react-icons/fi#FiArrowRightCircle TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use react-icons/fi#FiArrowRightCircle. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: index.tsx    From tobira with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
SettingsPage: React.FC<Props> = ({ realm }) => {
    const { t } = useTranslation();
    if (!realm.canCurrentUserEdit) {
        return <NotAuthorized />;

    const heading = realm.isRoot
        ? t("manage.realm.heading-root")
        : t("manage.realm.heading", { realm: });

    const breadcrumbs = (realm.isRoot ? realm.ancestors : realm.ancestors.concat(realm))
        .map(({ name, path }) => ({ label: name, link: path }));

    return (
        <RealmSettingsContainer css={{ maxWidth: 900 }}>
            <Breadcrumbs path={breadcrumbs} tail={<i>{t("")}</i>} />
            <PageTitle title={heading} />
            <p>{t("manage.realm.descendants-count", { count: realm.numberOfDescendants })}</p>
            <div css={{
                margin: "32px 0",
                display: "flex",
                flexWrap: "wrap",
                gap: 16,
                <LinkButton to={realm.path}>
                    <FiArrowRightCircle />
                <LinkButton to={`/~manage/realm/add-child?parent=${pathToQuery(realm.path)}`}>
                    <FiPlus />
            <section><General fragRef={realm} /></section>
            <section><ChildOrder fragRef={realm} /></section>
            <section><DangerZone fragRef={realm} /></section>
Example #2
Source File: BLE.tsx    From meshtastic-web with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
BLE = ({ connecting }: BLEProps): JSX.Element => {
  const [bleDevices, setBleDevices] = useState<BluetoothDevice[]>([]);

  const { handleSubmit } = useForm<{
    device?: BluetoothDevice;

  const updateBleDeviceList = useCallback(async (): Promise<void> => {
    const ble = new IBLEConnection();
    const devices = await ble.getDevices();
  }, []);

  useEffect(() => {
    void updateBleDeviceList();
  }, [updateBleDeviceList]);

  const onSubmit = handleSubmit(async () => {
    await setConnection(connType.BLE);

  return (
    <form onSubmit={onSubmit} className="flex flex-grow flex-col">
      <div className="flex flex-grow flex-col gap-2 overflow-y-auto rounded-md border border-gray-400 bg-gray-200 p-2 dark:border-gray-600 dark:bg-tertiaryDark dark:text-gray-400">
        {bleDevices.length > 0 ? (
, index) => (
              className="flex justify-between rounded-md bg-white p-2 dark:bg-primaryDark dark:text-white"
              <div className="my-auto">{}</div>
                onClick={async (): Promise<void> => {
                  await setConnection(connType.BLE);
                icon={<FiArrowRightCircle />}
        ) : (
          <div className="m-auto">
            <p>No previously connected devices found</p>
        className="mt-2 ml-auto"
        onClick={async (): Promise<void> => {
          if (connecting) {
            await connection.disconnect();
          } else {
            await onSubmit();
        {connecting ? 'Disconnect' : 'Connect'}
Example #3
Source File: Serial.tsx    From meshtastic-web with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
Serial = ({ connecting }: SerialProps): JSX.Element => {
  const [serialDevices, setSerialDevices] = useState<SerialPort[]>([]);
  const dispatch = useAppDispatch();

  const { handleSubmit } = useForm<{
    device?: SerialPort;

  const updateSerialDeviceList = useCallback(async (): Promise<void> => {
    const serial = new ISerialConnection();
    const devices = await serial.getPorts();
  }, []);

  useEffect(() => {
    void updateSerialDeviceList();
  }, [updateSerialDeviceList]);

  const onSubmit = handleSubmit(async () => {
    await setConnection(connType.SERIAL);

  return (
    <form onSubmit={onSubmit} className="flex flex-grow flex-col">
      <div className="flex flex-grow flex-col gap-2 overflow-y-auto rounded-md border border-gray-400 bg-gray-200 p-2 dark:border-gray-600 dark:bg-tertiaryDark dark:text-gray-400">
        {serialDevices.length > 0 ? (
, index) => (
              className="flex justify-between rounded-md bg-white p-2 dark:bg-primaryDark dark:text-white"
              <div className="my-auto flex gap-4">
                  Vendor: <small>{device.getInfo().usbVendorId}</small>
                  Device: <small>{device.getInfo().usbProductId}</small>
                onClick={async (): Promise<void> => {
                      type: connType.SERIAL,
                      params: {
                        port: device,
                  await setConnection(connType.SERIAL);
                icon={<FiArrowRightCircle />}
        ) : (
          <div className="m-auto">
            <p>No previously connected devices found</p>
        className="mt-2 ml-auto"
        onClick={async (): Promise<void> => {
          if (connecting) {
            await connection.disconnect();
          } else {
            await onSubmit();
        {connecting ? 'Disconnect' : 'Connect'}