react-icons/hi#HiOutlinePlusCircle TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use react-icons/hi#HiOutlinePlusCircle. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: dashboard.tsx    From pagely with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
Dashboard = () => {
  const { data: notionSites, error } = useClerkSWR<notionSites[]>(
  const { data: githubSites, error: errorFetchingGithubSites } = useClerkSWR<
  const { data: showcaseWebsites } = useClerkSWR<ShowcaseWebsites[]>(
  return (
        <div className='max-w-5xl mx-auto'>
          <h1 className='text-4xl font-bold text-center lg:text-left md:relative lg:left-14'>
            Your websites
          <div className='flex'>
              className='flex-1 mr-2 mt-10 h-[70vh] overflow-y-scroll pb-5'
                <h3 className='mb-5 text-lg font-medium lg:text-left md:relative lg:left-14'>
                  Notion websites
                {notionSites?.map((site) => (
                  // @ts-ignore
                  <SiteCard key={} siteData={site} />
                {error && (
                    Your Notion sites could not be fetched. Please reload and
                    try again
                {!error && !notionSites && (
                    className='!block mb-8 mx-auto'
              <hr className='w-[80%] my-5 text-gray-300 mx-auto' />
              <div className='mb-5'>
                <h3 className='mb-5 text-lg font-medium lg:text-left md:relative lg:left-14'>
                  GitHub websites
                {githubSites?.map((site) => (
                  // @ts-ignore
                  <GitHubSiteCard key={} siteData={site} />
                  // <p key={}>{JSON.stringify(site, null, 2)}</p>
                {errorFetchingGithubSites && (
                    Your GitHub sites could not be fetched. Please reload and
                    try again
                {!errorFetchingGithubSites && !githubSites && (
                    className='!block mb-8 mx-auto'
            <div className='sticky top-0 flex-1 hidden mt-10 lg:block'>
              <div className='text-center transition-all bg-blue-100 border border-blue-300 rounded shadow-sm hover:bg-blue-200'>
                <Link href='/new'>
                  <a className='block px-4 py-3 text-lg -mt-[50px]'>
                    <HiOutlinePlusCircle className='relative inline-block w-8 h-8 mr-1 text-gray-600 bottom-[2px]' />
                    Create new website
              <hr className='my-5 w-[80%] mx-auto text-gray-300' />
              <div className='mt-4 text-center'>
                <h3 className='text-2xl font-medium'>
                  Some awesome websites made with Pagely
                  className='flex flex-wrap px-2 mt-3 overflow-y-auto h-[50vh] pb-5'
                  {showcaseWebsites?.map((site) => {
                    return (
                        style={{ zoom: '0.6' }}
                          href={'https://' + site.subdomain + ''}
                          rel='noopener noreferrer'>
                          <div className='max-w-sm px-3 mx-auto text-center transition-all duration-500 rounded-lg py-7 hover:border border-bluegray-200 hover:shadow-lg group'>
                              // eslint-disable-next-line @next/next/no-img-element
                                src={site.ogImageUrl || '/no-og-image.png'}
                                className='w-[80%] mx-auto mb-4 rounded-lg group-hover:scale-105 object-cover transform transition-all duration-500 border border-gray-300'
                            ) || (
                              <Skeleton className='w-[80%] mx-auto mb-4 rounded-lg group-hover:scale-105 object-cover transform transition-all duration-500 border border-gray-300' />
                            <h3 className='text-2xl font-medium'>
                              {truncate(site.siteName, { length: 30 })}
      <style jsx>{`
        #showcase-websites::-webkit-scrollbar {
          display: none;
        #showcase-websites {
          -ms-overflow-style: none;
        #websites::-webkit-scrollbar {
          display: none;
        #websites {
          -ms-overflow-style: none;