@codemirror/state#Extension TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @codemirror/state#Extension. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: PumlView.ts    From obsidian-plantuml with MIT License 7 votes vote down vote up
extensions: Extension[] = [
        keymap.of([...defaultKeymap, indentWithTab]),
        EditorView.updateListener.of(v => {
            if(v.docChanged) {
Example #2
Source File: languages.ts    From starboard-notebook with Mozilla Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
export function getCodemirrorLanguageExtension(language?: string): Extension | undefined {
  let lang = language || "";
  lang = lang.toLowerCase();

  // TODO: maybe this should be a switch
  if (["javascript", "js"].indexOf(lang) !== -1) return javascript();
  else if (["typescript", "ts"].indexOf(lang) !== -1) return javascript({ typescript: true });
  else if (["jsx"].indexOf(lang) !== -1) return javascript({ jsx: true });
  else if (["tsx"].indexOf(lang) !== -1) return javascript({ typescript: true, jsx: true });
  else if (["python", "py"].indexOf(lang) !== -1) return python();
  else if (lang === "css") return css();
  else if (lang === "html") return html();
  else if (["markdown", "md"].indexOf(lang) !== -1) return markdown();
  else if (lang === "xml") return xml();
  else if (lang === "json") return json();
  // TODO specify the SQL dialects individually?
  else if (lang === "sql") return sql();
  else if (lang === "rust") return rust();
  // Legacy languages
  else if (["go", "golang"].indexOf(lang) !== -1) return StreamLanguage.define(go);
  else if (lang === "r") return StreamLanguage.define(r as any);
  else if (lang === "yaml") return StreamLanguage.define(yaml as any);
  else if (lang === "toml") return StreamLanguage.define(toml as any);
  else if (["shader", "glsl", "opengl"].indexOf(lang) !== -1) return StreamLanguage.define(shader);
  // There is actually a modern cpp and java extension, but it is much larger in bundle size
  // given the rarity of cpp or java in a notebook we use the clike one instead to save ~50kb gzipped(!)
  else if (lang === "cpp") return StreamLanguage.define(cpp);
  else if (lang === "java") return StreamLanguage.define(java);
  else if (lang === "kotlin") return StreamLanguage.define(kotlin);
  else if (lang === "c") return StreamLanguage.define(c);
  else if (lang === "dart") return StreamLanguage.define(dart);
Example #3
Source File: main.ts    From obsidian-banners with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
extensions: Extension[];
Example #4
Source File: index.tsx    From pintora with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
Editor = (props: Props) => {
  const { code, onCodeChange, editorOptions, errorInfo } = props
  const wrapperRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>()
  const viewRef = useRef<EditorView>()
  const stateRef = useRef<EditorState>()

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!wrapperRef.current) return

    let editor = viewRef.current
    let state = stateRef.current
    if (viewRef.current) viewRef.current.destroy()
    if (!state) {
      const onUpdateExtension = EditorView.updateListener.of(update => {
        if (update.docChanged && state) {
          const newCode = update.view.state.doc.toJSON().join('\n')
      const extensions: Extension[] = [
        search({ top: true }),
      if (editorOptions.language === 'json') {

      state = EditorState.create({
        doc: code,
      stateRef.current = state

    editor = new EditorView({
      parent: wrapperRef.current,
      state: state,
    viewRef.current = editor

    return () => {
      if (viewRef.current) {
  }, [])

  useEffect(() => {
    const view = viewRef.current
    if (view && view.state) {
      const state = view.state
      const currentCode = state.doc.toJSON().join('\n')
      // console.log('currentCode == code', currentCode == code)
      if (currentCode !== code) {
        view.dispatch(state.update({ changes: { from: 0, to: currentCode.length, insert: code } }))
  }, [code])

  useEffect(() => {
    const view = viewRef.current
    if (view) {
      if (errorInfo) {
        const spec = setDiagnostics(view.state, [
            severity: 'error',
            message: errorInfo.message,
            from: errorInfo.offset,
            to: errorInfo.offset,
      } else {
        view.dispatch(setDiagnostics(view.state, []))
  }, [errorInfo])

  // TOOD: highlight error
  // useEffect(() => {
  // }, [errorInfo])

  return <div className="CMEditor" ref={wrapperRef as any}></div>
Example #5
Source File: main.ts    From quick_latex_obsidian with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
private readonly makeExtensionThing = ():Extension => Prec.high(keymap.of([
			key: '$',
			run: (): boolean => {
				const view = this.app.workspace.getActiveViewOfType(MarkdownView)
				if (!view) return false

				const editor  = view.editor
				if (editor.getSelection().length > 0) {
					// enclose selected text
					if (this.settings.encloseSelection_toggle) {
						const anchor = editor.getCursor("anchor")
						const head = editor.getCursor("head")
						if (anchor.line > head.line) {
						} else if (anchor.line < head.line) {
						} else {
						return true
					return false
				} else {
					// close math symbol
					const position = editor.getCursor()
					const prev_char = editor.getRange(
					const next_char = editor.getRange(
					const next2_char = editor.getRange(
					if (prev_char != "$" && next_char == "$"){
						if (next2_char == "$$") {
							return true
						} else {
							return true
					// auto close math
					if (this.settings.autoCloseMath_toggle && this.vimAllow_autoCloseMath) {
					// move into math
					if (this.settings.moveIntoMath_toggle) {
						const position = editor.getCursor();
						const t = editor.getRange(
							{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch - 1 },
							{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch })
						const t2 = editor.getRange(
							{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch },
							{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch + 1 })
						const t_2 = editor.getRange(
							{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch - 2 },
							{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch })
						if (t == '$' && t2 != '$') {
							editor.setCursor({ line: position.line, ch: position.ch - 1 })
						} else if (t_2 == '$$') {
							editor.setCursor({ line: position.line, ch: position.ch - 1 })
					return false

			key: 'Tab',
			run: (): boolean => {
				const view = this.app.workspace.getActiveViewOfType(MarkdownView)
				if (!view) return false

				const editor  = view.editor

				// Tab shortcut for matrix block
				if (this.settings.addMatrixBlock_toggle) {
					if (this.withinAnyBrackets_document(editor,
					'\\begin{' + this.settings.addMatrixBlock_parameter,
					'\\end{' + this.settings.addMatrixBlock_parameter,
					)) {
						editor.replaceSelection(' & ')
						return true

				// Tab shortcut for cases block
				if (this.settings.addCasesBlock_toggle) {
					if (this.withinAnyBrackets_document(editor,
					)) {
						editor.replaceSelection(' & ')
						return true

				// Tab to go to next #tab
				const position = editor.getCursor();
				const current_line = editor.getLine(position.line);
				const tab_position = current_line.indexOf("#tab");
				if (tab_position!=-1){
					{line:position.line, ch:tab_position},
					{line:position.line, ch:tab_position+4})
					editor.setCursor({line:position.line, ch:tab_position})
					return true
				return false
			key: 'Space',
			run: (): boolean => {
				const view = this.app.workspace.getActiveViewOfType(MarkdownView)
				if (!view) return false
				const editor  = view.editor

				if (!this.settings.autoFraction_toggle &&
					!this.settings.autoLargeBracket_toggle &&
					!this.settings.autoEncloseSup_toggle &&
					!this.settings.autoEncloseSub_toggle &&
					!this.settings.customShorthand_toggle) return false;
				if (this.withinMath(editor)) {
					const position = editor.getCursor();
					const current_line = editor.getLine(position.line);
					const last_dollar = current_line.lastIndexOf('$', position.ch - 1);

					// check for custom shorthand
					if (this.settings.customShorthand_toggle && !this.withinText(editor, position.ch)) {
						let keyword:string = "";
						let keyword_length:number = 0;
						for (let i = 0 ; i < this.shorthand_array.length ; i++) {
							keyword_length = this.shorthand_array[i][0].length;
							if ( keyword_length > position.ch) {
							} else if ( keyword_length == position.ch ) {
								keyword = "@" + editor.getRange(
									{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch - keyword_length },
									{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch });
							} else {
								keyword = editor.getRange(
									{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch - keyword_length - 1 },
									{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch });
							if (keyword[0].toLowerCase() == keyword[0].toUpperCase() || 
								keyword[0] == "@" ) {
								if (this.shorthand_array[i][0] == keyword.slice(- keyword_length) && 
									this.shorthand_array[i][1] != keyword) {
									const replace_slash = (keyword[0]=="\\" && this.shorthand_array[i][1][0]=="\\") ? 1 : 0;
									const set_cursor_position = this.shorthand_array[i][1].indexOf("#cursor");
										{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch - keyword_length - replace_slash },
										{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch });
									if (set_cursor_position != -1) {
										{line:position.line, ch:position.ch - keyword_length + set_cursor_position},
										{line:position.line, ch:position.ch - keyword_length + set_cursor_position+7});
										editor.setCursor({line:position.line, ch:position.ch - keyword_length + set_cursor_position})
									} else if (this.shorthand_array[i][1].slice(-2) == "{}") {
											{ line: position.line, 
											ch: position.ch + this.shorthand_array[i][1].length - keyword_length - 1 - replace_slash}
									} else {
									return true;

					// find last unbracketed subscript within last 10 characters and perform autoEncloseSub
					// ignore expression that contain + - * / ^
					const last_math = current_line.lastIndexOf('$', position.ch - 1);
					if (this.settings.autoEncloseSub_toggle) {
						let last_subscript = current_line.lastIndexOf('_', position.ch);
						if (last_subscript != -1 && last_subscript > last_math) {
							const letter_after_subscript = editor.getRange(
								{ line: position.line, ch: last_subscript + 1 },
								{ line: position.line, ch: last_subscript + 2 });
							if (letter_after_subscript != "{" && 
								(position.ch - last_subscript) <= 10 ) {
								editor.replaceRange("{", {line:position.line, ch:last_subscript+1});
								return true;
					// retrieve the last unbracketed superscript
					let last_superscript = current_line.lastIndexOf('^', position.ch);
					while (last_superscript != -1) {
						const two_letters_after_superscript = editor.getRange(
							{ line: position.line, ch: last_superscript + 1 },
							{ line: position.line, ch: last_superscript + 3 });
						if (two_letters_after_superscript[0] == '{' || two_letters_after_superscript == ' {') {
							last_superscript = current_line.lastIndexOf('^', last_superscript - 1);
						} else if (last_superscript < last_math) {
							last_superscript = -1
						} else {

					// retrieve the last divide symbol
					let last_divide = current_line.lastIndexOf('/', position.ch - 1);

					// perform autoEncloseSup
					if (this.settings.autoEncloseSup_toggle) {
						if (last_superscript > last_divide) {
							return this.autoEncloseSup(editor, event, last_superscript);

					// perform autoFraction
					if (this.settings.autoFraction_toggle && !this.withinText(editor, last_divide)) {
						if (last_divide > last_dollar) {
							const brackets = [['(', ')'], ['{', '}'], ['[', ']']];
							// if any brackets in denominator still unclosed, dont do autoFraction yet
							if (!brackets.some(e => this.unclosed_bracket(editor, e[0], e[1], position.ch, last_divide)[0])) {
								return this.autoFractionCM6(editor, last_superscript);

					// perform autoLargeBracket
					if (this.settings.autoLargeBracket_toggle) {
						let symbol_before = editor.getRange(
							{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch - 1 },
							{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch })
						if (symbol_before == ')' || symbol_before == ']') {
							return this.autoLargeBracket(editor, event);

			key: 'Enter',
			run: (): boolean => {
				const view = this.app.workspace.getActiveViewOfType(MarkdownView)
				if (!view) return false
				const editor  = view.editor
				if (this.settings.addAlignBlock_toggle) {
					if (this.withinAnyBrackets_document(
						'\\begin{' + this.settings.addAlignBlock_parameter,
						'\\end{' + this.settings.addAlignBlock_parameter)
					) {
						return true;

				if (this.settings.addMatrixBlock_toggle) {
					if (this.withinAnyBrackets_document(
						'\\begin{' + this.settings.addMatrixBlock_parameter,
						'\\end{' + this.settings.addMatrixBlock_parameter
					)) {
						editor.replaceSelection(' \\\\ ')
						return true;

				if (this.settings.addCasesBlock_toggle) {
					if (this.withinAnyBrackets_document(
					)) {
						editor.replaceSelection(' \\\\\n')
						return true;
				// double enter for $$
				if (this.withinMath(editor)) {
					const position = editor.getCursor();
					const prev2_Char = editor.getRange(
						{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch - 2 },
						{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch })
					const next2_Char = editor.getRange(
						{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch },
						{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch + 2 })
					if (prev2_Char=="$$"&&next2_Char=="$$") {
						return false
				return false
			key: '{',
			run: (): boolean => {
				const view = this.app.workspace.getActiveViewOfType(MarkdownView)
				if (!view) return false

				const editor  = view.editor

				if (this.withinMath(editor)) {
					if (this.settings.autoCloseCurly_toggle) {
						const position = editor.getCursor();
						const brackets = [['(', ')'], ['{', '}'], ['[', ']']];
						const next_char = editor.getRange(
							{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch },
							{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch+1 });
						const next_2char = editor.getRange(
							{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch },
							{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch+2 });
						const followed_by_$spacetabnonedoubleslash = (['$',' ','	',''].contains(next_char) || next_2char == '\\\\');
						if (!this.withinAnyBrackets_inline(editor, brackets) && followed_by_$spacetabnonedoubleslash) {
							editor.setCursor({line:position.line, ch:position.ch+1});
							return true;
				return false

			key: '[',
			run: (): boolean => {
				const view = this.app.workspace.getActiveViewOfType(MarkdownView)
				if (!view) return false

				const editor  = view.editor

				if (this.withinMath(editor)) {
					if (this.settings.autoCloseSquare_toggle) {
						const position = editor.getCursor();
						const brackets = [['(', ')'], ['{', '}'], ['[', ']']];
						const next_char = editor.getRange(
							{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch },
							{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch+1 });
						const next_2char = editor.getRange(
							{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch },
							{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch+2 });
						const followed_by_$spacetabnonedoubleslash = (['$',' ','	',''].contains(next_char) || next_2char == '\\\\');
						if (!this.withinAnyBrackets_inline(editor, brackets) && followed_by_$spacetabnonedoubleslash) {
							editor.setCursor({line:position.line, ch:position.ch+1});
							return true;
				return false
			key: '(',
			run: (): boolean => {
				const view = this.app.workspace.getActiveViewOfType(MarkdownView)
				if (!view) return false

				const editor  = view.editor

				if (this.withinMath(editor)) {
					if (this.settings.autoCloseRound_toggle) {
						const position = editor.getCursor();
						const brackets = [['(', ')'], ['{', '}'], ['[', ']']];
						const next_char = editor.getRange(
							{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch },
							{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch+1 });
						const next_2char = editor.getRange(
							{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch },
							{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch+2 });
						const followed_by_$spacetabnonedoubleslash = (['$',' ','	',''].contains(next_char) || next_2char == '\\\\');
						if (!this.withinAnyBrackets_inline(editor, brackets) && followed_by_$spacetabnonedoubleslash) {
							editor.setCursor({line:position.line, ch:position.ch+1});
							return true;
				return false

			key: '}',
			run: (): boolean => {
				const view = this.app.workspace.getActiveViewOfType(MarkdownView)
				if (!view) return false

				const editor  = view.editor

				if (this.withinMath(editor)) {
					if (this.settings.autoCloseRound_toggle) {
						const position = editor.getCursor();
						const end = editor.getLine(position.line).length
						const next_sym = editor.getRange({line:position.line,ch:position.ch},{line:position.line,ch:position.ch+1})
						if (!this.unclosed_bracket(editor, "{", "}", end, 0)[0] &&
						 !this.unclosed_bracket(editor, "{", "}", end, 0, false)[0] &&
						 next_sym == "}") {
							return true;
						} else {
							return false;
				return false
			key: ']',
			run: (): boolean => {
				const view = this.app.workspace.getActiveViewOfType(MarkdownView)
				if (!view) return false

				const editor  = view.editor

				if (this.withinMath(editor)) {
					if (this.settings.autoCloseRound_toggle) {
						const position = editor.getCursor();
						const end = editor.getLine(position.line).length
						const next_sym = editor.getRange({line:position.line,ch:position.ch},{line:position.line,ch:position.ch+1})
						if (!this.unclosed_bracket(editor, "[", "]", end, 0)[0] &&
						 !this.unclosed_bracket(editor, "[", "]", end, 0, false)[0] &&
						 next_sym == "]") {
							return true;
						} else {
							return false;
				return false
			key: ')',
			run: (): boolean => {
				const view = this.app.workspace.getActiveViewOfType(MarkdownView)
				if (!view) return false

				const editor  = view.editor

				if (this.withinMath(editor)) {
					if (this.settings.autoCloseRound_toggle) {
						const position = editor.getCursor();
						const end = editor.getLine(position.line).length
						const next_sym = editor.getRange({line:position.line,ch:position.ch},{line:position.line,ch:position.ch+1})
						if (!this.unclosed_bracket(editor, "(", ")", end, 0)[0] &&
						 !this.unclosed_bracket(editor, "(", ")", end, 0, false)[0] &&
						 next_sym == ")") {
							return true;
						} else {
							return false;
				return false
			key: 'm',
			run: (): boolean => {
				const view = this.app.workspace.getActiveViewOfType(MarkdownView)
				if (!view) return false

				const editor  = view.editor
				if (!this.withinMath(editor)) return false
				const position = editor.getCursor();

				if (!this.settings.autoSumLimit_toggle) return;
				if (this.withinMath(editor)) {
					if (editor.getRange(
						{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch - 3 },
						{ line: position.line, ch: position.ch }) == '\\su') {
						return true;
				return false