web3-utils#toHex TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use web3-utils#toHex. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: ethWallet.ts    From webapp with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
@action async transfer({
  }: {
    floatAmount: string;
    recipient: string;
  }) {
    if (!floatAmount) throw new Error("Float Amount required.");
    if (!isAddress(recipient))
      throw new Error("Recipient must be valid ETH address");
    const weiAmount = toWei(floatAmount);
    const value = toHex(weiAmount);
    const params = [
        from: this.currentUser,
        to: recipient,
    return this.tx(params);
Example #2
Source File: index.ts    From tokenlon-jssdk with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
signTransaction = (params: SignTransactionParams): SignTransactionResult => {
  const { gasPrice, to, amount, gas, data, nonce } = params
  const address = getConfig().address
  const rawTx: SignRawTransactionFnParams = {
    data: data || '',
    from: address,
    nonce: toHex(nonce),
    gasLimit: toHex(gas),
    gasPrice: toHex(gasPrice),
    value: toHex(fromUnitToDecimal(amount, 18, 10)),
  const sign = getConfig().signRawTransactionFn(rawTx)
  const hash = sha3(addHexPrefix(sign))

  return { hash, sign }
Example #3
Source File: utils.test.ts    From solidity-utils with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
contract('', function ([wallet1, wallet2]) {
    const initContext = async () => {
        const USDT = await TokenMock.new('USDT', 'USDT');
        const USDC = await TokenMock.new('USDC', 'USDC');
        return { USDT, USDC };

    let context: Awaited<ReturnType<typeof initContext>> = undefined!;

    before(async () => {
        context = await initContext();

    beforeEach(async function () {
        for (const addr of [wallet1, wallet2]) {
            for (const token of [context.USDT, context.USDC]) {
                await token.mint(addr, ether('1000'));

    describe('signMessage', async function () {
        it('should be signed test1', async function () {
            expect(await web3.eth.sign('0x', wallet1)).equal(await signMessage(wallet1));

        it('should be signed test2', async function () {
            const message = randomHex(32);
            expect(await web3.eth.sign(message, wallet1)).equal(await signMessage(wallet1, message));

        it('should be signed test3', async function () {
            const message = toHex('Test message');
            expect(await web3.eth.sign(message, wallet1)).equal(await signMessage(wallet1, message));

    describe('trackReceivedTokenAndTx', async function () {
        it('should be tracked ERC20 Transfer', async function () {
            const [received, tx] = await trackReceivedTokenAndTx(
                () => context.USDT.transfer(wallet2, ether('1'), { from: wallet1 }),

        it('should be tracked ERC20 Approve', async function () {
            const [received, tx] = await trackReceivedTokenAndTx(
                () => context.USDT.approve(wallet2, ether('1'), { from: wallet1 }),

    describe('trackReceivedToken', async function () {
        it('should be tracked ERC20 Transfer', async function () {
            const [received] = await trackReceivedTokenAndTx(
                () => context.USDT.transfer(wallet2, ether('1'), { from: wallet1 }),

        it('should be tracked ERC20 Approve', async function () {
            const [received] = await trackReceivedTokenAndTx(
                () => context.USDT.approve(wallet2, ether('1'), { from: wallet1 }),

    describe('countInstructions', async function () {
        it('should be counted ERC20 Transfer', async function () {
            const [, tx] = await trackReceivedTokenAndTx(
                () => context.USDT.transfer(wallet2, ether('1'), { from: wallet1 }),
            expect(await countInstructions(tx.receipt.transactionHash, ['STATICCALL', 'CALL', 'SSTORE', 'SLOAD']))
                .to.be.deep.equal([0, 0, 2, 2]);

        it('should be counted ERC20 Approve', async function () {
            const [, tx] = await trackReceivedTokenAndTx(
                () => context.USDT.approve(wallet2, ether('1'), { from: wallet1 }),
            expect(await countInstructions(tx.receipt.transactionHash, ['STATICCALL', 'CALL', 'SSTORE', 'SLOAD']))
                .to.be.deep.equal([0, 0, 1, 0]);
Example #4
Source File: CoreValue.ts    From compound-protocol with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
fetchers = [
  new Fetcher<{}, BoolV>(
      #### True

      * "True" - Returns true
    async (world, {}) => new BoolV(true)

  new Fetcher<{}, BoolV>(
      #### False

      * "False" - Returns false
    async (world, {}) => new BoolV(false)

  new Fetcher<{}, NumberV>(
      #### Zero

      * "Zero" - Returns 0
    async (world, {}) => strToNumberV('0')

  new Fetcher<{}, NumberV>(
      #### UInt96Max

      * "UInt96Max" - Returns 2^96 - 1
    async (world, {}) =>
      new NumberV('79228162514264337593543950335')

  new Fetcher<{}, NumberV>(
      #### UInt256Max

      * "UInt256Max" - Returns 2^256 - 1
    async (world, {}) =>
      new NumberV('115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935')

  new Fetcher<{}, NumberV>(
      #### Some

      * "Some" - Returns 100e18
    async (world, {}) => strToNumberV('100e18')

  new Fetcher<{}, NumberV>(
      #### Little

      * "Little" - Returns 100e10
    async (world, {}) => strToNumberV('100e10')

  new Fetcher<{ amt: EventV }, NumberV>(
      #### Exactly

      * "Exactly <Amount>" - Returns a strict numerical value
        * E.g. "Exactly 5.0"
    [new Arg('amt', getEventV)],
    async (world, { amt }) => getNumberV(world, amt.val)

  new Fetcher<{ hexVal: EventV }, StringV>(
      #### Hex

      * "Hex <HexVal>" - Returns a byte string with given hex value
        * E.g. "Hex \"0xffff\""
    [new Arg('hexVal', getEventV)],
    async (world, { hexVal }) => getStringV(world, hexVal.val)

  new Fetcher<{ str: EventV }, StringV>(
      #### String

      * "String <Str>" - Returns a string literal
        * E.g. "String MyString"
    [new Arg('str', getEventV)],
    async (world, { str }) => getStringV(world, str.val)

  new Fetcher<{ amt: EventV }, NumberV>(
      #### Exp

      * "Exp <Amount>" - Returns the mantissa for a given exp
        * E.g. "Exp 5.5"
    [new Arg('amt', getEventV)],
    async (world, { amt }) => getExpNumberV(world, amt.val)

  new Fetcher<{ amt: EventV }, NumberV>(
      #### Neg

      * "Neg <Amount>" - Returns the amount subtracted from zero
        * E.g. "Neg amount"
    [new Arg('amt', getEventV)],
    async (world, { amt }) => new NumberV(0).sub(await getNumberV(world, amt.val))

  new Fetcher<{ amt: StringV }, PreciseV>(
      #### Precisely

      * "Precisely <Amount>" - Matches a number to given number of significant figures
        * E.g. "Precisely 5.1000" - Matches to 5 sig figs
    [new Arg('amt', getStringV)],
    async (world, { amt }) => new PreciseV(toEncodableNum(amt.val), getSigFigs(amt.val))

  new Fetcher<{}, AnythingV>(
      #### Anything

      * "Anything" - Matches any value for assertions
    async (world, {}) => new AnythingV()

  new Fetcher<{}, NothingV>(
      #### Nothing

      * "Nothing" - Matches no values and is nothing.
    async (world, {}) => new NothingV()

  new Fetcher<{ addr: AddressV }, AddressV>(
      #### Address

      * "Address arg:<Address>" - Returns an address
    [new Arg('addr', getAddressV)],
    async (world, { addr }) => addr

  new Fetcher<
    { addr: AddressV; slot: NumberV; start: NumberV; valType: StringV },
    BoolV | AddressV | ExpNumberV | NothingV
    #### StorageAt

    * "StorageAt addr:<Address> slot:<Number> start:<Number>, valType:<VToCastTo>" - Returns bytes at storage slot
      new Arg('addr', getAddressV),
      new Arg('slot', getNumberV),
      new Arg('start', getNumberV),
      new Arg('valType', getStringV)
    async (world, { addr, slot, start, valType }) => {
      const startVal = start.toNumber()
      const reverse = s => s.split('').reverse().join('');
      const storage = await world.web3.eth.getStorageAt(addr.val, slot.toNumber());
      const stored = reverse(storage.slice(2)); // drop leading 0x and reverse since items are packed from the back of the slot

      // Don't forget to re-reverse
      switch (valType.val) {
        case 'bool':
          return new BoolV(!!reverse(stored.slice(startVal, startVal + 2)));
        case 'address':
          return new AddressV('0x' + padLeft(reverse(stored.slice(startVal, startVal + 40)), 40));
        case 'number':
          return new NumberV(toBN('0x' + reverse(stored)).toString());
          return new NothingV();

  new Fetcher<
    { addr: AddressV; slot: NumberV; key: AddressV; nestedKey: AddressV; valType: StringV },
    ListV | NothingV
    #### StorageAtNestedMapping

    * "StorageAtNestedMapping addr:<Address> slot:<Number>, key:<address>, nestedKey:<address>, valType:<VToCastTo>" - Returns bytes at storage slot
      new Arg('addr', getAddressV),
      new Arg('slot', getNumberV),
      new Arg('key', getAddressV),
      new Arg('nestedKey', getAddressV),
      new Arg('valType', getStringV)
    async (world, { addr, slot, key, nestedKey, valType }) => {
      const areEqual = (v, x) => toBN(v).eq(toBN(x));
      let paddedSlot = slot.toNumber().toString(16).padStart(64, '0');
      let paddedKey = padLeft(key.val, 64);
      let newKey = sha3(paddedKey + paddedSlot);
      let val = await world.web3.eth.getStorageAt(addr.val, newKey);

      switch (valType.val) {
        case 'marketStruct':
          let isListed = areEqual(val, 1);
          let collateralFactorKey = '0x' + toBN(newKey).add(toBN(1)).toString(16);
          let collateralFactorStr = await world.web3.eth.getStorageAt(addr.val, collateralFactorKey);
          let collateralFactor = toBN(collateralFactorStr);
          let userMarketBaseKey = padLeft(toBN(newKey).add(toBN(2)).toString(16), 64);
          let paddedSlot = padLeft(userMarketBaseKey, 64);
          let paddedKey = padLeft(nestedKey.val, 64);
          let newKeyTwo = sha3(paddedKey + paddedSlot);
          let userInMarket = await world.web3.eth.getStorageAt(addr.val, newKeyTwo);

          let isCompKey = '0x' + toBN(newKey).add(toBN(3)).toString(16);
          let isCompStr = await world.web3.eth.getStorageAt(addr.val, isCompKey);

          return new ListV([
            new BoolV(isListed),
            new ExpNumberV(collateralFactor.toString(), 1e18),
            new BoolV(areEqual(userInMarket, 1)),
            new BoolV(areEqual(isCompStr, 1))
          return new NothingV();

  new Fetcher<
    { addr: AddressV; slot: NumberV; key: AddressV; valType: StringV },
    AddressV | BoolV | ExpNumberV | ListV | NothingV
    #### StorageAtMapping

    * "StorageAtMapping addr:<Address> slot:<Number>, key:<address>, valType:<VToCastTo>" - Returns bytes at storage slot
      new Arg('addr', getAddressV),
      new Arg('slot', getNumberV),
      new Arg('key', getAddressV),
      new Arg('valType', getStringV)
    async (world, { addr, slot, key, valType }) => {
      let paddedSlot = slot.toNumber().toString(16).padStart(64, '0');
      let paddedKey = padLeft(key.val, 64);
      let newKey = sha3(paddedKey + paddedSlot);
      let val = await world.web3.eth.getStorageAt(addr.val, newKey);

      switch (valType.val) {
        case 'list(address)':
          let p = new Array(toDecimal(val)).fill(undefined).map(async (_v, index) => {
            let newKeySha = sha3(newKey);
            let itemKey = toBN(newKeySha).add(toBN(index));
            let address = await world.web3.eth.getStorageAt(addr.val, padLeft(toHex(itemKey), 40));
            return new AddressV(address);

          let all = await Promise.all(p);
          return new ListV(all);

        case 'bool':
          return new BoolV(val != '0x' && val != '0x0');
        case 'address':
          return new AddressV(val);
        case 'number':
          return new NumberV(toBN(val).toString());
          return new NothingV();

  new Fetcher<{}, NumberV>(
    #### BlockNumber
    * BlockNumber
    async (world, {}) => {
      return new NumberV(await getCurrentBlockNumber(world));

  new Fetcher<{}, NumberV>(
    #### GasCounter
    * GasCounter
    async (world, {}) => new NumberV(world.gasCounter.value)

  new Fetcher<{}, AddressV>(
      #### LastContract

      * "LastContract" - The address of last constructed contract
    async (world, { }) => new AddressV(world.get('lastContract'))

  new Fetcher<{}, NumberV>(
      #### LastBlock

      * "LastBlock" - The block of the last transaction
    async (world, { }) => {
      let invokation = world.get('lastInvokation');
      if (!invokation) {
        throw new Error(`Expected last invokation for "lastBlock" but none found.`);

      if (!invokation.receipt) {
        throw new Error(`Expected last invokation to have receipt for "lastBlock" but none found.`);

      return new NumberV(invokation.receipt.blockNumber);

  new Fetcher<{}, NumberV>(
      #### LastGas

      * "LastGas" - The gas consumed by the last transaction
    async (world, {}) => {
      let invokation = world.get('lastInvokation');
      if (!invokation) {
        throw new Error(`Expected last invokation for "lastGas" but none found.`);

      if (!invokation.receipt) {
        throw new Error(`Expected last invokation to have receipt for "lastGas" but none found.`);

      return new NumberV(invokation.receipt.gasUsed);

  new Fetcher<{ els: Value[] }, AnythingV>(
      #### List

      * "List ..." - Returns a list of given elements
    [new Arg('els', getCoreValue, { variadic: true, mapped: true })],
    async (world, { els }) => new ListV(els)
  new Fetcher<{ val: Value; def: EventV }, Value>(
      #### Default

      * "Default val:<Value> def:<Value>" - Returns value if truthy, otherwise default. Note: this **does** short circuit.
    [new Arg('val', getCoreValue), new Arg('def', getEventV)],
    async (world, { val, def }) => {
      if (val.truthy()) {
        return val;
      } else {
        return await getCoreValue(world, def.val);
  new Fetcher<{ minutes: NumberV }, NumberV>(
      #### Minutes

      * "Minutes minutes:<NumberV>" - Returns number of minutes in seconds
    [new Arg('minutes', getNumberV)],
    async (world, { minutes }) => {
      const minutesBn = new BigNumber(minutes.val);
      return new NumberV(minutesBn.times(60).toFixed(0));
  new Fetcher<{ hours: NumberV }, NumberV>(
      #### Hours

      * "Hours hours:<NumberV>" - Returns number of hours in seconds
    [new Arg('hours', getNumberV)],
    async (world, { hours }) => {
      const hoursBn = new BigNumber(hours.val);
      return new NumberV(hoursBn.times(3600).toFixed(0));
  new Fetcher<{ days: NumberV }, NumberV>(
      #### Days

      * "Days days:<NumberV>" - Returns number of days in seconds
    [new Arg('days', getNumberV)],
    async (world, { days }) => {
      const daysBn = new BigNumber(days.val);
      return new NumberV(daysBn.times(86400).toFixed(0));
  new Fetcher<{ weeks: NumberV }, NumberV>(
      #### Weeks

      * "Weeks weeks:<NumberV>" - Returns number of weeks in seconds
    [new Arg('weeks', getNumberV)],
    async (world, { weeks }) => {
      const weeksBn = new BigNumber(weeks.val);
      return new NumberV(weeksBn.times(604800).toFixed(0));
  new Fetcher<{ years: NumberV }, NumberV>(
      #### Years

      * "Years years:<NumberV>" - Returns number of years in seconds
    [new Arg('years', getNumberV)],
    async (world, { years }) => {
      const yearsBn = new BigNumber(years.val);
      return new NumberV(yearsBn.times(31536000).toFixed(0));
  new Fetcher<{ seconds: NumberV }, NumberV>(
      #### FromNow

      * "FromNow seconds:<NumberV>" - Returns future timestamp of given seconds from now
    [new Arg('seconds', getNumberV)],
    async (world, { seconds }) => {
      const secondsBn = new BigNumber(seconds.val);
      return new NumberV(secondsBn.plus(getCurrentTimestamp()).toFixed(0));
    new Fetcher<{}, NumberV>(
      #### Now

      * "Now seconds:<NumberV>" - Returns current timestamp
    async (world, {}) => {
      return new NumberV(getCurrentTimestamp());
  new Fetcher<{}, NumberV>(
      #### BlockTimestamp

      * "BlockTimestamp" - Returns the current block's timestamp
        * E.g. "BlockTimestamp"
    async (world, {}) => {
      const {result: blockNumber}: any = await sendRPC(world, 'eth_blockNumber', []);
      const {result: block}: any = await sendRPC(world, 'eth_getBlockByNumber', [blockNumber, false]);
      return new NumberV(parseInt(block.timestamp, 16));
  new Fetcher<{}, StringV>(
      #### Network

      * "Network" - Returns the current Network
    async world => new StringV(world.network)
  new Fetcher<{ res: Value }, Value>(
      #### User

      * "User ...userArgs" - Returns user value
    [new Arg('res', getUserValue, { variadic: true })],
    async (world, { res }) => res,
    { subExpressions: userFetchers() }
  new Fetcher<{ address: AddressV }, Value>(
      #### EtherBalance

      * "EtherBalance <Address>" - Returns given address' ether balance.
    [new Arg('address', getAddressV)],
    (world, { address }) => getEtherBalance(world, address.val)
  new Fetcher<{ given: Value; expected: Value }, BoolV>(
      #### Equal

      * "Equal given:<Value> expected:<Value>" - Returns true if given values are equal
        * E.g. "Equal (Exactly 0) Zero"
        * E.g. "Equal (CToken cZRX TotalSupply) (Exactly 55)"
        * E.g. "Equal (CToken cZRX Comptroller) (Comptroller Address)"
    [new Arg('given', getCoreValue), new Arg('expected', getCoreValue)],
    async (world, { given, expected }) => new BoolV(expected.compareTo(world, given))
  new Fetcher<
        argTypes: StringV[];
        args: StringV[];
        #### EncodeParameters

        * "EncodeParameters (...argTypes:<String>) (...args:<Anything>)
          * E.g. "EncodeParameters (\"address\" \"address\") (\"0xabc\" \"0x123\")
        new Arg('argTypes', getStringV, { mapped: true }),
        new Arg('args', getStringV, { mapped: true })
      async (world, { argTypes, args }) => {
        const realArgs = args.map((a, i) => {
          if (argTypes[i].val == 'address')
            return getAddress(world, a.val);
          return a.val;
        return new StringV(world.web3.eth.abi.encodeParameters(argTypes.map(t => t.val), realArgs));
  new Fetcher<{ res: Value }, Value>(
      #### Unitroller

      * "Unitroller ...unitrollerArgs" - Returns unitroller value
    [new Arg('res', getUnitrollerValue, { variadic: true })],
    async (world, { res }) => res,
    { subExpressions: unitrollerFetchers() }
  new Fetcher<{ res: Value }, Value>(
      #### Comptroller

      * "Comptroller ...comptrollerArgs" - Returns comptroller value
    [new Arg('res', getComptrollerValue, { variadic: true })],
    async (world, { res }) => res,
    { subExpressions: comptrollerFetchers() }
  new Fetcher<{ res: Value }, Value>(
      #### ComptrollerImpl

      * "ComptrollerImpl ...comptrollerImplArgs" - Returns comptroller implementation value
    [new Arg('res', getComptrollerImplValue, { variadic: true })],
    async (world, { res }) => res,
    { subExpressions: comptrollerImplFetchers() }
  new Fetcher<{ res: Value }, Value>(
      #### CToken

      * "CToken ...cTokenArgs" - Returns cToken value
    [new Arg('res', getCTokenValue, { variadic: true })],
    async (world, { res }) => res,
    { subExpressions: cTokenFetchers() }
  new Fetcher<{ res: Value }, Value>(
      #### CTokenDelegate

      * "CTokenDelegate ...cTokenDelegateArgs" - Returns cToken delegate value
    [new Arg('res', getCTokenDelegateValue, { variadic: true })],
    async (world, { res }) => res,
    { subExpressions: cTokenDelegateFetchers() }
  new Fetcher<{ res: Value }, Value>(
      #### Erc20

      * "Erc20 ...erc20Args" - Returns Erc20 value
    [new Arg('res', getErc20Value, { variadic: true })],
    async (world, { res }) => res,
    { subExpressions: erc20Fetchers() }
  new Fetcher<{ res: Value }, Value>(
      #### InterestRateModel

      * "InterestRateModel ...interestRateModelArgs" - Returns InterestRateModel value
    [new Arg('res', getInterestRateModelValue, { variadic: true })],
    async (world, { res }) => res,
    { subExpressions: interestRateModelFetchers() }
  new Fetcher<{ res: Value }, Value>(
      #### PriceOracle

      * "PriceOracle ...priceOracleArgs" - Returns PriceOracle value
    [new Arg('res', getPriceOracleValue, { variadic: true })],
    async (world, { res }) => res,
    { subExpressions: priceOracleFetchers() }
  new Fetcher<{ res: Value }, Value>(
      #### PriceOracleProxy

      * "PriceOracleProxy ...priceOracleProxyArgs" - Returns PriceOracleProxy value
    [new Arg('res', getPriceOracleProxyValue, { variadic: true })],
    async (world, { res }) => res,
    { subExpressions: priceOracleProxyFetchers() }
  new Fetcher<{ res: Value }, Value>(
      #### Timelock

      * "Timelock ...timeLockArgs" - Returns Timelock value
    [new Arg('res', getTimelockValue, { variadic: true })],
    async (world, { res }) => res,
    { subExpressions: timelockFetchers() }
  new Fetcher<{ res: Value }, Value>(
      #### Maximillion

      * "Maximillion ...maximillionArgs" - Returns Maximillion value
    [new Arg('res', getMaximillionValue, { variadic: true })],
    async (world, { res }) => res,
    { subExpressions: maximillionFetchers() }
  new Fetcher<{ res: Value }, Value>(
      #### MCD

      * "MCD ...mcdArgs" - Returns MCD value
    [new Arg('res', getMCDValue, { variadic: true })],
    async (world, { res }) => res,
    { subExpressions: mcdFetchers() }
  new Fetcher<{ res: Value }, Value>(
      #### Comp

      * "Comp ...compArgs" - Returns Comp value
    [new Arg('res', getCompValue, { variadic: true })],
    async (world, { res }) => res,
    { subExpressions: compFetchers() }
  new Fetcher<{ res: Value }, Value>(
      #### Governor

      * "Governor ...governorArgs" - Returns Governor value
    [new Arg('res', getGovernorValue, { variadic: true })],
    async (world, { res }) => res,
    { subExpressions: governorFetchers() }