) => void;

 * A partial [observer]( notified when a store value changes. A store will call the `next` method every time the store's state is changing.
export interface SubscriberObject<T> {
  next: SubscriberFunction<T>;
  invalidate: () => void;

 * Expresses interest in store value changes over time. It can be either:
 * - a callback function: {@link SubscriberFunction};
 * - a partial observer: {@link SubscriberObject}.
export type Subscriber<T> = SubscriberFunction<T> | Partial<SubscriberObject<T>> | null | undefined;

 * A function to unsubscribe from value change notifications.
export type UnsubscribeFunction = () => void;

 * An object with the `unsubscribe` method.
 * Subscribable stores might choose to return such object instead of directly returning {@link UnsubscribeFunction} from a subscription call.
export interface UnsubscribeObject {
   * A method that acts as the {@link UnsubscribeFunction}.
  unsubscribe: UnsubscribeFunction;

export type Unsubscriber = UnsubscribeObject | UnsubscribeFunction;

 * Represents a store accepting registrations (subscribers) and "pushing" notifications on each and every store value change.
export interface SubscribableStore<T> {
   * A method that makes it possible to register "interest" in store value changes over time.
   * It is called each and every time the store's value changes.
   * A registered subscriber is notified synchronously with the latest store value.
   * @param subscriber - a subscriber in a form of a {@link SubscriberFunction} or a {@link SubscriberObject}. Returns a {@link Unsubscriber} (function or object with the `unsubscribe` method) that can be used to unregister and stop receiving notifications of store value changes.
   * @returns The {@link UnsubscribeFunction} or {@link UnsubscribeObject} that can be used to unsubscribe (stop state change notifications).
  subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber<T>): Unsubscriber;

 * This interface augments the base {@link SubscribableStore} interface with the Angular-specific `OnDestroy` callback. The {@link Readable} stores can be registered in the Angular DI container and will automatically discard all the subscription when a given store is destroyed.
export interface Readable<T> extends SubscribableStore<T>, OnDestroy {
  subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber<T>): UnsubscribeFunction & UnsubscribeObject;

 * A function that can be used to update store's value. This function is called with the current value and should return new store value.
export type Updater<T> = (value: T) => T;

 * Builds on top of {@link Readable} and represents a store that can be manipulated from "outside": anyone with a reference to writable store can either update or completely replace state of a given store.
 * ```typescript
 * // reset counter's store value to 0 by using the {@link Writable.set} method
 * counterStore.set(0);
 * // increment counter's store value by using the {@link Writable.update} method
 * counterStore.update(currentValue => currentValue + 1);
 * ```
export interface Writable<T> extends Readable<T> {
   * Replaces store's state with the provided value.
   * @param value - value to be used as the new state of a store.
  set(value: T): void;

   * Updates store's state by using an {@link Updater} function.
   * @param updater - a function that takes the current state as an argument and returns the new state.
  update(updater: Updater<T>): void;

const noop = () => {};

const bind = <T>(object: T | null | undefined, fnName: keyof T) => {
  const fn = object ? object[fnName] : null;
  return typeof fn === 'function' ? fn.bind(object) : noop;

const toSubscriberObject = <T>(subscriber: Subscriber<T>): SubscriberObject<T> =>
  typeof subscriber === 'function'
    ? { next: subscriber.bind(null), invalidate: noop }
    : { next: bind(subscriber, 'next'), invalidate: bind(subscriber, 'invalidate') };

const returnThis = function <T>(this: T): T {
  return this;

const asReadable = <T>(store: Store<T>): Readable<T> => ({
  subscribe: store.subscribe.bind(store),
  ngOnDestroy: store.ngOnDestroy.bind(store),
  [symbolObservable]: returnThis,

const queue: [SubscriberFunction<any>, any][] = [];

function processQueue() {
  for (const [subscriberFn, value] of queue) {
  queue.length = 0;

const callUnsubscribe = (unsubscribe: Unsubscriber) =>
  typeof unsubscribe === 'function' ? unsubscribe() : unsubscribe.unsubscribe();

function notEqual(a: any, b: any): boolean {
  const tOfA = typeof a;
  if (tOfA !== 'function' && tOfA !== 'object') {
    return !, b);
  return true;

 * A utility function to get the current value from a given store.
 * It works by subscribing to a store, capturing the value (synchronously) and unsubscribing just after.
 * @param store - a store from which the current value is retrieved.
 * @example
 * ```typescript
 * const myStore = writable(1);
 * console.log(get(myStore)); // logs 1
 * ```
export function get<T>(store: SubscribableStore<T>): T {
  let value: T;
  callUnsubscribe(store.subscribe((v) => (value = v)));
  return value!;

 * Base class that can be extended to easily create a custom {@link Readable} store.
 * @example
 * ```typescript
 * class CounterStore extends Store {
 *    constructor() {
 *      super(1); // initial value
 *    }
 *    reset() {
 *      this.set(0);
 *    }
 *    increment() {
 *      this.update(value => value + 1);
 *    }
 * }
 * const store = new CounterStore(1);
 * // logs 1 (initial value) upon subscription
 * const unsubscribe = store.subscribe((value) => {
 *    console.log(value);
 * });
 * store.increment(); // logs 2
 * store.reset(); // logs 0
 * unsubscribe(); // stops notifications and corresponding logging
 * ```
export abstract class Store<T> implements Readable<T> {
  private _subscribers = new Set<SubscriberObject<T>>();
  private _cleanupFn: null | Unsubscriber = null;

   * @param _value - Initial value of the store
  constructor(private _value: T) {}

  private _start() {
    this._cleanupFn = this.onUse() || noop;

  private _stop() {
    const cleanupFn = this._cleanupFn;
    if (cleanupFn) {
      this._cleanupFn = null;

   * Replaces store's state with the provided value.
   * Equivalent of {@link Writable.set}, but internal to the store.
   * @param value - value to be used as the new state of a store.
  protected set(value: T): void {
    if (notEqual(this._value, value)) {
      this._value = value;
      if (!this._cleanupFn) {
        // subscriber not yet initialized
      const needsProcessQueue = queue.length == 0;
      for (const subscriber of this._subscribers) {
        queue.push([, value]);
      if (needsProcessQueue) {

   * Updates store's state by using an {@link Updater} function.
   * Equivalent of {@link Writable.update}, but internal to the store.
   * @param updater - a function that takes the current state as an argument and returns the new state.
  protected update(updater: Updater<T>): void {

   * Function called when the number of subscribers changes from 0 to 1
   * (but not called when the number of subscribers changes from 1 to 2, ...).
   * If a function is returned, it will be called when the number of subscribers changes from 1 to 0.
   * @example
   * ```typescript
   * class CustomStore extends Store {
   *    onUse() {
   *      console.log('Got the fist subscriber!');
   *      return () => {
   *        console.log('All subscribers are gone...');
   *      };
   *    }
   * }
   * const store = new CustomStore();
   * const unsubscribe1 = store.subscribe(() => {}); // logs 'Got the fist subscriber!'
   * const unsubscribe2 = store.subscribe(() => {}); // nothing is logged as we've got one subscriber already
   * unsubscribe1(); // nothing is logged as we still have one subscriber
   * unsubscribe2(); // logs 'All subscribers are gone...'
   * ```
  protected onUse(): Unsubscriber | void {}

   * Default Implementation of the {@link SubscribableStore.subscribe}, not meant to be overridden.
   * @param subscriber - see {@link SubscribableStore.subscribe}
  subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber<T>): UnsubscribeFunction & UnsubscribeObject {
    const subscriberObject = toSubscriberObject(subscriber);
    if (this._subscribers.size == 1) {

    const unsubscribe = () => {
      const removed = this._subscribers.delete(subscriberObject);
      if (removed && this._subscribers.size === 0) {
    unsubscribe.unsubscribe = unsubscribe;
    return unsubscribe;

  ngOnDestroy(): void {
    const hasSubscribers = this._subscribers.size > 0;
    if (hasSubscribers) {

  [symbolObservable](): this {
    return this;

export interface OnUseArgument<T> {
  (value: T): void;
  set: (value: T) => void;
  update: (updater: Updater<T>) => void;

const noopUnsubscribe = () => {};
noopUnsubscribe.unsubscribe = noopUnsubscribe;

 * A convenience function to create an optimized constant store (i.e. which never changes
 * its value). It does not keep track of its subscribers.
 * @param value - value of the store, which will never change
function constStore<T>(value: T): Readable<T> {
  return {
    subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber<T>) {
      return noopUnsubscribe;
    [symbolObservable]: returnThis,
    ngOnDestroy: noop,

 * A convenience function to create {@link Readable} store instances.
 * @param value - Initial value of a readable store.
 * @param onUseFn - A function called when the number of subscribers changes from 0 to 1
 * (but not called when the number of subscribers changes from 1 to 2, ...).
 * If a function is returned, it will be called when the number of subscribers changes from 1 to 0.
 * @example
 * ```typescript
 * const clock = readable("00:00", setState => {
 *   const intervalID = setInterval(() => {
 *     const date = new Date();
 *     setState(`${date.getHours()}:${date.getMinutes()}:${date.getSeconds()}`);
 *   }, 1000);
 *   return () => clearInterval(intervalID);
 * });
 * ```
export function readable<T>(
  value: T,
  onUseFn: (arg: OnUseArgument<T>) => void | Unsubscriber = noop
): Readable<T> {
  if (onUseFn === noop) {
    // special optimized case
    return constStore(value);
  const ReadableStoreWithOnUse = class extends Store<T> {
    protected onUse() {
      const setFn = (v: T) => this.set(v);
      setFn.set = setFn;
      setFn.update = (updater: Updater<T>) => this.update(updater);
      return onUseFn(setFn);
  return asReadable(new ReadableStoreWithOnUse(value));

class WritableStore<T> extends Store<T> implements Writable<T> {
  constructor(value: T) {

  set(value: T): void {

  update(updater: Updater<T>) {

 * A convenience function to create {@link Writable} store instances.
 * @param value - initial value of a new writable store.
 * @param onUseFn - A function called when the number of subscribers changes from 0 to 1
 * (but not called when the number of subscribers changes from 1 to 2, ...).
 * If a function is returned, it will be called when the number of subscribers changes from 1 to 0.
 * @example
 * ```typescript
 * const x = writable(0);
 * x.update(v => v + 1); // increment
 * x.set(0); // reset back to the default value
 * ```
export function writable<T>(
  value: T,
  onUseFn: (arg: OnUseArgument<T>) => void | Unsubscriber = noop
): Writable<T> {
  const WritableStoreWithOnUse = class extends WritableStore<T> {
    protected onUse() {
      const setFn = (v: T) => this.set(v);
      setFn.set = setFn;
      setFn.update = (updater: Updater<T>) => this.update(updater);
      return onUseFn(setFn);
  const store = new WritableStoreWithOnUse(value);
  return {
    set: store.set.bind(store),
    update: store.update.bind(store),

type SubscribableStores =
  | SubscribableStore<any>
  | readonly [SubscribableStore<any>, ...SubscribableStore<any>[]];

type SubscribableStoresValues<S> = S extends SubscribableStore<infer T>
  ? T
  : { [K in keyof S]: S[K] extends SubscribableStore<infer T> ? T : never };

type SyncDeriveFn<T, S> = (values: SubscribableStoresValues<S>) => T;
type AsyncDeriveFn<T, S> = (
  values: SubscribableStoresValues<S>,
  set: OnUseArgument<T>
) => Unsubscriber | void;
type DeriveFn<T, S> = SyncDeriveFn<T, S> | AsyncDeriveFn<T, S>;
function isSyncDeriveFn<T, S>(fn: DeriveFn<T, S>): fn is SyncDeriveFn<T, S> {
  return fn.length <= 1;

export abstract class DerivedStore<
  S extends SubscribableStores = SubscribableStores
> extends Store<T> {
  constructor(private _stores: S, initialValue: T) {

  protected onUse(): Unsubscriber | void {
    let initDone = false;
    let pending = 0;

    const stores = this._stores;
    const isArray = Array.isArray(stores);
    const storesArr = isArray
      ? (stores as readonly SubscribableStore<any>[])
      : [stores as SubscribableStore<any>];
    const dependantValues = new Array(storesArr.length);

    let cleanupFn: null | Unsubscriber = null;

    const callCleanup = () => {
      const fn = cleanupFn;
      if (fn) {
        cleanupFn = null;

    const callDerive = () => {
      if (initDone && !pending) {
        cleanupFn = this.derive(isArray ? dependantValues : dependantValues[0]) || noop;

    const unsubscribers =, idx) =>
        next: (v) => {
          dependantValues[idx] = v;
          pending &= ~(1 << idx);
        invalidate: () => {
          pending |= 1 << idx;

    initDone = true;
    return () => {

  protected abstract derive(values: SubscribableStoresValues<S>): Unsubscriber | void;

 * A convenience function to create a new store with a state computed from the latest values of dependent stores.
 * Each time the state of one of the dependent stores changes, a provided derive function is called to compute a new, derived state.
 * @param stores - a single store or an array of dependent stores
 * @param deriveFn - a function that is used to compute a new state based on the latest values of dependent stores
 * @example
 * ```typescript
 * const x$ = writable(2);
 * const y$ = writable(3);
 * const sum$ = derived([x$, $y], ([x, y]) => x + y);
 * // will log 5 upon subscription
 * sum$.subscribe((value) => {
 *    console.log(value)
 * });
 * x$.set(3); // will re-evaluate the `([x, y]) => x + y` function and log 6 as this is the new state of the derived store
 * ```
export function derived<T, S extends SubscribableStores>(
  stores: S,
  deriveFn: SyncDeriveFn<T, S>
): Readable<T>;
export function derived<T, S extends SubscribableStores>(
  stores: S,
  deriveFn: AsyncDeriveFn<T, S>,
  initialValue: T
): Readable<T>;
export function derived<T, S extends SubscribableStores>(
  stores: S,
  deriveFn: DeriveFn<T, S>,
  initialValue?: T
): Readable<T> {
  const Derived = isSyncDeriveFn(deriveFn)
    ? class extends DerivedStore<T, S> {
        protected derive(values: SubscribableStoresValues<S>) {
    : class extends DerivedStore<T, S> {
        protected derive(values: SubscribableStoresValues<S>) {
          const setFn = (v: T) => this.set(v);
          setFn.set = setFn;
          setFn.update = (updater: Updater<T>) => this.update(updater);
          return deriveFn(values, setFn);
  return asReadable(new Derived(stores, initialValue as any));