lodash APIs
- cloneDeep
- get
- isEqual
- isEmpty
- debounce
- merge
- uniq
- omit
- isString
- isArray
- pick
- sortBy
- groupBy
- flatten
- set
- find
- orderBy
- mapValues
- isObject
- last
- isNil
- isNumber
- range
- chunk
- throttle
- filter
- uniqBy
- difference
- pickBy
- noop
- capitalize
- uniqueId
- has
- isUndefined
- map
- camelCase
- isFunction
- kebabCase
- intersection
- random
- includes
- isPlainObject
- compact
- Dictionary
- findIndex
- keyBy
- forEach
- trim
- clamp
- identity
- remove
- keys
- isNull
- times
- startCase
- first
- values
- mapKeys
- sumBy
- max
- reduce
- some
- zip
- every
- memoize
- clone
- countBy
- concat
- snakeCase
- assign
- isBoolean
- uniqWith
- omitBy
- without
- minBy
- head
- maxBy
- min
- upperFirst
- escapeRegExp
- reverse
- sample
- shuffle
- defaults
- inRange
- flattenDeep
- take
- union
- sum
- mergeWith
- castArray
- replace
- flatMap
- reject
- zipObject
- template
- isNaN
- mean
- size
- findLast
- unset
- partition
- round
- fromPairs
- floor
- toPairs
- indexOf
- toString
- sampleSize
- differenceBy
- update
- chain
- startsWith
- xor
- pull
- DebouncedFunc
- defaultsDeep
- split
- findKey
- unescape
- partial
- toNumber
- invert
- each
- differenceWith
- endsWith
- slice
- isDate
- unionBy
- findLastIndex
- join
- isInteger
- delay
- isObjectLike
- padStart
- result
- isError
- extend
- cloneDeepWith
- upperCase
- trimStart
- constant
- matches
- lowerCase
- forIn
- lowerFirst
- once
- transform
- isMatch
- escape
- isEqualWith
- zipWith
- isRegExp
- entries
- sortedIndexBy
- dropWhile
- takeWhile
- isElement
- forEachRight
- ReplaceFunction
- TemplateExecutor
- keysIn
- IsEqualCustomizer
- isTypedArray
- cond
- stubTrue
- toUpper
- isMap
- isSet
- meanBy
- rangeRight
- repeat
- trimEnd
- now
- nth
- pullAt
- toPath
- eq
- lt
- lte
- gt
- gte
- pullAllBy
- pullAll
- toLower
- fill
- ceil
- flatMapDeep
- CloneDeepWithCustomizer
- negate
- takeRightWhile
- invoke
- tap
- intersectionWith
- truncate
- Collection
- bind
- curry
- partialRight
- sortedUniq
- sortedIndexOf
- Object
- drop
- _
Other Related APIs
lodash#keysIn TypeScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: utils.ts From prism-frontend with MIT License | 6 votes |
![]() ![]() |
convertToTableData = (result: ExposedPopulationResult) => {
const {
featureCollection: { features },
} = result;
const fields = uniq(features.map(f => f.properties && f.properties[key]));
const featureProperties = features.map(feature => {
return {
[groupBy]: feature.properties?.[groupBy],
[key]: feature.properties?.[key],
[statistic]: feature.properties?.[statistic],
const rowData = mapValues(_groupBy(featureProperties, groupBy), k => {
return mapValues(_groupBy(k, key), v =>
v.map(x => x[statistic]).reduce((acc, value) => acc + value),
const groupedRowData = Object.keys(rowData).map(k => {
return {
[groupBy]: k,
const groupedRowDataWithAllLabels = groupedRowData.map(row => {
const labelsWithoutValue = difference(fields, keysIn(row));
const extras = labelsWithoutValue.map(k => ({ [k]: 0 }));
return extras.length !== 0 ? assign(row, ...extras) : row;
const headlessRows = groupedRowDataWithAllLabels.map(row => {
// TODO - Switch between MAX and SUM depending on the polygon source.
// Then re-add "Total" to the list of columns
// const total = fields.map(f => row[f]).reduce((a, b) => a + b);
// return assign(row, { Total: total });
return row;
const columns = [groupBy, ...fields]; // 'Total'
const headRow = zipObject(columns, columns);
const rows = [headRow, ...headlessRows];
return { columns, rows };