graphql#IntrospectionQuery TypeScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: index.ts From graphql-mesh with MIT License | 5 votes |
async getNonExecutableSchemaForHTTPSource(
httpSourceConfig: YamlConfig.GraphQLHandlerHTTPConfiguration
): Promise<GraphQLSchema> {
const schemaHeadersFactory = getInterpolatedHeadersFactory(httpSourceConfig.schemaHeaders || {});
const customFetch = await this.getCustomFetchImpl(httpSourceConfig.customFetch);
if (httpSourceConfig.introspection) {
const headers = schemaHeadersFactory({
env: process.env,
const sdlOrIntrospection = await readFileOrUrl<string | IntrospectionQuery | DocumentNode>(
cwd: this.baseDir,
allowUnknownExtensions: true,
fetch: customFetch,
if (typeof sdlOrIntrospection === 'string') {
return buildSchema(sdlOrIntrospection);
} else if (isDocumentNode(sdlOrIntrospection)) {
return buildASTSchema(sdlOrIntrospection);
} else if (sdlOrIntrospection.__schema) {
return buildClientSchema(sdlOrIntrospection);
throw new Error(`Invalid introspection data: ${util.inspect(sdlOrIntrospection)}`);
return this.nonExecutableSchema.getWithSet(() => {
const endpointFactory = getInterpolatedStringFactory(httpSourceConfig.endpoint);
const executor = this.urlLoader.getExecutorAsync(httpSourceConfig.endpoint, {
subscriptionsProtocol: httpSourceConfig.subscriptionsProtocol as SubscriptionProtocol,
return introspectSchema(function meshIntrospectionExecutor(params: ExecutionRequest) {
const resolverData = getResolverData(params);
return executor({
extensions: {
headers: schemaHeadersFactory(resolverData),
endpoint: endpointFactory(resolverData),