hardhat/types#HttpNetworkConfig TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use hardhat/types#HttpNetworkConfig. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: test.ts    From balancer-v2-monorepo with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
async function runForkTests(args: any, hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment, run: RunSuperFunction<any>): Promise<void> {
  console.log('Running fork tests...');
  if (args.fork === 'hardhat') throw Error('Cannot fork local networks');
  args.testFiles = args.testFiles.filter((file: string) => file.endsWith('.fork.ts'));

  const forkingNetworkName = Object.keys(hre.config.networks).find((networkName) => networkName === args.fork);
  if (!forkingNetworkName) throw Error(`Could not find a config for network ${args.fork} to be forked`);

  const forkingNetworkConfig = hre.config.networks[forkingNetworkName] as HttpNetworkConfig;
  if (!forkingNetworkConfig.url) throw Error(`Could not find a RPC url in network config for ${forkingNetworkName}`);

  await hre.network.provider.request({
    method: 'hardhat_reset',
    params: [{ forking: { jsonRpcUrl: forkingNetworkConfig.url, blockNumber: args.blockNumber } }],

  const config = hre.network.config as HardhatNetworkConfig;
  config.forking = { enabled: true, blockNumber: args.blockNumber, url: forkingNetworkConfig.url };

  await run(args);
Example #2
Source File: test.ts    From balancer-v2-monorepo with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
export function getForkedNetwork(hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment): string {
  const config = hre.network.config as HardhatNetworkConfig;
  if (!config.forking || !config.forking.url) throw Error(`No forks found on network ${hre.network.name}`);

  const network = Object.entries(hre.config.networks).find(([, networkConfig]) => {
    const httpNetworkConfig = networkConfig as HttpNetworkConfig;
    return httpNetworkConfig.url && httpNetworkConfig.url === config?.forking?.url;

  if (!network) throw Error(`No network found matching fork from ${config.forking.url}`);
  return network[0];
Example #3
Source File: integration.test.ts    From nova with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
describe("Integration", function () {
  const watcher = new Watcher({
    l1: {
      provider: new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(
          ? (hre.config.networks.kovan as HttpNetworkConfig).url
          : "http://localhost:9545"
      messengerAddress: isOptimisticKovan
        ? "0x4361d0F75A0186C05f971c566dC6bEa5957483fD" // https://github.com/ethereum-optimism/optimism/blob/develop/packages/contracts/deployments/README.md
        : "0x59b670e9fA9D0A427751Af201D676719a970857b", // http://localhost:8080/addresses.json

    l2: {
      provider: new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider((hre.network.config as HttpNetworkConfig).url),
      messengerAddress: "0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000007",

    blocksToFetch: 1000,

  // Wallets:
  const key = hre.network.config.accounts[0];
  const l1Wallet = new ethers.Wallet(key, watcher.l1.provider);
  const l2Wallet = new ethers.Wallet(key, watcher.l2.provider);

  // Nova Contracts:
  let L1_NovaExecutionManager: L1NovaExecutionManager;
  let L2_NovaRegistry: L2NovaRegistry;

  // Strategies:
  let Strategy: MockStrategy;

  describe("setup", function () {
    it("should properly deploy the registry", async function () {
      L2_NovaRegistry = await deployAndLogVerificationInfo(
        getOVMFactory<L2NovaRegistry__factory>("L2_NovaRegistry", true).connect(l2Wallet),

    it("should properly deploy the execution manager", async function () {
      L1_NovaExecutionManager = await deployAndLogVerificationInfo(
        getOVMFactory<L1NovaExecutionManager__factory>("L1_NovaExecutionManager", false).connect(

    it("should properly link the registry to the execution manager", async function () {
      await wait(L2_NovaRegistry.connectExecutionManager(L1_NovaExecutionManager.address));

    it("should allow changing the execution manager's authority", async function () {
      const MockAuthority = await deployAndLogVerificationInfo(
        getOVMFactory<MockAuthority__factory>("MockAuthority", false, "mocks/").connect(l1Wallet)

      // Set the authority to a MockAuthority that always returns true.
      await wait(L1_NovaExecutionManager.setAuthority(MockAuthority.address));

    it("should properly deploy a strategy", async function () {
      Strategy = await deployAndLogVerificationInfo(
        getOVMFactory<MockStrategy__factory>("MockStrategy", false, "mocks/").connect(l1Wallet),

    it("should allow tuning the missing gas estimate", async function () {
      const { tx } = await executeRequest(L1_NovaExecutionManager.connect(l1Wallet), {
        relayer: l1Wallet.address,
        nonce: 420,
        strategy: Strategy.address,
        l1Calldata: Strategy.interface.encodeFunctionData("thisFunctionWillNotRevert"),

        // It will overestimate before tuning.
        expectedGasOverestimateAmount: 99999999999999,

      await tuneMissingGasEstimate(L1_NovaExecutionManager, tx);

  describe("full request lifecycle", function () {
    const gasLimit = 300_000;
    const gasPrice = gweiToWei(50);

    const functionFragment = "thisFunctionWillNotRevert";

    it("should allow creating a simple request", async function () {
      await createRequest(L2_NovaRegistry, {
        strategy: Strategy.address,
        calldata: Strategy.interface.encodeFunctionData(functionFragment),
        tip: 0,

    it("should allow executing the request", async function () {
      const { tx } = await executeRequest(L1_NovaExecutionManager.connect(l1Wallet), {
        nonce: 1,
        relayer: l1Wallet.address,
        strategy: Strategy.address,
        l1Calldata: Strategy.interface.encodeFunctionData(functionFragment),

      await waitForL1ToL2Relay(tx, watcher);