@nestjs/swagger#ApiConflictResponse TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @nestjs/swagger#ApiConflictResponse. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: auth.controller.ts    From codeclannigeria-backend with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
  @ApiConflictResponse({ type: ApiException })
  @ApiResponse({ type: RegisterUserResDto, status: HttpStatus.CREATED })
  async register(@Body() input: RegisterUserDto): Promise<RegisterUserResDto> {
    const exist = await this.usersService.findOneAsync({ email: input.email });
    if (exist)
      throw new ConflictException('User with the email already exists');
    const user = this.usersService.createEntity(input);
    const saved = await this.usersService.insertAsync(user);

    return { canLogin: saved.isEmailVerified };
Example #2
Source File: admins.controller.ts    From mamori-i-japan-api with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 6 votes vote down vote up
@UsePipes(new ValidationPipe(VALIDATION_PIPE_OPTIONS))
  @ApiOperation({ summary: 'Create new admin user' })
  @ApiOkResponse({ type: NoResponseBody })
  async postAdminUser(
    @Request() req,
    @Body() createAdminRequest: CreateAdminRequestDto
  ): Promise<NoResponseBody> {
    const requestAdminUser: RequestAdminUser = req.user
    await this.adminsService.createOneAdminUser(requestAdminUser, createAdminRequest)

    return {}
Example #3
Source File: auth.controller.ts    From nest-js-boilerplate with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
@ApiBody({ type: SignUpDto })
    description: '201, Success',
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: [
            target: {
              email: 'string',
              password: 'string',
            value: 'string',
            property: 'string',
            children: [],
            constraints: {},
        error: 'Bad Request',
    description: '400. ValidationException',
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: 'string',
    description: '409. ConflictResponse',
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: 'string',
        details: {},
    description: '500. InternalServerError',
  async signUp(@Body() user: SignUpDto): Promise<User> {
    return this.usersService.create(user);
Example #4
Source File: auth.controller.ts    From nest-js-boilerplate with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
@ApiBody({ type: SignUpDto })
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: [
            target: {
              email: 'string',
              password: 'string',
            value: 'string',
            property: 'string',
            children: [],
            constraints: {},
        error: 'Bad Request',
    description: '400. ValidationException',
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: 'string',
    description: '409. ConflictResponse',
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: 'string',
        details: {},
    description: '500. InternalServerError',
  async signUp(@Body() user: SignUpDto): Promise<UserEntity> {
    return this.usersService.create(user);
Example #5
Source File: auth.controller.ts    From nest-js-boilerplate with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
@ApiBody({ type: SignUpDto })
    description: '201, Success',
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: [
            target: {
              email: 'string',
              password: 'string',
            value: 'string',
            property: 'string',
            children: [],
            constraints: {},
        error: 'Bad Request',
    description: '400. ValidationException',
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: 'string',
    description: '409. ConflictResponse',
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: 'string',
        details: {},
    description: '500. InternalServerError',
  async signUp(@Body() user: SignUpDto): Promise<SuccessResponseInterface | never> {
    return ResponseUtils.success(
      await this.usersService.create(user),
Example #6
Source File: mailer-auth.controller.ts    From nest-js-boilerplate with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
@ApiBody({ type: SignUpDto })
    description: '201, Success',
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: [
            target: {
              email: 'string',
              password: 'string',
            value: 'string',
            property: 'string',
            children: [],
            constraints: {},
        error: 'Bad Request',
    description: '400. ValidationException',
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: 'string',
    description: '409. ConflictResponse',
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: 'string',
        details: {},
    description: '500. InternalServerError',
  async signUp(@Body() user: SignUpDto): Promise<any> {
    const { _id, email } = await this.usersService.create(user) as UserDocument;

    const token = this.authService.createVerifyToken(_id);

    await this.mailerService.sendMail({
      to: email,
      from: this.configService.get<string>('MAILER_FROM_EMAIL'),
      subject: authConstants.mailer.verifyEmail.subject,
      template: `${process.cwd()}/src/templates/verify-password`,
      context: {
        host: this.configService.get<number>('SERVER_HOST'),

    return ResponseUtils.success('auth', { message: 'Success! please verify your email' });
Example #7
Source File: auth.controller.ts    From nest-js-boilerplate with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
@ApiBody({ type: SignUpDto })
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: [
            target: {
              email: 'string',
              password: 'string',
            value: 'string',
            property: 'string',
            children: [],
            constraints: {},
        error: 'Bad Request',
    description: '400. ValidationException',
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: 'string',
    description: '409. ConflictResponse',
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: 'string',
        details: {},
    description: '500. InternalServerError',
  async signUp(@Body() user: SignUpDto): Promise<SuccessResponseInterface | never> {
    return ResponseUtils.success(
      await this.usersService.create(user),
Example #8
Source File: mailer-auth.controller.ts    From nest-js-boilerplate with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
@ApiBody({ type: SignUpDto })
    description: '201, Success',
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: [
            target: {
              email: 'string',
              password: 'string',
            value: 'string',
            property: 'string',
            children: [],
            constraints: {},
        error: 'Bad Request',
    description: '400. ValidationException',
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: 'string',
    description: '409. ConflictResponse',
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: 'string',
        details: {},
    description: '500. InternalServerError',
  async signUp(@Body() user: SignUpDto): Promise<any> {
    const { id, email } = await this.usersService.create(user);
    const token = this.authService.createVerifyToken(id);

    await this.mailerService.sendMail({
      to: email,
      from: this.configService.get<string>('MAILER_FROM_EMAIL'),
      subject: authConstants.mailer.verifyEmail.subject,
      template: `${process.cwd()}/src/templates/verify-password`,
      context: {
        host: this.configService.get<number>('SERVER_HOST'),

    return ResponseUtils.success('auth', { message: 'Success! please verify your email' });
Example #9
Source File: auth.controller.ts    From nest-js-boilerplate with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
@ApiBody({ type: SignUpDto })
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: [
            target: {
              email: 'string',
              password: 'string',
            value: 'string',
            property: 'string',
            children: [],
            constraints: {},
        error: 'Bad Request',
    description: '400. ValidationException',
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: 'string',
    description: '409. ConflictResponse',
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: 'string',
        details: {},
    description: '500. InternalServerError',
  async signUp(@Body() user: SignUpDto): Promise<SuccessResponseInterface | never> {
    return ResponseUtils.success(
      await this.usersService.create(user),
Example #10
Source File: auth.controller.ts    From nest-js-boilerplate with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
@ApiBody({ type: SignUpDto })
    description: '201, Success',
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: [
            target: {
              email: 'string',
              password: 'string',
            value: 'string',
            property: 'string',
            children: [],
            constraints: {},
        error: 'Bad Request',
    description: '400. ValidationException',
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: 'string',
    description: '409. ConflictResponse',
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: 'string',
        details: {},
    description: '500. InternalServerError',
  async signUp(@Body() user: SignUpDto): Promise<any> {
    const { _id, email } = await this.usersService.create(user) as UserDocument;

    const token = this.authService.createVerifyToken(_id);

    await this.mailerService.sendMail({
      to: email,
      from: this.configService.get<string>('MAILER_FROM_EMAIL'),
      subject: authConstants.mailer.verifyEmail.subject,
      template: `${process.cwd()}/src/templates/verify-password`,
      context: {
        host: this.configService.get<number>('SERVER_HOST'),

    return { message: 'Success! please verify your email' };
Example #11
Source File: auth.controller.ts    From nest-js-boilerplate with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
@ApiBody({ type: SignUpDto })
    description: '201, Success',
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: [
            target: {
              email: 'string',
              password: 'string',
            value: 'string',
            property: 'string',
            children: [],
            constraints: {},
        error: 'Bad Request',
    description: '400. ValidationException',
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: 'string',
    description: '409. ConflictResponse',
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      example: {
        message: 'string',
        details: {},
    description: '500. InternalServerError',
  async signUp(@Body() user: SignUpDto): Promise<any> {
    const { id, email } = await this.usersService.create(user);
    const token = this.authService.createVerifyToken(id);

    await this.mailerService.sendMail({
      to: email,
      from: this.configService.get<string>('MAILER_FROM_EMAIL'),
      subject: authConstants.mailer.verifyEmail.subject,
      template: `${process.cwd()}/src/templates/verify-password`,
      context: {
        host: this.configService.get<number>('SERVER_HOST'),

    return { message: 'Success! please verify your email' };