@apollo/client/core#NextLink TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @apollo/client/core#NextLink. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: SentryLink.ts    From apollo-link-sentry with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
    operation: Operation,
    forward: NextLink,
  ): Observable<FetchResult> | null {
    const options = this.options;

    if (!(options.shouldHandleOperation?.(operation) ?? true)) {
      return forward(operation);

    if (options.setTransaction) {

    if (options.setFingerprint) {

    const attachBreadcrumbs = options.attachBreadcrumbs;
    const breadcrumb = attachBreadcrumbs
      ? makeBreadcrumb(operation, options)
      : undefined;

    // While this could be done more simplistically by simply subscribing,
    // wrapping the observer in our own observer ensures we get the results
    // before they are passed along to other observers. This guarantees we
    // get to run our instrumentation before others observers potentially
    // throw and thus flush the results to Sentry.
    return new Observable<FetchResult>((originalObserver) => {
      const subscription = forward(operation).subscribe({
        next: (result) => {
          if (attachBreadcrumbs) {
            // We must have a breadcrumb if attachBreadcrumbs was set
            (breadcrumb as GraphQLBreadcrumb).level = severityForResult(result);

            if (attachBreadcrumbs.includeFetchResult) {
              // We must have a breadcrumb if attachBreadcrumbs was set
              (breadcrumb as GraphQLBreadcrumb).data.fetchResult = result;

            if (
              attachBreadcrumbs.includeError &&
              result.errors &&
              result.errors.length > 0
            ) {
              // We must have a breadcrumb if attachBreadcrumbs was set
              (breadcrumb as GraphQLBreadcrumb).data.error = new ApolloError({
                graphQLErrors: result.errors,

        complete: () => {
          if (attachBreadcrumbs) {
              // We must have a breadcrumb if attachBreadcrumbs was set
              breadcrumb as GraphQLBreadcrumb,

        error: (error) => {
          if (attachBreadcrumbs) {
            // We must have a breadcrumb if attachBreadcrumbs was set
            (breadcrumb as GraphQLBreadcrumb).level = Severity.Error;

            let scrubbedError;
            if (isServerError(error)) {
              const { result, response, ...rest } = error;
              scrubbedError = rest;

              if (attachBreadcrumbs.includeFetchResult) {
                // We must have a breadcrumb if attachBreadcrumbs was set
                (breadcrumb as GraphQLBreadcrumb).data.fetchResult = result;
            } else {
              scrubbedError = error;

            if (attachBreadcrumbs.includeError) {
              // We must have a breadcrumb if attachBreadcrumbs was set
              (breadcrumb as GraphQLBreadcrumb).data.error = scrubbedError;

              // We must have a breadcrumb if attachBreadcrumbs was set
              breadcrumb as GraphQLBreadcrumb,


      return () => {