@babel/types#arrayExpression TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @babel/types#arrayExpression. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: pathCompiler.ts    From engine with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
pathCompiler = (
  babel: typeof Babel,
  path: InvokablePath
): ArrayExpression => {
  const t = babel.types;
  const parts = path.map((x) => {
    let type = t.objectProperty(t.identifier("type"), t.stringLiteral(x.type));
    let value = t.objectProperty(t.identifier("ignored"), t.nullLiteral());
    if (x.type === ValueTypes.CONST) {
      let paramValue;
      if (x.value.__node__) {
        paramValue = x.value.__node__;
      } else {
        paramValue = t.stringLiteral(x.value.toString());
      value = t.objectProperty(t.identifier("value"), paramValue);
    } else if (
      x.type === ValueTypes.INTERNAL ||
      x.type === ValueTypes.EXTERNAL
    ) {
      const path = x.path.map((y: string) => t.stringLiteral(y));
      value = t.objectProperty(t.identifier("path"), t.arrayExpression(path));
    } else if (x.type === ValueTypes.INVOKE) {
      const path = x.path.map((y: string) => t.stringLiteral(y));
      value = t.objectProperty(t.identifier("path"), t.arrayExpression(path));
    return t.objectExpression([type, value]);
  const result = t.arrayExpression(parts);
  return result;
Example #2
Source File: pathCompiler.ts    From engine with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
pathCompiler = (path: InvokablePath): ArrayExpression => {
  const parts = path.map((x) => {
    let type = objectProperty(identifier("type"), stringLiteral(x.type));
    let value = objectProperty(identifier("ignored"), nullLiteral());
    if (x.type === ValueTypes.CONST) {
      let paramValue;
      if (x.value.__node__) {
        paramValue = x.value.__node__;
      } else {
        paramValue = stringLiteral(x.value.toString());
      value = objectProperty(identifier("value"), paramValue);
    } else if (
      x.type === ValueTypes.INTERNAL ||
      x.type === ValueTypes.EXTERNAL
    ) {
      const path = x.path.map((y: string) => stringLiteral(y));
      value = objectProperty(identifier("path"), arrayExpression(path));
    } else if (x.type === ValueTypes.INVOKE) {
      const path = x.path.map((y: string) => stringLiteral(y));
      value = objectProperty(identifier("path"), arrayExpression(path));
    return objectExpression([type, value]);
  const result = arrayExpression(parts);
  return result;
Example #3
Source File: jsx.ts    From react-optimized-image with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
getNumberedArrayAttribute = (path: NodePath<JSXElement>, attributeName: string): number[] | undefined => {
  const attribute = getAttribute(path, attributeName);

  if (attribute) {
    if (
      attribute.node.value &&
      attribute.node.value.type === 'JSXExpressionContainer' &&
      attribute.node.value.expression.type === 'ArrayExpression'
    ) {
      const values: number[] = [];

      attribute.node.value.expression.elements.forEach((element, i) => {
        if (element && element.type === 'NumericLiteral') {
        } else if (element) {
          // todo: better error message with link to docs when ready & create test for this error
          throw (((attribute.get('value') as NodePath<JSXExpressionContainer>).get('expression') as NodePath<
          >).get(`elements.${i}`) as NodePath).buildCodeFrameError('Only static number values are allowed');

      return values;

    // todo: better error message with link to docs when ready & create test for this error
    throw attribute.get('value').buildCodeFrameError('Only static array with number values is allowed');

  return undefined;
Example #4
Source File: webpackParser.ts    From react-native-decompiler with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private parseArray(file: File, ast: NodePath<ArrayExpression>, modules: Module[]): void {
    ast.get('elements').forEach((element, i) => {
      if (!element.isFunctionExpression()) return;
      if (element.node.body.body.length === 0) return;

      const dependencyValues: number[] = [];
      const requireIdentifer = element.node.params[2];
      if (isIdentifier(requireIdentifer)) {
          CallExpression: (dependencyPath) => {
            if (!isIdentifier(dependencyPath.node.callee) || !isNumericLiteral(dependencyPath.node.arguments[0])) return;
            if (dependencyPath.scope.bindingIdentifierEquals(dependencyPath.node.callee.name, requireIdentifer)) {
              dependencyValues[dependencyPath.node.arguments[0].value] = dependencyPath.node.arguments[0].value;

      const newModule = new Module(file, element, i, dependencyValues, this.PARAM_MAPPING);
      modules[i] = newModule;
Example #5
Source File: webpackParser.ts    From react-native-decompiler with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private parseArray(file: File, ast: NodePath<ArrayExpression>, modules: Module[]): void {
    ast.get('elements').forEach((element, i) => {
      if (!element.isFunctionExpression()) return;
      if (element.node.body.body.length === 0) return;

      const dependencyValues: number[] = [];
      const requireIdentifer = element.node.params[2];
      if (isIdentifier(requireIdentifer)) {
          CallExpression: (dependencyPath) => {
            if (!isIdentifier(dependencyPath.node.callee) || !isNumericLiteral(dependencyPath.node.arguments[0])) return;
            if (dependencyPath.scope.bindingIdentifierEquals(dependencyPath.node.callee.name, requireIdentifer)) {
              dependencyValues[dependencyPath.node.arguments[0].value] = dependencyPath.node.arguments[0].value;

      const newModule = new Module(file, element, i, dependencyValues, this.PARAM_MAPPING);
      modules[i] = newModule;
Example #6
Source File: funcOperationCompiler.ts    From engine with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
funcOperationCompiler = (op: FuncOperation): ObjectExpression => {
  const type = objectProperty(identifier("type"), stringLiteral(op.type));
  const paramsList = op.value.params.map((x) => {
    const type = objectProperty(identifier("type"), stringLiteral(x.type));
    const value = objectProperty(identifier("value"), stringLiteral("value"));
    return objectExpression([type, value]);
  const fn = objectProperty(identifier("fn"), stringLiteral("fn"));
  const paramsArray = arrayExpression(paramsList);
  const params = objectProperty(identifier("params"), paramsArray);
  const internal = objectExpression([params, fn]);
  const value = objectProperty(identifier("value"), internal);
  return objectExpression([type, value]);
Example #7
Source File: pathCompiler.ts    From engine with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
pathCompiler = (path: InvokablePath): ArrayExpression => {
  const parts = path.map((x) => {
    let type = objectProperty(identifier("type"), stringLiteral(x.type));
    let value = objectProperty(identifier("ignored"), nullLiteral());
    if (x.type === ValueTypes.CONST) {
      let paramValue;
      if (x.value.__node__) {
        paramValue = x.value.__node__;
      } else {
        paramValue = stringLiteral(x.value.toString());
      value = objectProperty(identifier("value"), paramValue);
    } else if (
      x.type === ValueTypes.INTERNAL ||
      x.type === ValueTypes.EXTERNAL
    ) {
      const path = x.path.map((y: string) => stringLiteral(y));
      value = objectProperty(identifier("path"), arrayExpression(path));
    } else if (x.type === ValueTypes.INVOKE) {
      const path = x.path.map((y: string) => stringLiteral(y));
      value = objectProperty(identifier("path"), arrayExpression(path));
    return objectExpression([type, value]);
  const result = arrayExpression(parts);
  return result;
Example #8
Source File: rawObjectCompiler.ts    From engine with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
rawObjectCompiler = (obj: any): ObjectExpression => {
  const props = Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, x) => {
    let val: any = obj[x];
    let result;
    if (isString(val)) {
      result = stringLiteral(val);
    } else if (typeof val === "number") {
      result = numericLiteral(toNumber(val));
    } else if (isArray(val)) {
      let list = val.map((x) => stringLiteral(x));
      result = arrayExpression(list);
    } else if (isPlainObject(val)) {
      result = rawObjectCompiler(val);
    } else {
      throw new Error("Meta type for " + val + " not supported");
    if (result) {
      acc.push(objectProperty(identifier(x), result));
    return acc;
  }, [] as ObjectProperty[]);

  return objectExpression(props);
Example #9
Source File: babel-polyfill.ts    From nota with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
arrayExpression = (
  elements: Array<null | Expression | SpreadElement>
): ArrayExpression => ({
  type: "ArrayExpression",
Example #10
Source File: valueOperationCompiler.ts    From engine with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
valueOperationCompiler = (
  op: ValueOperation
): ObjectExpression => {
  let value = objectProperty(identifier("path"), stringLiteral("___"));
  const type = objectProperty(identifier("type"), stringLiteral(op.type));
  if (op.value.type === ValueTypes.CONST) {
    const val = op.value.value;

    let valType;
    if (val && val.__node__) {
      valType = val.__node__;
    } else if (typeof val === "string") {
      valType = stringLiteral(val);
    } else if (typeof val === "number") {
      valType = numericLiteral(val);
    } else if (typeof val === "boolean") {
      valType = booleanLiteral(val);
    } else {
      throw new Error("Value type not supported yet: " + typeof val);

    value = objectProperty(
        objectProperty(identifier("type"), stringLiteral(ValueTypes.CONST)),
        objectProperty(identifier("value"), valType),
  } else if (
    op.value.type === ValueTypes.EXTERNAL ||
    op.value.type === ValueTypes.INTERNAL
  ) {
    const path = arrayExpression(op.value.path.map((x) => stringLiteral(x)));
    value = objectProperty(
        objectProperty(identifier("type"), stringLiteral(op.value.type)),
        objectProperty(identifier("path"), path),
  return objectExpression([type, value]);
Example #11
Source File: add-exports-array.ts    From mpflow with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * 向配置文件如
 * module.exports = { plugins: [] }
 * 中的 plugins 添加插件信息
export default function (api: typeof babel, options: Options): PluginObj {
  const { types: t, template } = api
  const { fieldName, items } = options

  let pluginsArrayExpression: NodePath<ArrayExpression> | null

  if (!fieldName || !items || !items.length)
    return {
      name: 'add-exports-array',
      visitor: {},

  return {
    name: 'add-exports-array',
    pre() {
      pluginsArrayExpression = null
    visitor: {
      AssignmentExpression(p) {
        // 寻找 module.exports = { plugins: [] }
        if (
              m.memberExpression(m.identifier('module'), m.identifier('exports')),

        const objectExpression = p.get('right') as NodePath<ObjectExpression>
        const properties = objectExpression.get('properties')

        properties.forEach(property => {
          if (
              .objectProperty(m.or(m.stringLiteral(fieldName), m.identifier(fieldName)), m.arrayExpression())

          pluginsArrayExpression = property.get('value') as NodePath<ArrayExpression>
      Program: {
        exit(p) {
          if (!pluginsArrayExpression) {
            // 如果找不到 module.exports = { plugins: [] }
            // 则在末尾加一句 exports.plugins = (exports.plugins || []).concat([])
            const statement = template.statement(`
              exports.FIELD_NAME = (exports.FIELD_NAME || []).concat([]);
              FIELD_NAME: t.identifier(fieldName),
            const [statementPath] = p.pushContainer('body', statement)
            pluginsArrayExpression = statementPath.get('expression.right.arguments.0') as NodePath<ArrayExpression>
          const targetArray = pluginsArrayExpression
          // 添加 item
          items.forEach(item => {
            const [pluginName, option] = Array.isArray(item) ? item : [item]
            if (!option) {
              targetArray.pushContainer('elements', t.stringLiteral(pluginName))
            } else {
                t.arrayExpression([t.stringLiteral(pluginName), template.expression(JSON.stringify(option))()]),