graphql#assertValidSchema TypeScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: schemaTask.ts From genql with MIT License | 5 votes |
schemaTask = (config: Config): ListrTask => {
const processSchema = (schema) => {
if (config.sortProperties) {
return lexicographicSortSchema(schema)
return schema
if (config.endpoint) {
const endpoint = config.endpoint
return {
title: `fetching schema using ${
config.useGet ? 'GET' : 'POST'
} ${endpoint} and headers ${JSON.stringify(config.headers)}`,
task: async (ctx) => {
ctx.schema = processSchema(
await fetchSchema({
usePost: !config.useGet,
headers: config.headers,
} else if (config.schema) {
const schema = config.schema
return {
title: 'loading schema',
task: async (ctx) => {
// const options = config.options && config.options.schemaBuild
const document = await loadSchema(schema, {
loaders: [new GraphQLFileLoader()],
ctx.schema = processSchema(document)
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e.message === 'Query root type must be provided.')
throw e
} else {
throw new Error(
'either `endpoint`, `fetcher` or `schema` must be defined in the config',