rxjs/operators#sample TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use rxjs/operators#sample. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: component.tsx    From codedoc with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
export function RefBox(
  this: ThemedComponentThis<CodedocTheme>,
  _: any,
  renderer: any,
) {
  const classes = this.theme.classes(RefBoxStyle);
  const target$ = this.expose.in('target', new Subject<HTMLElement | undefined>());
  const latest$ = new BehaviorSubject<HTMLElement | undefined>(undefined);

  target$.pipe(filter(el => !!el)).subscribe(latest$);

  const box = ref<HTMLElement>();

  const active$ = target$.pipe(debounceTime(10), map(el => !!el));
  let hover = false;
  const top$ = target$.pipe(
      switchMap(el => el ? of(el) : of(el).pipe(delay(300))),
      filter(() => !hover),
      mergeMap(el => el ?
        of(el.getBoundingClientRect().top + 18) :

  const left$ = fromEvent(document, 'mousemove').pipe(
    filter(() => !hover),
    map(e => (e as MouseEvent).clientX + 12),
    sample(active$.pipe(filter(_ => _))),

  const link$ = target$.pipe(
    filter(el => !!el),
    map(el => el?.getAttribute('data-ref') || ''),
    map(l => {
      if (l.startsWith('/')) {
        const conf = getConfig();
        if (conf) return conf.namespace + l;

      return l;

  const text$ = target$.pipe(
    filter(el => !!el),
    map(el => {
      if (el?.hasAttribute('data-ref-text')) return el.getAttribute('data-ref-text') || '';
      else {
        const _text = el?.getAttribute('data-ref') || '';
        if (_text.startsWith('tab:')) return _text.substr(4);
        else return _text;

  return <div _ref={box}
      class={rl`${classes.refbox} ${toggleList({active: active$.pipe(startWith(false))})}`}
      style={rl`top: ${top$}px;left: ${left$}px`}
      onmouseenter={() => hover = true}
      onmouseleave={() => { hover = false; target$.next(undefined); }}
      onclick={event => {
        let ref = latest$.value?.getAttribute('data-ref');

        if (ref?.startsWith('tab:')) {
          ref = ref.substr(4);
          let tab$ = latest$.value;
          while(tab$ && !tab$?.hasAttribute('data-tab-id')) tab$ = tab$?.parentElement || undefined;

          if (tab$) {
            const btn$ = tab$.parentElement?.querySelector(
            if (btn$) {
              (btn$ as HTMLButtonElement).click();

        hover = false;
        box.$.style.top = '-1000px';
    <span class="icon-font">touch_app</span>
    <a href={link$} target="_blank">See {text$}</a>