date-fns/locale#bg TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use date-fns/locale#bg. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: DonorsAndDonations.tsx    From frontend with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
export default function DonorsAndDonations({
}: {
  donations: CampaignDonation[] | undefined
}) {
  const { t, i18n } = useTranslation()
  const [all, setAll] = useState<boolean>(false)
  const shownDonationsNumber = 5
  const donationsToShow = useMemo(() => {
    if (all) {
      return donations
    return donations?.slice(0, shownDonationsNumber)
  }, [donations, all])
  return (
      <Grid item className={classes.donationsWrapper}>
        {donationsToShow && donationsToShow.length !== 0 ? (
{ person, amount, createdAt }, key) => (
            <Grid key={key} className={classes.donationItemWrapper}>
              <AccountCircleIcon fontSize="large" color="disabled" />
                  {t('campaigns:cta.donor')} {key + 1}.{' '}
                    ? person.firstName + ' ' + person.lastName
                    : t('campaigns:donations.anonymous')}
                <Grid className={classes.donationQuantityAndTimeWrapper}>
                    {(amount / 100).toFixed(2) + ' ' + t('')}
                  <FiberManualRecordIcon className={classes.separatorIcon} />
                    {formatRelative(parseISO(createdAt), new Date(), {
                      locale: i18n.language == 'bg' ? bg : enUS,
        ) : (
          <Typography sx={{ textAlign: 'center', marginBottom: theme.spacing(4) }}>
        {donations && donations.length > shownDonationsNumber && (
          <Button onClick={() => setAll((prev) => !prev)} variant="outlined">
            {all ? t('campaigns:cta.see-less') : t('campaigns:cta.see-all')}
Example #2
Source File: DonationTable.tsx    From frontend with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
function DonationTable({ donations }: DonationTableProps) {
  const { t, i18n } = useTranslation()
  const [fromDate, setFromDate] = React.useState<Date | null>(null)
  const [toDate, setToDate] = React.useState<Date | null>(null)
  const [monthly, setMonthly] = React.useState(true)
  const [oneTime, setOneTime] = React.useState(true)
  const filteredByTypeDonations = useMemo(() => {
    if (monthly && oneTime) {
      return donations
    if (!monthly && !oneTime) {
      return []
    if (monthly) {
      return donations?.filter((d) => d.type !== 'donation')
    if (oneTime) {
      return donations?.filter((d) => d.type === 'donation')
    return donations
  }, [donations, monthly, oneTime])
  const filteredDonations = useMemo(() => {
    if (!fromDate && !toDate) {
      return filteredByTypeDonations
    if (fromDate && toDate) {
      return filteredByTypeDonations?.filter((d) => {
        const createdAtDate = parseISO(d.createdAt)
        return isAfter(createdAtDate, fromDate) && isBefore(createdAtDate, toDate)
    if (fromDate) {
      return filteredByTypeDonations?.filter((d) => {
        const createdAtDate = parseISO(d.createdAt)
        return isAfter(createdAtDate, fromDate)
    if (toDate) {
      return filteredByTypeDonations?.filter((d) => {
        const createdAtDate = parseISO(d.createdAt)
        return isBefore(createdAtDate, toDate)
  }, [filteredByTypeDonations, fromDate, toDate])
  return (
    <Card sx={{ padding: theme.spacing(2) }}>
      <Grid container alignItems={'flex-start'} spacing={theme.spacing(2)}>
        <Grid item xs={6} sm={3}>
            onChange={(e, checked) => setOneTime(checked)}
        <Grid item xs={6} sm={3}>
            onChange={(e, checked) => setMonthly(checked)}
          locale={i18n.language === 'bg' ? bg : enUS}
          <Grid item xs={12} sm={3}>
              renderInput={(params) => <TextField size="small" {...params} />}
          <Grid item xs={12} sm={3}>
              renderInput={(params) => <TextField size="small" {...params} />}
      {filteredDonations?.length ? (
          <Table sx={{ minWidth: 650, backgroundColor: 'white' }} aria-label="simple table">
              {, index) => (
                <TableRow key={index} sx={{ '&:last-child td, &:last-child th': { border: 0 } }}>
                  <TableCell component="th" scope="row">
                    {index + 1}
                    {format(parseISO(donation.createdAt), 'd.LL.yyyy', {
                      locale: i18n.language === 'bg' ? bg : enUS,
                    <Avatar sx={{ background: darken(theme.palette.secondary.main, 0.175) }}>
                      <StarIcon />
                    <Button variant="outlined" disabled={donation.status != 'succeeded'}>
                      <Link target="_blank" href={routes.donation.viewCertificate(}>
                        {t('')} <ArrowForwardIcon />
      ) : (
        <Box sx={{ fontSize: 20, mt: 4 }}>Към момента няма направени дарения</Box>