lodash#mergeWith TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use lodash#mergeWith. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: utils.ts    From yforms with MIT License 7 votes vote down vote up
mergeWithDom = (obj: any, ...params: any[]) => {
  return mergeWith(obj, ...params, (_, srcValue) => {
    // 如果是元素则返回要更改的值,不是则不处理
    if (isValidElement(srcValue)) {
      return srcValue;
    // 如果是不可变数据,不处理合并
    if (isImmutable(srcValue)) {
      return srcValue;
Example #2
Source File: merge.ts    From S2 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
customMerge = (...objects: unknown[]) => {
  const customize = (origin: unknown, updated: unknown) => {
    if (isArray(origin) && isArray(updated)) {
      return updated;
  const args = [...objects, customize] as [unknown, unknown];

  return mergeWith({}, ...args);
Example #3
Source File: rc.ts    From free-swagger with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
// 合并配置项
  merge(answer: Record<string, any>, type: ConfigType = 'core'): void {
    // @ts-ignore
    this.configData[type] = mergeWith(
      (old, now) => {
        if (now == null) return old
Example #4
Source File: mergeBlock.ts    From easy-email with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
export function mergeBlock<T extends IBlockData>(a: T, b?: RecursivePartial<T>): T {
  return mergeWith(a, b, (a, b) => isArray(b) ? b : undefined);
Example #5
Source File: index.ts    From qiankun with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
// 在生命周期函数中设置和管理 global.__POWERED_BY_QIANKUN__ 和 global.__INJECTED_PUBLIC_PATH_BY_QIANKUN__
export default function getAddOns<T extends object>(global: Window, publicPath: string): FrameworkLifeCycles<T> {
  return mergeWith({}, getEngineFlagAddon(global), getRuntimePublicPathAddOn(global, publicPath), (v1, v2) =>
    concat(v1 ?? [], v2 ?? []),
Example #6
Source File: index.tsx    From aqualink-app with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
function Chart({
  chartSettings = {},
  chartRef: forwardRef,
}: ChartProps) {
  const chartRef = useRef<Line>(null);
  const selectedSurvey = useSelector(surveyDetailsSelector);
  const selectedSurveyDate = selectedSurvey?.diveDate
    ? new Date(convertToLocalTime(selectedSurvey.diveDate, timeZone))
    : undefined;

  if (forwardRef) {
    // this might be doable with forwardRef or callbacks, but its a little hard since we need to
    // use it in two places
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
    forwardRef.current = chartRef.current;

  const [xTickShift, setXTickShift] = useState<number>(0);

  const [xPeriod, setXPeriod] = useState<"week" | "month">("week");

  const [hideLastTick, setHideLastTick] = useState<boolean>(false);

  const { processedDatasets, xAxisMax, xAxisMin, yAxisMax, yAxisMin } =

  const nYTicks = 5;
  const yStepSize = Math.ceil((yAxisMax - yAxisMin) / nYTicks);

  const changeXTickShiftAndPeriod = () => {
    const { current } = chartRef;
    if (current) {
      // not sure why 'scales' doesn't have a type. Possibly from a plugin?
      const xScale = (current.chartInstance as any).scales["x-axis-0"];
      const ticksPositions = xScale.ticks.map((_: any, index: number) =>
      const nTicks = ticksPositions.length;
      const {
        chartArea: { right, left },
      } = current.chartInstance;
      const ticksWidth =
        typeof nTicks === "number" && nTicks > 0 ? (right - left) / nTicks : 0;
      // If last tick is too close to the chart's right edge then hide it
      if (right - ticksPositions[nTicks - 1] < ticksWidth) {
      } else {
      setXTickShift((ticksPositions[2] - ticksPositions[1]) / 2);
      if (xScale.width > SMALL_WINDOW) {
      } else {

  // Catch the "window done resizing" event as suggested by https://css-tricks.com/snippets/jquery/done-resizing-event/
  const onResize = useCallback(() => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      // Resize has stopped so stop updating the chart
    }, 1);
  }, []);

  // Update chart when window is resized
  useEffect(() => {
    window.addEventListener("resize", onResize);
    return () => {
      window.removeEventListener("resize", onResize);
  }, [onResize]);

  useEffect(() => {

  const settings = mergeWith(
      layout: {
        padding: { right: 10 },
      maintainAspectRatio: false,
      plugins: {
        chartJsPluginBarchartBackground: {
          color: background ? "rgb(158, 166, 170, 0.07)" : "#ffffff",
      tooltips: {
        enabled: false,
      legend: {
        display: false,

      annotation: {
        annotations: [
          makeAnnotation("Historical Max", maxMonthlyMean, "rgb(75, 192, 192)"),
            "Bleaching Threshold",
      scales: {
        xAxes: [
            type: "time",
            time: {
              displayFormats: {
                week: `MMM D ${showYearInTicks ? "YY" : ""}`,
                month: `MMM ${showYearInTicks ? "YY" : ""}`,
              unit: chartPeriod || xPeriod,
            display: true,
            ticks: {
              labelOffset: xTickShift,
              min: xAxisMin,
              max: xAxisMax,
              padding: 10,
              callback: (value: number, index: number, values: string[]) =>
                index === values.length - 1 && hideLastTick ? undefined : value,
            gridLines: {
              display: false,
              drawTicks: false,
        yAxes: [
            gridLines: {
              drawTicks: false,
            display: true,
            ticks: {
              min: yAxisMin,
              stepSize: yStepSize,
              max: yAxisMax,
              callback: (value: number, index: number, values: number[]) => {
                // Only show ticks when at least one of the following conditions holds:
                //   1: step size is equal to one
                //   2: it's not a marginal value (i.e. its index is between 1 and L - 2)
                //   3: it's the first value (index is 0) and its difference from the next one exceeds 80% of the step size
                //   4: it's the last value (index is L - 1) and its difference from the previous one exceeds 80% of the step size
                if (
                  yStepSize === 1 ||
                  (index > 0 && index < values.length - 1) ||
                  (index === 0 &&
                    value - values[index + 1] > 0.8 * yStepSize) ||
                  (index === values.length - 1 &&
                    values[index - 1] - value > 0.8 * yStepSize)
                ) {
                  return `${value}${!hideYAxisUnits ? "°" : ""}  `;
                return "";
    // makes sure arrays are merged correctly
    (el: any, toMerge: any) => {
      if (Array.isArray(el)) {
        return el.concat(toMerge);
      return undefined;

  return (
      data={{ datasets: processedDatasets }}
Example #7
Source File: loader.ts    From qiankun with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * 完成了以下几件事:
 *  1、通过 HTML Entry 的方式远程加载微应用,得到微应用的 html 模版(首屏内容)、JS 脚本执行器、静态经资源路径
 *  2、样式隔离,shadow DOM 或者 scoped css 两种方式
 *  3、渲染微应用
 *  4、运行时沙箱,JS 沙箱、样式沙箱
 *  5、合并沙箱传递出来的 生命周期方法、用户传递的生命周期方法、框架内置的生命周期方法,将这些生命周期方法统一整理,导出一个生命周期对象,
 * 供 single-spa 的 registerApplication 方法使用,这个对象就相当于使用 single-spa 时你的微应用导出的那些生命周期方法,只不过 qiankun
 * 额外填了一些生命周期方法,做了一些事情
 *  6、给微应用注册通信方法并返回通信方法,然后会将通信方法通过 props 注入到微应用
 * @param app 微应用配置对象
 * @param configuration start 方法执行时设置的配置对象 
 * @param lifeCycles 注册微应用时提供的全局生命周期对象
export async function loadApp<T extends object>(
  app: LoadableApp<T>,
  configuration: FrameworkConfiguration = {},
  lifeCycles?: FrameworkLifeCycles<T>,
): Promise<ParcelConfigObject> {
  // 微应用的入口和名称
  const { entry, name: appName } = app;
  // 实例 id
  const appInstanceId = `${appName}_${+new Date()}_${Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000)}`;

  // 下面这个不用管,就是生成一个标记名称,然后使用该名称在浏览器性能缓冲器中设置一个时间戳,可以用来度量程序的执行时间,performance.mark、performance.measure
  const markName = `[qiankun] App ${appInstanceId} Loading`;
  if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {

  // 配置信息
  const { singular = false, sandbox = true, excludeAssetFilter, ...importEntryOpts } = configuration;

   * 获取微应用的入口 html 内容和脚本执行器
   * template 是 link 替换为 style 后的 template
   * execScript 是 让 JS 代码(scripts)在指定 上下文 中运行
   * assetPublicPath 是静态资源地址
  const { template, execScripts, assetPublicPath } = await importEntry(entry, importEntryOpts);

  // single-spa 的限制,加载、初始化和卸载不能同时进行,必须等卸载完成以后才可以进行加载,这个 promise 会在微应用卸载完成后被 resolve,在后面可以看到
  if (await validateSingularMode(singular, app)) {
    await (prevAppUnmountedDeferred && prevAppUnmountedDeferred.promise);

  // --------------- 样式隔离 ---------------
  // 是否严格样式隔离
  const strictStyleIsolation = typeof sandbox === 'object' && !!sandbox.strictStyleIsolation;
  // 实验性的样式隔离,后面就叫 scoped css,和严格样式隔离不能同时开启,如果开启了严格样式隔离,则 scoped css 就为 false,强制关闭
  const enableScopedCSS = isEnableScopedCSS(configuration);

  // 用一个容器元素包裹微应用入口 html 模版, appContent = `<div id="__qiankun_microapp_wrapper_for_${appInstanceId}__" data-name="${appName}">${template}</div>`
  const appContent = getDefaultTplWrapper(appInstanceId, appName)(template);
  // 将 appContent 有字符串模版转换为 html dom 元素,如果需要开启样式严格隔离,则将 appContent 的子元素即微应用入口模版用 shadow dom 包裹起来,以达到样式严格隔离的目的
  let element: HTMLElement | null = createElement(appContent, strictStyleIsolation);
  // 通过 scoped css 的方式隔离样式,从这里也就能看出官方为什么说:
  // 在目前的阶段,该功能还不支持动态的、使用 <link />标签来插入外联的样式,但考虑在未来支持这部分场景
  // 在现阶段只处理 style 这种内联标签的情况 
  if (element && isEnableScopedCSS(configuration)) {
    const styleNodes = element.querySelectorAll('style') || [];
    forEach(styleNodes, (stylesheetElement: HTMLStyleElement) => {
      css.process(element!, stylesheetElement, appName);

  // --------------- 渲染微应用 ---------------
  // 主应用装载微应用的容器节点
  const container = 'container' in app ? app.container : undefined;
  // 这个是 1.x 版本遗留下来的实现,如果提供了 render 函数,当微应用需要被激活时就执行 render 函数渲染微应用,新版本用的 container,弃了 render
  // 而且 legacyRender 和 strictStyleIsolation、scoped css 不兼容
  const legacyRender = 'render' in app ? app.render : undefined;

  // 返回一个 render 函数,这个 render 函数要不使用用户传递的 render 函数,要不将 element 插入到 container
  const render = getRender(appName, appContent, container, legacyRender);

  // 渲染微应用到容器节点,并显示 loading 状态
  render({ element, loading: true }, 'loading');

  // 得到一个 getter 函数,通过该函数可以获取 <div id="__qiankun_microapp_wrapper_for_${appInstanceId}__" data-name="${appName}">${template}</div>
  const containerGetter = getAppWrapperGetter(
    () => element,

  // --------------- 运行时沙箱 ---------------
  // 保证每一个微应用运行在一个干净的环境中(JS 执行上下文独立、应用间不会发生样式污染)
  let global = window;
  let mountSandbox = () => Promise.resolve();
  let unmountSandbox = () => Promise.resolve();
  if (sandbox) {
     * 生成运行时沙箱,这个沙箱其实由两部分组成 => JS 沙箱(执行上下文)、样式沙箱
     * 沙箱返回 window 的代理对象 proxy 和 mount、unmount 两个方法
     * unmount 方法会让微应用失活,恢复被增强的原生方法,并记录一堆 rebuild 函数,这个函数是微应用卸载时希望自己被重新挂载时要做的一些事情,比如动态样式表重建(卸载时会缓存)
     * mount 方法会执行一些一些 patch 动作,恢复原生方法的增强功能,并执行 rebuild 函数,将微应用恢复到卸载时的状态,当然从初始化状态进入挂载状态就没有恢复一说了
    const sandboxInstance = createSandbox(
    // 用沙箱的代理对象作为接下来使用的全局对象
    global = sandboxInstance.proxy as typeof window;
    mountSandbox = sandboxInstance.mount;
    unmountSandbox = sandboxInstance.unmount;

  // 合并用户传递的生命周期对象和 qiankun 框架内置的生命周期对象
  const { beforeUnmount = [], afterUnmount = [], afterMount = [], beforeMount = [], beforeLoad = [] } = mergeWith(
    // 返回内置生命周期对象,global.__POWERED_BY_QIANKUN__ 和 global.__INJECTED_PUBLIC_PATH_BY_QIANKUN__ 的设置就是在内置的生命周期对象中设置的
    getAddOns(global, assetPublicPath),
    (v1, v2) => concat(v1 ?? [], v2 ?? []),

  await execHooksChain(toArray(beforeLoad), app, global);

  // get the lifecycle hooks from module exports,获取微应用暴露出来的生命周期函数
  const scriptExports: any = await execScripts(global, !singular);
  const { bootstrap, mount, unmount, update } = getLifecyclesFromExports(scriptExports, appName, global);

  // 给微应用注册通信方法并返回通信方法,然后会将通信方法通过 props 注入到微应用
  const {
  }: Record<string, Function> = getMicroAppStateActions(appInstanceId);

  const parcelConfig: ParcelConfigObject = {
    name: appInstanceId,
    // 挂载阶段需要执行的一系列方法
    mount: [
      // 性能度量,不用管
      async () => {
        if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
          const marks = performance.getEntriesByName(markName, 'mark');
          // mark length is zero means the app is remounting
          if (!marks.length) {
      // 单例模式需要等微应用卸载完成以后才能执行挂载任务,promise 会在微应用卸载完以后 resolve
      async () => {
        if ((await validateSingularMode(singular, app)) && prevAppUnmountedDeferred) {
          return prevAppUnmountedDeferred.promise;

        return undefined;
      // 添加 mount hook, 确保每次应用加载前容器 dom 结构已经设置完毕
      async () => {
        // element would be destroyed after unmounted, we need to recreate it if it not exist
        // unmount 阶段会置空,这里重新生成
        element = element || createElement(appContent, strictStyleIsolation);
        // 渲染微应用到容器节点,并显示 loading 状态
        render({ element, loading: true }, 'mounting');
      // 运行时沙箱导出的 mount
      // exec the chain after rendering to keep the behavior with beforeLoad
      async () => execHooksChain(toArray(beforeMount), app, global),
      // 向微应用的 mount 生命周期函数传递参数,比如微应用中使用的 props.onGlobalStateChange 方法
      async props => mount({ ...props, container: containerGetter(), setGlobalState, onGlobalStateChange }),
      // 应用 mount 完成后结束 loading
      async () => render({ element, loading: false }, 'mounted'),
      async () => execHooksChain(toArray(afterMount), app, global),
      // initialize the unmount defer after app mounted and resolve the defer after it unmounted
      // 微应用挂载完成以后初始化这个 promise,并且在微应用卸载以后 resolve 这个 promise
      async () => {
        if (await validateSingularMode(singular, app)) {
          prevAppUnmountedDeferred = new Deferred<void>();
      // 性能度量,不用管
      async () => {
        if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
          const measureName = `[qiankun] App ${appInstanceId} Loading Consuming`;
          performanceMeasure(measureName, markName);
    // 卸载微应用
    unmount: [
      async () => execHooksChain(toArray(beforeUnmount), app, global),
      // 执行微应用的 unmount 生命周期函数
      async props => unmount({ ...props, container: containerGetter() }),
      // 沙箱导出的 unmount 方法
      async () => execHooksChain(toArray(afterUnmount), app, global),
      // 显示 loading 状态、移除微应用的状态监听、置空 element
      async () => {
        render({ element: null, loading: false }, 'unmounted');
        // for gc
        element = null;
      // 微应用卸载以后 resolve 这个 promise,框架就可以进行后续的工作,比如加载或者挂载其它微应用
      async () => {
        if ((await validateSingularMode(singular, app)) && prevAppUnmountedDeferred) {

  // 微应用有可能定义 update 方法
  if (typeof update === 'function') {
    parcelConfig.update = update;

  return parcelConfig;